Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Scene 2: Temple of the Sun's Blade

Age of Succession, 7216 IC
Month of The Sea Dragon
Last Day of Winter
Past the Seventh Hour of the Evening
Cold with Intermittent Rain (visibility reduced 1/2, Perception checks & ranged attacks -4, protected flames extinguished 50%)

 Hojo welcomes the venerable Minoru and the haunting samsaran priestess, Megumi. Neither is talkative, but the latter seems especially shaken by this day's events. The high priest pats Megumi's arm gently, and then passes in through the double doors with some assistance from the sohei flanking the doorway.

Inside, Morimoto sees the robed man slowly make his way across the vast sanctuary. Ameiko still screams & writhes in pain, but before Minoru can complete his journey, the empress suddenly falls silent. There are gasps heard throughout the temple, and Minoru rushes as fast as his old bones can carry him to the dais.

One of the priests rises from Ameiko's side and moves towards Minoru. There are words whispered between them, but it is difficult to make out. The cavernous structure seems to swallow sound. Other priests remain with the empress, gently wiping a damp cloth across her brow and otherwise trying to make her feel comfortable. Whether this is to honor the dead or to treat a patient, Moto cannot tell.

Back outside, Kondo arrives at the compound leading the procession in through the temple gates.

OOC: Morimoto -- You may attempt a Perception check.

The rest of you can role-play as you see fit. The battle between Takeru & the assassin is still raging across the city. But that will be concluded in another thread.


  1. OOC: Perception roll is 15+4 = 19.

    Moto feels... lost. His attempts to out the mastermind were unsuccessful. He blames his own lack of skill and impertinence. Suddenly he wishes he did not come to the Temple - what could an adolescent Bard hope to accomplish in such a place. It feels at the same time congested and ungainly, like a kabuto that is much too large, and lets the rain pour through the hole to drown the wearer. Also, his view from the rafters keeps him "out of the way" per the samurai's advisement, but give him none of the information he needs.

    But what if he knew what was going on? Morimoto is no healer. He's no more than a boy with a silver tongue, and what good is that in such situations as this? His heart hurts for his dying Empress, and he feels completely powerless to do anything at all.

    When Hamada arrives, Moto waits for the old man to be briefed on the condition of the Empress and see what he must see, then goes to speak with him again.

    "Hamada-sama, you claim to be too old, but that is foolishness! I have a terrible feeling about who may have committed this horrific act, and I must confide my suspicions. May we speak privately?"

    Assuming Hamada allows, Moto replays the facts of the assassination attempt and then draws the logical conclusions. "Therefore, whoever contracted the assassin would have been sufficiently wealthy and of high status, and have the most to gain for taking such an enormous risk. Almost certainly the mastermind would be in attendance at the Funeral. Please, Hamada, dissuade me from this line of thought by your wisdom, for I dare not say the name which comes foremost to mind lest all these points be agreed."

  2. Like a shadow, Morimoto exits the colossal temple sanctuary, and finds his way back to the open flagstone court outside the great golden doors. He sees that the great procession has arrived and Kondo is busy directing elite imperial guardsmen to strategic positions throughout the compound. The kitsune was fortunate to have slipped in and out before they arrived.

    Hojo is giving the hulking captain his report as the leader of the sohei stands nearby. Hamada is seated on a a carved stone bench some distance away. His wrinkled hands are resting on the pommel of his sheathed katana. When Morimoto approaches him, he looks up and gives a small nod.

    The old samurai listens politely to the young man, then pauses thoughtfully. "Before you accuse anyone, my young friend -- particularly a person of wealth & status -- know that your fortunate aquaintance with the empress may not last through the night. I believe your motives are noble, but they will do little good if you offend the wrong person, regardless of whether they are innocent or guilty. You have lived at court for several years now. Surely you understand how precious the nobility holds their honor. Beware your words do not blemish the name of a powerful enemy. Ameiko might not be able to protect you."

    He looks about for a few moments, catching his breath. "Consider what proof do you have. For that is what you must depend upon, not suspicions."

    OOC: Megumi may enter the temple if she wishes.

  3. Moto bows low to the venerable general. "May Yaezhing find favor in us, Hamada-sama. Forgive my rash nature, and thank you for your guidance. I pray I gain wisdom from these exchanges and I will refrain from making accusations that cannot be supported with evidence.

    "As I am unschooled in such matters, tell me, old friend, what will happen next if the Empress should not survive?"

  4. Hojo's ears perk some to pay close attention to the answer.

    OOC: posting to show I'm alive and to follow this thread closer, not much for me to do now save for follow orders of a higher ranking samurai and help where I'm needed.

  5. Hamada hesitates, but then answers gravely as his eyes meet Morimoto's, "it would take all of our strength to keep the empire from falling into chaos. The royal bloodlines would be utterly spent." Moto has heard Ameiko speak of a half-brother, but not lovingly. In any case, he is halfway around the world and likely confined to a dungeon for the rest of his life. "But that is what the Five Storms had planned all along when they inserted the Jade Regent on the throne."

    Rumor has it that the Five Storms are agents of the oni shogunate from across the Xidao Gulf. They tracked down and killed all of the royal houses before arranging the previous emperor's "disappearance." Ameiko and her heroic companions crippled their ranks, but it is not known if they are completely destroyed.

    Elsewhere around the compound, Kondo is sending his own imperial guard to strategic stations around the temple to reinforce the sohei who are already on alert for any further threat. Hojo and Megumi are mostly ignored amongst all the activity.

    OOC: To overhear the conversation between Morimoto and Hamada, you would need to roll a killer Perception check.

  6. OOC: Ahh, missed it the first time around ("Hamada is seated on a a carved stone bench some distance away. ").

    In that case, no ears perking and now listening in (no noticing at all, for grins I rolled anyway and got a natural 1...).

    BIC: Hojo's role in this is tale is nearly complete. To be sure of this, he seeks out Kondo, who has clearly assumed command, to offer his assistance. If his assistance is not needed, he seeks out his mount, Taiki, for a little relaxation.

    1. It would seem my ability to pay attention is really lacking...I am already talking with Kondo. Doesn't change my plan of asking if I can be of any further assistance.

  7. Minutes seem to pass like days. There is so much activity around the compound, but Hojo & Megumi feel invisible amidst it all. The young samurai heads towards the stable to check on Taiki, who went far beyond the call of duty tonight.

    The priestess bows her head before the great doors to the inner sanctum. She tries to focus her mind on prayers for the empress, but her thoughts invariably wander to the startling vision she experienced within the cemetery. What does it it mean, and will it visit her again? It frightened her, but yet, she wishes to see it once again -- if only to understand it better.

    Morimoto continues to speak with the venerable lord, but suddenly the massive temple doors begin to creak slowly open. Once they are wide enough to let a person pass through, the creaking ceases. A ghostly white figure appears there, head bowed.

    Megumi looks up and sees her master, Kaeda Minoru, lift his wrinkled eyes up to meet her own. He says to her quietly, "swiftly, my child, the Tokugawa who carried the empress on his horse... find him and bring him here quickly. He is needed, as are you."

    The old high priest glances across the courtyard and he notices Morimoto seated some distance away. Minoru motions for the young minstrel to come closer...

  8. Morimoto approaches the narrow gap in the doorway. Minoru looks up at him with weary eyes and whispers, "Shizuru has smiled upon us this night. Her light shines even in the darkness. The empress has requested your presence personally." The old priest steps out of the way to allow the kitsune enter the inner sanctum of the great temple.

    Meanwhile, Megumi has rushed off to find Hojo who departed for the stables just a short time ago.

  9. Moto rushes past the old man, fighting his way through the priests to the Empress' side. He leans over her, his face close to his.

    "I am here, Empress," he says.

