Sunday, June 28, 2015

Scene 4: The Imperial Palace

Age of Succession, 7217 IC 
Month of The Cherry Blossom
First Day of Spring
About half-past the sixth hour of the morning
Chilly but sunny with clearing skies

Morimoto finally reaches the outer walls of the imperial estate. The closer he traveled to the heart of the city, the more its citizens seemed to be in a chaotic clamor. Most people actually seem to be overwhelmed with disbelief, but other groups (fewer in number, yet ten times as loud) seem to be stirring up unrest and panic in a variety of ways. Some seem to be religious or political rabble-rousers who are visibly shaken by yesterday's tragic events. Some are even spreading stories of the Jade Regent returning to power. Others believe that Minkai itself will soon fall since the line of emperors is now spent with the death of the last Amatatsu. 

The gates leading into the imperial grounds are closed off as tightly as they would be during a siege. Kondo's imperial guardsmen stationed outside the gates and along the walls. They are ready for anything, but try to project the appearance of being assembled in a display honoring the empress' passing. They stand as still as statues, but are not arrayed in ceremonial armor & weapons. In front of them, closer to the chaos in the streets, are Osawa's city guard. The governor employs them as a police force of sorts. They are much more active, trying to keep some semblance of order so close to the palace.

Shortly after his arrival, Morimoto sees a group of horsemen trying to wind their way through the throngs. It is more of the provincial police along with Osawa Shunjei himself. The governor is also surrounded by several members of his own household guard. He is doing his best to part the masses of people so he may reach the gates. He tries to exude an air of quiet yet commanding authority, but it is not difficult to see that he is a tad overwhelmed by the whole situation.

He and his entourage are about to ride right past Morimoto...