Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Scene 2: Temple of the Sun's Blade

Age of Succession, 7216 IC
Month of The Sea Dragon
Last Day of Winter
Past the Seventh Hour of the Evening
Cold with Intermittent Rain (visibility reduced 1/2, Perception checks & ranged attacks -4, protected flames extinguished 50%)

 Hojo welcomes the venerable Minoru and the haunting samsaran priestess, Megumi. Neither is talkative, but the latter seems especially shaken by this day's events. The high priest pats Megumi's arm gently, and then passes in through the double doors with some assistance from the sohei flanking the doorway.

Inside, Morimoto sees the robed man slowly make his way across the vast sanctuary. Ameiko still screams & writhes in pain, but before Minoru can complete his journey, the empress suddenly falls silent. There are gasps heard throughout the temple, and Minoru rushes as fast as his old bones can carry him to the dais.

One of the priests rises from Ameiko's side and moves towards Minoru. There are words whispered between them, but it is difficult to make out. The cavernous structure seems to swallow sound. Other priests remain with the empress, gently wiping a damp cloth across her brow and otherwise trying to make her feel comfortable. Whether this is to honor the dead or to treat a patient, Moto cannot tell.

Back outside, Kondo arrives at the compound leading the procession in through the temple gates.

OOC: Morimoto -- You may attempt a Perception check.

The rest of you can role-play as you see fit. The battle between Takeru & the assassin is still raging across the city. But that will be concluded in another thread.