  10. Morimoto leans over the figure lying in regal robes upon the dais. Priests surround him as he looks into the still features. It is dim within the temple, but the kitsune have keener eyes in the dark than humans, born from living within the deep Forest of Spirits. There is something definitely different about Ameiko's face -- could it be a result of the rigors she endured from the last few hours? The cheeks are not as rounded, her chin seems longer...

    "Well, I knew you might detect the ruse," comes a familiar voice from behind Morimoto. The woman on the floor dressed in bejewelled silks suddenly opens up her eyes. They are dark brown, unlike Ameiko's. Morimoto spins his head around and sees his empress standing behind him wrapped in the white robes of an acolyte of Shizuru. She leans weakly upon another priestess who stands closely by her side.

    "I sent for two others... has my untimely death already caused my commands to become ignored?" This is the true empress. Only Ameiko could have such a sense of humor in these dire circumstances. "Bring the horseman and the samsaran quickly. If my enemies are to be convinced of my demise, we cannot delay."

    Morimoto tries to repress a laugh, but still grins has he nods and rises. With a quick bow, he heads towards the great double doors, but sees three figures already headed towards him. Two sohei with naginata shut and bar the entrance to the inner sanctum. As the trio draws closer, Morimoto can see that Hojo Tokugawa, Megumi -- the blue-skinned priestess -- and high priest Minoru are there. They bow and take their places with Morimoto.

    Ameiko slowly makes her way (with assistance) to the top tier of the dais and sits down. The woman who is dressed in the imperial garb gets to her feet and stands next to Ameiko. With some effort, the empress is able to lift her head and speak. "Whoever is responsible for this attack must think they have succeeded... at least for a while. This is Chiyo," she says motioning to her double. "Minoru has informed me that she looks very much like a certain ruler. Let us hope more than just he believes this. I have called the three of you here because I trust you. I pray I have not placed my faith in you too hastily. I do not know who has attempted this assault on me, but I am looking to each of you to find out. I want clues, information, anything that might point to who the perpetrators are. And I want it collected discreetly. If word spreads that I am dead, it may draw out my enemies and help to solve this mystery. But if your investigations are clumsy, they may sniff out the charade and cause them to retreat deeper into the shadows."

    Ameiko takes a breath and lowers her head. She may live, but the poison has taken a great toll on her body. After a few moments, she raises her head again and asks, "the dart... did anyone recover it? If we can identify the toxin, it may give you an idea of where to begin. I have a clan of ninja that have been paid very handsomely to prevent just this sort of thing from happening. They may still be of some use, however, if you can make contact with a member of their organization. See if you can set up a meeting with the Black Lotus. They are experts in poisons of all sorts."

    After another pause, Ameiko says, "I will stay here to recover my strength while my alter ego returns to the palace. Hopefully prying eyes will take notice and then we'll see what moves my enemies will make. It's terribly risky, of course, but they cast the first die. Now it's our turn, but we need more information before we can take more decisive action. That's where I need you."

    With that, the empress slumps to one side. Chiyo crouches down to catch her.

    Minoru steps forward and says, "we will protect the empress here. But we may not be able to do it for very long, especially if the enemy realizes that they have not succeeded. Please hurry. If you need to report your findings, return here. But discretion is critical. You must be careful."

  11. "We will do as you instruct, My Lady. It is good to see you well, I fear horses were not meant to fly, but we came pretty close today." Hojo then bows deeply to the Empress.

    "Morimoto, this is a most delicate situation, will you help me to address the Imperial Guards and inform them of the passing of the Empress? We should not speak of successors, for now is not the time, we should speak only of the darkness of the day and the courage we must have to face tomorrow. I would then like to call for volunteers to join us in one more processional, leading Madam Chiyo to the Palace. We should allow the great sohai to guard the temple."

    "Megumi, I know nothing of poisons or their use, nor of the Black Lotus. Could you gather what information you can and see what you can learn? This task may need the most interaction at the temple, your constant coming and going will be far less suspicious."

    OOC: I've learned this time: how far is it to the palace? Essentially wondering if this will be a funeral cart pulled by a horse with a number of people in step, or if we should all be mounted. I also have given thought to speaking with Chiyo, asking if she is up for the ride or if she would like a sleeping tonic to make the trip easier. It may also be good to find some tulle (or equivalent) to drape over Chiyo, such that her features are visible but obscured, yet she will still be able to breathe.

  12. OOC: I'm lost. Who is the Tokugawa who carried the empress on his horse? Is that Kaster?

    Megumi does as Minoru instructs and takes leave to find the Tokugawa. After which, she heads to the temple to look for a library, local healer, or sage to learn more about the poison used on the Empress and about the Black Lotus.

    OOC: Please let me know what checks I have to make.

    1. Yup, I'm that Tokugawa, and you've already found me :)

  13. Ameiko smiles weakly at Hojo and does her best to sit up & compose herself. "The journey to the palace has already been arranged, but I appreciate your initiative. You'll definitely need it before your task is done. The route that will be taken and the appearance we wish to project is very specific. We'll see who this stirs up."

    She suddenly looks very seriously at Morimoto, Megumi, and Hojo and says, "until we know better what we are dealing with, I would not leave each others' sides. Moto already knows this, but before I was empress, I was an adventurer in a distant land called Avistan. If there is one thing I learned... your companions are the difference between success & failure, life & death. Stick together unless it becomes absolutely necessary."

    Minoru offers some advice of his own. "This temple has extensive libraries. Megumi can take you. With all of you working together, you'll be able to research much more in less time. Gathering what knowledge you can in the archives is very wise, but other avenues of investigation may lie beyond the temple walls. Exhaust what you can here first."

    OOC: See if this link works... it's a map of Kasai with the cemetery, temple & palace labeled:


    When we first began, I had the compass directions screwed up. I have, in my more recent posts, corrected this. But, just so you don't make the same mistake, know that the top of the map is north (as it ought to be).

  14. OOC: Skill checks that would be appropriate for research in the library would be:

    - Craft (alchemy)
    - Heal
    - Knowledge (arcana)
    - Knowledge (nature)
    - Profession (herbalist)
    - Profession (librarian)
    - Survival

    If none of these are very high for you, you may attempt a straight Perception check. Pick just one for now and tell me the result.

  15. Hojo listens to the rest of the Empress' words intently and silently, feeling embarrassed by his 'eager puppy' behavior. When she is finished and we head to the library, Hojo feels very unhelpful, as he is not known for his ability to learn from books. He does what he can, but mostly tries to stay out of the way of others who likely know what they are doing.

    OOC: I'm unskilled in every one, with my highest bonus being +0. I'll roll perception with a score of 7. I'd prefer using my knowledge of history and nobility to learn when these types of deaths have happened before, who it happened to, and who was responsible (knowledge history +1, knowledge nobility +5 (+6 if local)). Figure it's worth a shot.

  16. The overwhelming joy Morimoto experiences at the Empress' tenacious thirst for life is soon chilled by the daunting idea of scouring a library for clues. The young man knows his limitations.

    In court-dimplomatic style, he calls upon Minoru and the priesthood for assistance identifying specific entires pertinent to the Empress' wishes.

    OOC: Diplomacy role: 6+10 = 16.

    BIC: Meanwhile, we need to say something to everyone outside. What is the message and who will deliver it?

  17. The priests do their best to assist Morimoto as best they can, but with their own daunting responsibilities to concern themselves with, they are only able to lend a few bits of advice. They cannot accompany the minstrel to the archives.

    The great temple chamber is a hive of activity. Minoru is already on his way to announce that the empress will immediately be taken to the palace. The sohei open the mighty gates to permit him to exit.

    OOC: As I e-mailed you, Kaster, your suggestions are acceptable. They might not yield as much info as the other options, but we'll see how you roll. You might get lucky. Thus far, it seems you are the only one headed to the library, so I hope you get really lucky.

  18. Morimoto huffs. The tidal wave of emotions of the past hour have him completely spent for any kind of academic activity which he accepts is not his kind of thing. The bard slips quietly out to hear the announcement and witness the reaction from the crowd, looking for anyone who seems disappointed rather than elated - the kind of information he is better suited to acquire.

    OOC: Perception role = 14

  19. OOC: In case I also need to sneak through the open gate, Stealth roll: 7+5 = 12, and in case that fails Moto attempts totalk his way through: Diplomacy roll: 8 + 8 = 16.

  20. Hojo starts cracking open books, looking first at family memoirs and records of local nobility, hoping to find instances of unexplained or untimely deaths that were either health related, poison related, or simply unknown. Any poison related deaths would be looked into as for the type of poison, and health related to see if they have similar signs as he just recently saw on the Empress. This search would be expanded to regional nobility if necessary

    OOC: This search had a roll of 19+5(6) = 24(25) for nobility (local). I include local separately as I may need to broaden my search to regional, depending on how large of an operation this is that committed this crime.

    BIC: Provided nothing obvious comes from this research, Hojo will take the top 5 closest incidents and follow up on them as best as he can with a simple historical search around the time of the poisonous or unexplained death to double check the accuracy of the memoir or family record.

    OOC: not expecting much here unless it is followed by a success of the first check, but the roll is 7+1=8 (can I roll a knowledge check I do not have ranks in? It is a class skill...)

  21. With his weary head bowed, Minoru stands before the assembled samurai, priests, sohei, and other subjects to relate the devastating news. Only silence sweeps over the crowd gathered on the courtyard. One by one, they begin to drop to their knees. Morimoto can see Hamada to his right, visibly weeping.

    The aged priest speaks with Kondo briefly. The gargantuan samurai nods stoically and then begins to assemble a group of hand-picked imperial guards to guide the empress on her final journey home. As Morimoto looks on -- despite the fact that he knows the truth -- he cannot help but feel very moved. The proceedings are difficult to watch.

    Deep within the temple, Hojo tries his best to make sense of the organization of the archives. Megumi is around somewhere, but the place is a veritable labyrinth. The young samurai sticks to what he knows -- the noble bloodlines of warrior houses. The history of Minkai is filled with intrigue and assassination. Frequently poisons of all sorts were used to bring about regime changes and even to settle disputes between siblings when inheritance of power & wealth was at stake.

    In nearly every instance, the reports are mostly rumor with very little verifiable fact. This is probably due to the fact that most killings were performed by the shadowy ninja clans. Allegedly, the clan most adept in poisons has been the Black Lotus. The same organization in the employ of the empress to provide security.

    Of the details (sketchy as they may be) that describe the effects of various toxins used, none come close to what Hojo saw: immediate incapacitation, black lines rapidly spreading across the skin, and extreme respiratory difficulties. It is the latter, Hojo assumes, that would have led to Ameiko's death has he been only a few seconds or minutes slower.

    OOC: Local would be a separate roll, but excellent job on nobility.

    Poison is definitely a popular weapon in Minkai, despite the extreme dishonor in its use. The ninja, who have fewer qualms about honor, are most likely to use it. But you see no evidence of this particular substance being used previously. Its effects are very distinctive.

    If anyone else wishes to perform some research, feel free to make rolls.

  22. OOC: Perception roll scanning crowd reactions = 9. I suppose no bonuses because it is night? What time of the evening is it getting to be?

  23. Megumi assists Hojo in his research.

    Heal Check = 13 + 3 = 6
    Knowledge (History) Check = 9 + 6 = 15
    Knowledge (Nobility) Check = 20 + 6 = 26 (YATTA!)

  24. The crowd outside the temple seems only saddened, but few appear truly surprised. When instructions are given as to the care of Ameiko's earthly remains, everyone seems to focus themselves and fulfill their duties admirably.

    Within the archives, Megumi finds much the same information as Hojo has in regards to finding evidence of such a toxin being used during previous regimes. Very little.

    However, in her studies of regional history, there is mention of something called "black talon" which possess the "swift grip of death" over a victim. There is very little detail, but the priestess feels the context and grim way it is described to be reminiscent of what the empress was exposed to. Megumi would guess that it is not something produced in Minkai.

    OOC: It is the middle of the night. The researchers may attempt more rolls if they wish (and Morimoto may join them), but each roll consumes about an hour or two (depending on how good a roll it is). Otherwise, you could try to redirect your investigation elsewhere.

    You are all tired, but still determined to find some answers. You have little to go on thus far, but there may be other avenues to consider.

  25. While Hojo enjoyed reading up on Nobility, he does not find it terribly helpful for the task at hand. He does not want to delay (or miss) the walk to the palace, and feels that meeting up with the Empress' contact will be a quicker way to understand what poison may have been used or who may have used it. With this in mind, he checks in with Minoru for orders, and prepares Taiki (to either follow nearby or ride, depending on Minoru's orders).

  26. Assuming Morimoto spots Hojo leave the temple, he reminds the warrior of the Empress' wish for us to stick together with Megumi.

    Having issued the reminder, it would seem that at least Morimoto would appear conspicuously absent were he not in the procession. He hurries to fetch Megumi so the three of us can stay connected.

  27. Time has passed within the archives amazingly swiftly. Hours have passed by the time Hojo realizes it. He heads to the main temple to find the place nearly empty. The procession departed quite some time ago. In fact, word has reached the temple that the false empress arrived at the imperial palace without incident. Minoru is nowhere to be found.

    The young samurai meets Morimoto in the compound and the musician tells him that it is best they keep together as Ameiko advised. This reminds Hojo that the unearthly priestess Megumi is still somewhere within the libraries. He had lost track of her. She was headed to a different section of the archives to continue her research. For a while, they were both in the genealogies of the noble families of Minkai, but she left that area perhaps an hour ago or more.

  28. OOC: Wait, what? Where is Morimoto? What is the "compound?" Why were we not able to organize and go with the procession? If there's something really, really important in that Library it would be great if it fell off a shelf and hit one of us. Morimoto can't read (but he has a great ear for music) so he's not too interested in hanging around the Temple for hours. If Hojo and Megumi could not be quickly found he would have forgotten about them in favor of attending the procession.

  29. OOC: I'm staying in the Library. I would have told the others to go on ahead.

    Heal Check = 17 + 3 = 20
    Knowledge (History) Check = 3 + 6 = 9
    Knowledge (Nobility) Check = 8 + 6 = 14

  30. Megumi is lost within the vast volumes of scrolls. The information she discovered regarding this "black talon" was vague at best. Her search takes her to explore medicine next (a practice in which Minkai is one of the most advanced in the entire world).

    While most serious injury is treated with divine power these days, there have always been those who have had such resources unavailable to them. As a result, there has been a evolving discipline of medicine to attempt to accomplish the same miracles that the conduits of the divine are able to. There is an enormous catalog of various ailments & their treatments found in the archives.

    Apparently, the toxin used on the empress was traveling through her body via the bloodstream, slowly turning her veins black in the process. Perhaps this is where the name "black talon" comes from... her veins certainly resembled the splayed-out claws of a bird as the poison began to work its way through her body.

    Megumi notices that the techniques of medicine and poison have advanced together through the ages. They are kin to each other. Magic is used to take life and give it. Science, too, can be used in this way. It just seems much more complicated...

    The priestess does feel encouraged, however, that she is on the right track.

    OOC: Megumi -- You may continue your research, but please give me a Perception check, too.

    The compound is the structure surrounding the temple. Morimoto was checking to notice everyone's reactions to hearing the news of the empress' death (which he did). He may accompany the procession if you wish, but remember that Morimoto just reminded Hojo that you're all supposed to stick together (under Ameiko's advice)

    The research in the library takes hours to accomplish (there's no Dewey decimal system or card catalog). The false empress left the temple long before the researchers found anything of consequence. This was by design. You've all be asked to discover who may have been behind the attempt on Ameiko's life. The journey to the palace was separate from this.

    But each of you may do what you like. The research in the library was just one possibility that Minoru suggested. There's other ways the three characters can go (I hesitate to call you a "party" yet).

    Did that link to the map of Kasai work?

  31. Based on the enormity of the archives and his own incompatability with the written word, Morimoto decides his talents are better applied elsewhere. Certainly the Empress would not rather he did nothing just to stay with Hojo and Megumi. Instead, the young bard waits for the procession to depart the compound and then sneaks back to the cemetery. (Stealth roll: 12 + 5 = 17)

    Recalling the ninja that burst from the tree, Moto, attempts to track the assailant. Realizing no ninja worth his salt would leave obvious tracks and the trail is likely cold, he uses his ears more than his eyes, straining his hearing to pick up any sign of disturbance where the ninja may have mis-stepped and alerted the public or passers-by. (Perception roll: 14)

    OOC: If timelines are way out of whack he will still try to find anyone who may have witnessed a shadowy figure leaving the cemetery or proceeding through the docks. I realize this feels like meta-gaming but it also seems like a plausible course of action for a fox.

  32. OOC: Presumably I had not run into Morimoto? If this is the case, I will turn my attention to learning of the Black Lotus (and how to contact them discretely), as well as locating the dart (as I have long missed my chance to join the procession). I will start with resources within the temple, including both those who are wandering about and even the library itself if necessary. I'd like to not bother the empress as she needs her rest. In an attempt to locate the dart, I shall also inquire about the location of those who were present during that fateful moment. Should it come up, I will explain that my honor requires I seek revenge for the death of the empress (a partial lie, but 18+0 bluff should do the trick). Even in the temple I shall not let my guard down. If nothing else it will be good practice for when I leave the temple walls (I'll probably get my first point of bluff with my next level, will probably come in handy...). Once I have collected the information I seek, it will be time to search out Megumi and Morimoto.

  33. Both Hojo and Morimoto (though not together at the moment) recall the tiny metal dart that the empress pulled from her neck & tossed to the ground in the cemetery. Morimoto even briefly held it in his hand -- it had yellow tassels opposite the pointed end. Immediately after the attack, Taki, Hamada, Minoru, Morimoto, and Megumi were nearest the empress.

    Morimoto attempts to sneak out of the temple to go investigate the cemetery. The sohei are on high alert, however, and sneaking about only arouses their suspicions. After some explanation, they allow the minstrel to leave freely through the main gate.

    Meanwhile, Hojo tries to find some information about the Black Lotus -- both from the archives and from speaking with the few remaining priests at the temple. Most of what they know is rumor, though they all have heard that the clan was in the employ of the empress. They are masters of poison, but little information about them can be found in the library.

    Later, Morimoto returns to the cemetery. The maples shroud the scene of the attack in near-pitch blackness. Thankfully, the kitsune has sharper eyes than a human in such conditions. The gravesite is now very quiet. He begins to circumnavigate the area, looking for signs of the ninja's departure. Visible in the darkness are traces of a white powdery substance scattered around the base of a particularly large tree.

    Suddenly, Morimoto is startled to hear a soft, shuffling sound behind him. He spins around to see a small figure at the gravesite apparently sweeping shards of glass off the stone slab where the drunk samurai collapsed earlier.

  34. "With respect, caretaker," Moto offers as he approcahes the lone figure. "May I take a moment to examine this area more thoroughly before you complete your duty?" Assuming no confrontation, Moto collects a couple of the less-dangerous looking glass fragments, tearing a swath from his shirt to handle the shards without risk of cutting himself. He smells them briefly, expecting alcohol but leery of other possibilities. As Hamada suggested, evidence is critical, but evidence can lead in unexpected directions.

    "Thank you," he bows to the caretaker. "May I also ask that you do not disturb the grounds here, leaving any apparent damage to the flowers until mid-day tomorrow so I may see them in the light of morning. Thank you." Again, assuming no problems, "May I ask, were you able to observe the attempt on the Empress' life earlier today?" If so, "Were you witness to the assassin's retreat?" Followed by a general interview of what the caretaker saw.

  35. The old woman turns to Morimoto as if she only just noticed him. She holds onto the knotted handle of her broom and nods wordlessly. She steps aside as the kitsune completes his work.

    He acquires a few small bits of glass, sticky from dried brew. It is likely nihonshu or perhaps something stronger, but it is difficult to tell.

    When asked about the assassination attempt, the woman nods again. She raises a quivering finger pointed towards the southwest. "A masked man fled through the treetops and another fellow gave pursuit immediately. The second man was not a guest at the funeral. Once the imperial guard knew something was wrong, several samurai fanned out into the cemetery, as well."

    Meanwhile, Hojo has little luck in interviewing people around the temple. Anyone who was at the funeral do not seem to be present. Most of them, presumably, have some role to play in the aftermath of the attack. There are priests about and sohei, but they know little of what the young samurai is interested in. Most knowledge of the Lotus is rumor.

    Megumi continues searching through the archives...

  36. "Surely, caretaker, you are not stating by omission that the first man, the masked man who is likely the assassin, was actually invited to the funeral, are you? Were you here before the arrival of the guests, and did you see the masked figure arrive? What are you witholding?"

    Diplomacy roll: 9 + 8 = 17.

  37. Hojo, realizing he hasn't had much real success, begins searching out his chosen companions within the temple to see if they had any more luck, and to begin making plans for contacting the black lotus.

  38. The old woman's demeanor does not change. She replies, "I arrived with the empress, as I am the head of her household servants... well, the only servant now. I have been, until tonight, been far from her side for five years."

    She continues to sweep debris away from the stone slab. "The only thing I would state is that a guest of the funeral would neither be wearing a mask nor attending the event from the branch of a tree. Unless there were birds on the guest list. Come to think of it, I thought I heard a nightingale singing..."

    Back at the temple, Hojo happens to notice a man of average build and plain-looking clothes wandering about the compound. He is neither a member of the priesthood nor one of the warrior-monks, and thus he seems as if he does not belong. Even the servants wear white trimmed with gold. This man is garbed in brown & homespun gray.

    He seems to notice Hojo, as well. He is about forty feet or so away, along the northern wall of the main temple. He offers the slightest bow, and then he walks away, soon disappearing from view behind a part of the temple that juts out.

    He has not seen any of this other investigators, though Megumi was still knee deep in scrolls the last he checked.

  39. Mental note, the song of the nightingale is the calling card of this ninja, and perhaps tells more about his cadre, if he has one. Remember to bring that up to the characters in this party who know how to read so they can look that up.

    OOC: Surely I would have recognized the housekeeper - why the subterfuge?

    BIC: Moto dahses off in the direction of the fleeing assassin, following his ears.

  40. Hojo jogs toward the jut in the temple which concealed the stranger, then proceeds to walk around the jut, hoping to catch the direction/identity of this man. If there are any others I can signal I will try to do so using gestures, so as not to scare him away.

    OOC: This is not exactly what I'm good at, but stealth to jog unheard is 11+3-1=13, perception to find the guy again 13+0=13.

  41. OOC: The first thing I'd try to do is report to someone. Whoever my contact is. Preferably someone with some healing. Would I know that, or....?

  42. Hojo manages to signal some sohei up on the inner curtain wall, but though the samurai points in the direction of where he saw the stranger, they cannot seem to locate anything unusual. Two of them climb down swiftly to meet with Hojo near the spot where the man was last seen. There is nothing there but blank wall.

    Far away, Morimoto races off in the direction Taki indicated. The cemetery is dark, but the kitsune is somewhat used to forests at night (or once was).

    Takeru wakens lying on a reed mat spread out on a stone floor. A fair, rounded face gazes down at him, though the features are fuzzy. The individual is dressed in white and says something, but this is fuzzy, too. His nose throbs, but reaching up to examine it, he finds it is not broken... or not any more.

    OOC: Please forward me an e-mail of the changes/additions you made to your characters. That's much easier for me than to try to remember what everyone was like before you leveled.

  43. Takeru comes to slowly. He remembers being in a fight, and then...blackness. Unsure if he's alive or if this is the Reward that he has deserved in noble service to the clan, he works some moisture into his stiff mouth and forms some words. He thought he'd start slowly.
    "Who are you? Where am I?"

  44. An average man dressed in brown and grey gave me a quick bow and turned this corner. Perhaps I am simply over-tired, but due to recent events, please take the appropriate action. We do not want word of the death of an empress to escape these walls until we are ready.

    OOC: it seemed quite appropriate to take a skill in bluff, so now my bluff check is 12+4=16. The idea is to get the guard to alert those watching and guarding the empress. To help deflect suspicion, comes the part about the death of the empress (and the bluff) for anyone else listening in (I am NOT trying to bluff the guard about seeing the guy...).

  45. The answer to Takeru's questions come from a voice that is strong yet soft. "I am Yui. A priestess of Shizuru. The goddess has smiled upon you this night.You are safe within the great temple." She turns to the side, then picks up a small bowl. "How do you feel? Would you like a drink?"

    A sharper, harsher voice echoes in the distance. "He is well enough to ask questions... perhaps he can answer some." The voice is familiar, though Takeru has only heard is a few times before. "To begin with..." the speaker draws closer. "What can you tell me of the imperial majesty's assailant?"

    Takeru's vision clears and he looks up to see a man stride into view. He is plain enough in appearance, dressed as a commoner. But his eyes are piercing and his voice steady and sharp like a blade. It is Terada Manobu, leader of the Black Lotus clan.

    Meanwhile, outside the temple, Hojo relates what he saw to a small group of the guards on duty. They bow and spread out through the compound, looking for the stranger.

    OOC: Again, please e-mail me with character updates. Once I receive them, I will review your sheets and then we can proceed from there.

    A couple of you had suggestions for other players now that John has bowed out. I'd be happy to take candidates under consideration over e-mail.

  46. There is little Hojo can do without getting in the way. And since he has neither seen nor heard from Morimoto, he returns to the libraries to see if Megumi has any leads or needs any help.

  47. In slow, jerky, painful movements, Takeru ignores his protesting body to prostrate himself properly before his True Lord.
    "A thousand apologies for failing twice; once to stop him before he struck and again to bring him in. I have failed myself and the Clan. You are already as merciful as the Seven-Layered Heavens for not demanding seppuku, although that is your right for one so pitiful as this servant." Takeru shifts so that his ribs don't yell quite so loudy and then continues.
    "He was a true master of subtlety and disguise. All evidence points to him having disguised himself as a bird, a nightingale, and then delivered his poisoned dart and fled in human form. He is a powerful warrior. At one point his shirt came off and he was as well muscled as any person I've seen. He delivered kicks and unarmed strikes with the force of a katana. He was able to run and climb and leap with oni-like precision and endurance. I utilized all the tricks at my disposal and still he bested me and fled. If you allow me a chance at revenge I swear I will not fail again the next time we meet."

  48. Hojo returns to the archives and eventually finds Megumi witha single candle and stacks of scrolls piled around her. The samurai must call her name several times before she lifts her milky-white eyes to him. "I cannot leave here -- not yet," she says. "I am finally beginning to make sense of this place." This is amusing since the area immediately around her looks to have been hit by a typhoon.

    She asks to be left to her research, but that if the others require information or healing, she will make herself available to them. She then returns to her reading.

    Back in the main temple, Terada continues his interview of his young ninja. "I do not want apologies. If you feel seppuku is warranted, then you need not ask my permission. But her imperial majesty seems to believe that you yet have something to offer, so you must go on breathing for a few more moments."

    The man paces back and forth a few times before continuing, "he was in the shape of a bird, you claim. This suggests either sorcery or a shape-shifter of some kind. Is there any information you are leaving out? Every minute detail can be significant. I had already assumed he was skilled in combat, but what would be more useful is information of a more peculiar nature. Think."

    Across the city, Morimoto continues to weave between the trees and stone monuments. Between the darkness and wet ground and his rapid pace, he cannot find any sign of -- but wait!

    The kitsune hears a strange scratching or rustling sound nearby. He halts in his tracks to try ascertaining its direction & distance.

    OOC: Perception check, Moto.

    And there was no subterfuge... its dark out and Taki had her back to you. You probably have seen her every day around the palace, but her activities are mostly ignored. She's just a 100+ year old housekeeper.

  49. Perception roll = 14 + 5 = 19.

    OOC: I put one point to Perception. I have to look what is involved with leveling-up.

  50. "Hai!" says Takeru, searching his memory for details during the whirlwind that was the fight.

    "He was a master of strategy. Even as he got a lead, he waited for me to catch up so he could ambush me with strikes that nearly dislodged me from the roof. But he also made mistakes. Toward the end he put himself in front of a highlighted window that gave me a temporary advantage."

    Takeru pauses, searching his memory for any other clue that might be useful.

    "Also, he was heavily tattooed. Almost ostentatiously so. Ever inch of his torso was covered by elaborate, lovingly crafted tattoos. I hope this helps."

  51. Terada appears bored with the young ninja's report, until Takeru mentions the tattoos. Then his eyes uncharacteristically widen.

    "Tattoos? This was no ninja as we suspected... such ostentatious tattoos are the mark of the yakuza. Could the Hitsugi Gumi be involved in this? This complicates things -- immensely." Terada is speaking to himself now, but Takeru takes everything in. He knows that the Hitsugi Gumi run both the criminal activity and the law in the three districts outside the walls of Kasai. Governor Osawa mostly leaves them to their devices since they keep a certain measure of order in their territory. Plus, rumor has it, they had no love for the Jade Regent, so Ameiko was content to ignore them since she had more pressing matters in securing her rule.

    "We must look into this, my young apprentice," Terada says, turning back to Takeru. "But, we must exercise extreme caution. Can you manage that?"

    Meanwhile, in the darkness of the cemetery, Morimoto manages to trace the strange noises to their source. He peers around a stone monument to see a gaunt, pale-skinned humanoid with feral features gnawing on a bone -- a human femur. Its clawed fingers are black with filth and its sharp teeth gleam in the night. It quickly turns its glowing red eyes in the watcher's direction, but Morimoto darts back out of sight.

    OOC: What we will do is put a pause on things until we have all the level-ups completed. I am also in discussion with two new players. Don't know how long it will be before they are introduced.

    For levelling, I need new hit points, skill distribution, saves, feats & class abilities (as necessary). Also look at base attack bonus and your favored class bonuses. I need an e-mail describing any updates you've made to your character.

    We'll continue when that's all done.

  52. Miwa's seated meditation among the stone monuments had been undisturbed, by another living soul, for some time. Cemeteries and darkness did not frighten her, for she had been taught by Sumiko, Priestess of Tsukiyo, how to journey through its veil. When people chose to close their eyes to sleep, she wandered, awake and invigorated.

    The night called to her and the Prince of the Moon bade her, through his teachings, to tend as broker between the living and the spirit world. She sat still, as stone, her trance brushing against the restless souls wandering the Cemetery of the Setting Sun.

    The jade crescent moon on the cord about her neck seemed to catch the light of the Moon and reflect it. She felt its familiar pressure as the night sounds moved around her.

    Her eyes opened swiftly. Two voices travelled on the wind – living voices – and she stood from her place on the cold earth. Instead of conjuring light with which to see along the darkened paths, she moved toward the voices and came upon the Elder caretaker and an unfamiliar, young man. They spoke of nightingales. Miwa did not make her presence known and would have returned to her place of meditation when her curiosity and some instinctual pull inspired her to follow and observe the young man. She was not always soft of foot; yet this night, she did not crunch every fallen leaf underfoot.

    [OOC]Stealth: Roll(1d20)+1:

    A cemetery was no place for a common man or woman to wander alone in the dark for they did not understand the spirits like the learned brokers.

    [OOC]Perception: Roll(1d20)+7:

    Her dark eyes caught sight of the creature gnawing on human bone. She stared at it from her hidden vantage, divining its identity.

    [OOC]Know. Religion (to identify creature): Roll(1d20)+8:

  53. Though Miwa could not see the creature well enough, the disgusting sounds it was making was enough to give it away. The feral being is a ghoul -- an unrestful spirit returned to the body and forever cursed with insatiable hunger -- though typically such a thing is not found within the city.

    The young man must hear it too, for he stopped his progress through the cemetery, and crept closer to the source of the noises...

    OOC: Mike, if you need a hand with levelling, just let me know.

  54. [OOC]DM, how far is the ghoul from Miwa's current hiding place?[/OOC]

    [OOC]And can Miwa see where the young man is hiding and her distance from him? I'll toss up a Perception check if that will help her.

    Perception Roll (1d20)+7:

    (Please factor any intermittent rain and darkness penalties.)[/OOC]

  55. "Hai!" says Takeru, his head daring to rise slightly. "But tell me, did the Empress survive the attempt? I could not rest if I knew that the assassin was successful! What would happen to the Realm?
    And where shall we start? Shall I kidnap Governor Osawa for questioning? Or has the investigation already uncovered some leads?"

  56. Miwa can barely see the creature some forty feet away or so. The young man is much closer to it -- perhaps only ten feet -- and only separated by a stone monument he hides behind. There is much clutter between her and the feral monstrosity. Trees, gravestones, rocks, assorted vegetation, and statues dot the landscape. Also, the ghoul is between she and the stranger... which complicates things.

    Back at the temple, Terada replies, "the empress has survived, but no one is supposed to know that, including you. We must start by eliminating some of the possibilities. There is some magic at work here, or it would seem so, and the yakuza clan is also involved somehow. Investigating the Hitsugi Gumi is dangerous & sensitive work -- best leave that alone for now. We need an ally who can aid us and offer advice in the arcane arts."

    After some more thought, he says, "we cannot trust the Jade Eye Academy in this. Not yet. If we are dealing with a sorcerer, the assassin could be a member of their organization. Also, our greatest rivals -- the Clan of the Ruby Crypt -- are known to have powerful magical connections. Our only option might be to request the services of an old, disgraced wizard who is known to be a friend to her imperial majesty. Seek out Kyosho Gakusei... he may be of some help. I would strongly advise you do not operate alone on this mission. If the killer has identified you, or knows you are here, you may be a target wherever you go. Find some muscle to back you up."

    OOC: Miwa -- Still waiting on Mike's leveling info, so we may need to put a pause on your scene for the moment.

  57. Dressed as he is in ceremonial garb, with no weapons and only a few clever jingles at his disposal, Morimoto would be challenged to fend off an ill-mannered squirrel, much less the horrid fiend devouring a corpse not four paces away. More to the point, there's no real point to engage the thing, and it represents nothing more than a distraction from his goal to find clues about the assassin or his persuer.

    Morimoto decides to make a run for it in the opposite direction of the ghoul, keeping tombstones between himself and the creature, should it try to run him down.

    Is there anything I should roll or can I get away without incident?

  58. In finding Gakusei, Terada advises that the young ninja investigate The Reeds -- a downtrodden district in the extreme western outskirts of the city -- and take great care. The Hitsugi Gumi are in control of that neighborhood.

    It is at that time Hojo returns to the main temple sanctuary from the archives. He notices two plainly dressed men in the center of the vast chamber. One younger, one older. The younger fellow is kneeling before the other man who has his arms crossed and carries himself in a very authoritative manner despite his unremarkable appearance. A priestess is nearby scurrying about. She rolls up a reed mat that had been spread out on the floor in front of the great dais and towering golden statue of Shizuru.

    As Hojo draws nearer, he thinks that the older man could be the same person he saw wandering about the outside of the temple just a few minutes earlier. However, as the man turns around to face him, the young samurai realizes that this person is too old and too thin to have been the same stranger. In fact, in the dim light, it seems his hair turns from black to gray before his eyes.

    The man bows and says, "the youngest Tokugawa, are you not? Hojo, I believe. I have come here to pray before the Empress of Heaven and happened to meet my young friend here. He tells me grave news indeed. Have you heard, samurai? Our imperial majesty is dead. What will Minkai do, I wonder, without her divine leadership? Well, if you will excuse me... I have pressing business elsewhere. Good night to you both." He bows and begins to walk towards the grand double doors.

    Meanwhile, in the Setting Sun Cemetery, Morimoto decides that it is not a healthy practice to disturb bestial creatures who feed in the graveyard at night. He dashes away from the area, weaving between trees & stone monuments to confuse any pursuit.

    Miwa notices the young man dart out of sight, but the ghoul's head immediately snaps upright. It drops its meal and leaps atop a nearby stone slab, its red eyes surveying the area. Miwa knows that these creatures have keen senses and can see perfectly well in the dark. If it begins to hunt the young man, he will shortly be done for.

    OOC: Morimoto -- Give me a Perception check, please

  59. Takeru stands up and straightens his drab brown peasant garb. Catching sight of the young samurai, a wry, embarrassed smile grows on his boyish face as he address him.

    "Is it true? Are you -the- Tokugawa Hojo? In my late-night dicing with the guards I have heard of your name spoken of with honor and recognition of your potential! The Tokugawa are renowned for their ferocity in battle and their loyalty to the Empress, alas, may the gods speed her spirit on quickly.
    So, now that I meet the man himself, tell me: Is it true? Does your sword and spirit still lay with the Empress?"

  60. Hojo returns the bow to the mysterious stranger. He glances around to see if members of the temple guard have noticed his passing, then turns to address the younger stranger.

    "These are indeed uncertain times. With the passing of the Empress will come conflict. My will is bent in the direction of the persons responsible for this tragic act. It will indeed be interesting to see how this all plays out.

    "Indeed I am Tokugawa Hojo, son of Tokugawa Kiyoshi. My I be so privileged as to know your name and what brings you here this evening?"

  61. Takeru's smiles remains on his face, but somehow his smile seems less boyish, even--darker? Of course not, it must a trick of the light.

    "Excellent, most honorable Samurai! I was just in here with my good friend Musashi who owns the garden next to mine, and he was telling me some truly dreadful rumors. Already the streets are on fire with the blame of involvement, but some of the things he said struck with the ring of truth.
    He said there was a chance that the Yakuza, horrible people that they are, might be involved. If the heavy hand of the Hitsugi Gumi is involved that truly bodes ill. Of course everyone knows their headquarters are in The Reeds neighborhood, but to actually go there and root them out would be extreme folly.
    However, I was thinking that it might be nice to take a walk past the Setting Sun graveyard to see if there were any clues left. With the recent happenings, the streets might not be safe to walk alone. Would you care to walk with me?"

  62. "Oh, my name is Shokotu Takeru, most honorable Samurai Tokugawa."

  63. "You are well informed, and share quite freely, Shokotu Takeru. (OOC: This may be a good spot for a sense motive...18+4=22) I shall set aside my sorrowful prayer in this holy place and walk these streets with you (Potentially cautiously, though I suspect not). However, I came by horse, and I'd like to leave word with the guards to give to my companions. They should know of my new whereabouts."

    OOC: My intent for the next few actions are as follows:
    1: Go to a respected sohei and tell them that I will sweep the cemetery for some clues, and retire to my family estate to check on my poor mother. Should we not come across each other, that would be as good a place as any to meet up.
    2: Go to the stables to retrieve Taiki (CRAP! I forgot to level my mount!)
    3: Make way to the cemetery, should we go my ferry I'd like to see if my horse did any damage (it felt a little squishy...) and offer to compensate for repairs

    Not sure how fast we intend on going through this part, figured I'd lay it out, feel free to interrupt anywhere you like!

  64. Takeru patiently follows the Samurai until he is ready to go.
    As they come upon the stables, Takeru looks at the horse. "Ah, noble Samurai, your mighty steed looks to have been ridden quite hard recently. Were you in a battle? As I must go afoot, why not leave it for the night?"

    OOC: Didn't you do, like, 8 billion damage to it on the race here? Isn't it down to the only hit point that matters? =)

  65. "Takeru, this here is Taiki, my closest ally and lifelong companion (if possible, here I would signal for Taiki to give a slight bow to Takeru). My intention is to bring him home to rest and relax. This place is filled with too much grief and I cannot bare to return without some closure. I will not ride him, and he need not enter the cemetery, but once we are through I'd like to stop by my mother and see that she has calmed down. The events of this evening disturbed her greatly, and I should bring along some flowers."

    OOC: I took a quick look, but I don't know the damage I inflicted on Taiki on the ride over...and I still need to level him. Maybe around lunch time I'll have a chance to take care of it...

  66. [OOC]I'm moving Miwa over to the Cemetery of the Setting Sun Scene as per DM's request. See you over there, Moto.[/OOC]

  67. "That is indeed a fine mount. A reflexion of the wisdom and discerning eye of its master, no doubt.
    As we walk, would you mind if I made a slight detour? I did not want to be burdened by my heavy tools while I sat at prayer, but if we are to be marching along, I think it wise that I get them now."

    As the pair make their way to the cemetery, Takeru will stop off and get his backpack from the flophouse where he stored it before.

    He carries it slung over his left shoulder, as if he may need to drop it a moment's notice.

  68. Taiki seems fine after the harrowing journey, now that he has had a chance to rest and drink his fill. In fact, the animal is in rare spirits.

    Takeru and Hojo meet outside the stables and are in discussion of where to go next. Hojo wishes to visit his mother at the Tokugawa estate, Takeru hopes to investigate the cemetery further, and Terada had suggested that the latter head towards The Reeds. Unfortunately, the three options are in three different directions.

    OOC: Feel free to continue playing. You're free to go where you wish, just remember you two are on the later timeline by a few hours.

  69. Later, now in the small hours of the morning, Morimoto and Miwa arrive at the great temple complex of Shizuru following their harrowing visit to the cemetery. The sohei -- warrior monks dedicated to defense of the holy site -- and a number of imperial guardsmen are on high-alert. Though Morimoto just left the compound a few hours ago, it may be quite a challenge to get back inside the main sanctuary. Since word of the empress' death has begun to spread, the temple's vigilance has been quadrupled.

    The secluded shrine to Tsukiyo in the northeast quadrant of the outer grounds may be easier to enter, though it is unknown what aid they companions may find there. Otherwise, the pair might attempt to gain admittance from Hamada or Kondo or one of the other higher-ranking individuals that may be present.

    OOC: Bluff, Diplomacy, & Knowledge (Nobility or Religion) might be helpful here if you wish to try reaching the main temple. If you have another scheme, by all means, suggest it. Otherwise, you can try the shrine of Tsukiyo.

  70. For his part, Morimoto has no real interest in getting back inside the Temple. He just needs to know if Hojo and/or Megumi is still there, and if so, how long they intend to stay. If either has left, he attempts to ascertain his or her wherabouts by the method of least rfesistance. Hamada will either know the answers to these questions outright and tell Moto, or let him in to find out for himself. He will make no special effort to get inside the Temple or interview anyone else besides Hamada.

    The goal is to coordinate for tomorrow. Moto is tired - it's been a long day. As soon as possible he wants to get back to the Palace, get some rest and get his things. Miwa is welcome to accompany him. Hojo knows he is the Empress' steward, and it will be easier for Hojo to find Moto at the Palace then it will be for Moto to find Hojo, who could be anywhere.

  71. Sadly, Hamada is no longer present at the temple, but one of the sohei rides up astride his horse and speaks with Morimoto. He remembers the minstrel from the night before.

    "The Tokugawa left with another man. He said they were headed to The Reeds to find someone who can help in the investigation. It might be like finding a needle in a haystack, but that's where they went. Of course, he might be the only samurai there. Might not be too difficult to find after all."

    The mounted monk cannot help but glance over at Miwa to whom he gives a nervous bow. "My lady... it is always a pleasure to have you grace the temple with your presence." Truthfully, Miwa has only visited two or maybe three times when she has had business at the Shrine of Tsukiyo. She does not recall the sohei.

  72. As long as there appears to be no good reason to talk to the sohei, Moto starts off for the Reeds.

  73. Giving his thanks to the sohei, Morimoto turns back towards the canals where he hopes to catch a quick ride to the outskirts of the city. Though the kitsune has been in the service of the empress for a few years now, the fringe areas of Kasai have always held a certain fascination for him. There is an artistic vibrancy there that cannot be so easily found in the rigid structure of the inner city.

    As he makes his way to the water's edge, Miwa calls after him and bids him farewell. She has urgent business to attend to at the shrine, then she must report to her mistress at The Tree of Souls. Undead wandering the cemetery is something that cannot stand, not for even one night.

    OOC: I'll scoot you over to The Reeds shortly, Morimoto. We have sadly lost out oracle, however.

  74. Gakusei, Takeru, Tetsu, and Hojo arrive at the outer gate to the sacred compound of Shizuru. The morning sun is now low in the sky, sending golden rays across the tiled rooftops & sparkling canals of the city. Despite last night's celebrations going on in many parts of Kasai to celebrate the new year, the citizens are now under a dismal pall, word of the empress' demise having spread to most corners of the metropolis. People try to go about their usual daily activities, but there is clearly a heaviness hanging over everyone.

    The gate is overseen by not only the sohei warrior-monks, but also imperial guards and household samurai of the Tokugawa clan. It almost seems like a small army is assembled here. If not for Hojo's family connections, the motley band would've been kept from passing through the gate. However, no amount of coercion can allow Takeru, Tetsu, or Gakusei entrance to the inner temple. The companions must be satisfied with access to the outer grounds for the moment.

  75. Hojo has little interest in traveling to the inner temple, or having his companions do the same. A simple guard room will suffice, and preferably one with little activity (although it sounds like things are pretty busy). I'll also request someone be sent to call Miwa to join us and patch us up a little bit. Assuming we will find somewhere to chat, I'd like to start with asking about where the mask came from.

  76. The sohei that Hojo speaks with expresses visible sadness at the mention of Miwa. "Unfortunately, my friend, Miwa departed here about an hour before you arrived. Apparently, she had pressing business at the Tree of Souls. Megumi will be eager to learn of your progress, however. I can have someone fetch her. She's not been out of the temple archives all night."

    OOC: I don't think any of you (besides Morimoto) have met Miwa. Maybe you meant Megumi. In any case, she can be alerted and offer healing to anyone who needs it.

    Everyone needs to keep track of your hit points and other stats that change frequently. That's part of the reason I have links to your character sheets right in the blog. If anyone takes damage, spends money, or fires an arrow, I expect you'll immediately open up your character sheet & update things accordingly.

    Megumi uses cure light wounds to heal the samurai for 7 hp. If you want more or anybody else needs some healing, let me know.

  77. Megumi, yes! That was her name. I only just met her this past evening, and I'm quite tired. I'm not even entirely sure where I got the name Miwa from...

  78. (OOC: I've been marked my used spell slots on my sheet as a '1'. Can I assume I've had 8 hours of rest and replenished my spells? or did we stay up all night and travel? I think I only have taken that first points of damage and would have normally healed that up in the same duration. If it hasn't been that long I will request some minor healing.)

  79. From beyond the gateway that leads into the inner compound and main temple, strides a young priestess of Shizuru. She wears brilliant white robes that are embellished with the symbol of a golden katana crossed over the rays of the rising sun. The woman is eerily beautiful. As she walks nearer, Gakusei and Takeru can see that she has pale blue skin, long black hair tied into a braided pony tail, and dead white eyes with no pupils or irises. The priestess is clearly very weary. Even the walk across the courtyard seemed a tremendous effort.

    She bows and then addresses Hojo, "I am pleased to see that you are alive, Hojo, though I notice you did not return here unscathed." As she administers to his wounds (with golden light emanating from her fingertips), she asks, "why is Morimoto not with you? I pray no harm has come to him. The emp--" The priestess stops herself clumsily. After a brief pause, she continues. "We are all hoping that he can help us find those that murdered our August Lady. All of Minkai demands justice."

    When she has finished healing any injured party members, she bows to the newcomers and introduces herself. "I am Megumi, and I am pleased to meet you. I have been at work in the temple archives all night to try finding some clues to who our killer might be. No doubt all of you have been quite busy, as well. Do you have any fruits to share for all your labors?"

    OOC: This scene occurs immediately after the rumble at the teahouse. But Megumi is happy to provide any minor healing that is necessary. From your CS, Gakusei, it looks like you're already at full. How much were you down?

  80. (OOC: I think I was down 1 HP for the burn of the Oni before I retreated to safety. Gakesei wouldn't seek healing for such damage as he's likely used to minor punishment from his youth, but he wouldn't refuse it either.)

    "Lady of the Sun, it is my distinct pleasure to meet you." Gakusei says during a respectful bow. "I am lucky to have been saved by your consort here. His valor and, 'stature'," Gakusei continued while stifling a laugh, "proved quite effective in my rescue. However, I am still at a loss why he arrived when he did. I believe our honey-voiced friend has gone to the palace."

    Turing the conversation to a more serious tone, he continues. "Our Empress was my last true friend. After the betrayal, she always still believed in me and remained loyal to me." His voice now rising in anger and tears welling in his eyes, "If I had but a _shadow_ of my former self I would storm Yomi-no-kuni and bring back her spirit with all its vigor!"

    Realizing his anger and staring at his hands which had already fruitlessly gestured towards spells he no longer knew how to complete, he paused and regained his composure. Closing his eyes, breathing in deeply he looked again at Hojo and Megumi. "Perhaps I can repay my debt and help?"

  81. Megumi manages the tiniest of smiles as the old man greets her politely. Perhaps she is more accustomed to different greetings considering her alien appearance. She seems to be put at ease by his friendly manner, especially after a long night of work in the archives. "Sēji Kyosho, I am greatly saddened by your loss. Only Shizuru can guide us now in this desperate time. But I too am wondering what brings you here... perhaps you can be of some help."

    She turns to Hojo and speaks in a low voice. "If we need to speak in private, it can be easily arranged. But whatever we do next, it must be quick. I hear that outside these compound walls, the city is beginning to fall apart. I hope Morimoto has accomplished something while he is off galavanting."

    OOC: Megumi can heal all minor scrapes & injuries with a channel energy. Everybody can be brought up to full hp.

  82. Takeru had been lingering quietly while the others engaged in proper introductions, but he now steps forward before the conversation can be steered too far from the subject that most interests him (or, at least, his master).

    "Kyosho, it is indeed fortunate that my companion and I happened upon you when we did. But perhaps fate has smiled upon us more than you now know. You once served our empress as an advisor in matters both mundane and magical, did you not? It is the latter sphere of knowledge that I wish to question you about, if I may. I have reason to believe that someone who played a role in the attack upon the empress had the ability to change his shape -- more specifically, from a nightingale into a man. Do you have any wisdom to share about such powers?"

  83. Hojo can't help but be surprised that this seemingly random person who was involved in the teahouse disturbance would know more about the attack on the empress than simple rumor...he decides to allow the man to speak his mind before starting his questioning.

    1. looks like I got names confused...Takeru is no random person.

  84. As Gakusei ponders Takeru's questions, Megumi steps closer to Hojo (as close as custom will allow) and speaks to him in a whisper. "I don't know how much we can trust these two, might I meet with you in private, for just a moment? I wish Morimoto had accompanied you... he should hear this, as well."

  85. Smiling at seeing his past efforts remembered by today's youth Gakusei beams
    "Indeed I was an adviser to our empress. I am well versed in many topics my young friend."
    Turning his mind inward at the task at hand, he ponders shapeshifting for a moment and then looks up rapidly.
    (OOC Knowledge: Arcana and Nature, Arcana 14 = 3 + 11, Nature 25 = 15 + 10)

    "There is a race known as the Kitsune known well for their love of trickery. These wily people enjoy mischeif and sport, but as with all they may be driven towards a singular purpose with the right motivation. They often appear as attractive humans but may revert to their true forms which have fox-like tails and facial features. Powerful in magics with proper study and application such a being could transform into a nightingale. They once inhabited the Forest of Spirits just north of here but they have not been seen since I traveled the countryside myself.

    "Another possibility would be a powerful druid or master of arcane arts as I once was. With careful control of the waves physical forms may be altered rapidly to take on new ones, including that of the avian variety.

    "Lastly there are powerful arcane beasts which, while rare, can also wield this power.

    "Did you notice any gestures or incantations which accompanied the transformation? Did the subject seem strained or uncomfortable, or did it seem passive and trivial like a child playing with his feet? What can you recall of the event to help us divine the cause?"

    (OOC, if my knowledges turned up anything else of use I'd likely freely share it with a professorial aire. Things that might be relevant to think about: Are there any known magical beasts in the area that can shapeshift, what is the local knowledge of the Kitsune and do I know of any methods to contact them or know of one from my past.)

  86. Hojo's response to Megumi is simple: "I wish for you to hear the story of Tetsu, then we may speak".

    Now addressing the group as a whole: "My friends, we have a friend with us who is feeling a little left out. Tetsu, my friend. I promised you safe travel out of these lands in return for hearing your story. Now is the time to earn your passage. Where did this cursed mask come from, and what do you know of Junzo?"

  87. Tetsu is taken aback at first (after already seeming uncomfortable in such a grand, holy place), but once he takes a deep breath, he appears ready to help however he can.

    "The mask was simply one of the festival decorations that Ogreface took to have some fun with... we had no idea there was anything special about it. We'd had a bit too much to drink -- most people do on New Year's Eve -- and we were just stirring up some trouble. The two of us were just shatei, 'little brothers,' in the organization. But, Junzo, he is kyodai, a 'big brother.' We all grew up together, but Junzo climbed the ranks very quickly. He liked his work very much."

    When Megumi asks more about the mask, Tetsu explains how the papier-mâché head sprung to life and burst into green flame. He struggles to speak about how it took possession of his friend.

    Megumi gasps and says in a whisper, "a servant of Fumeiyoshi! I did not think there were any left in the city! Was the creature destroyed, or was it able to escape?"

    As the priestess discusses the battle at the teahouse with Tetsu & Hojo, Takeru continues to converse with Gakusei. The old wizard carefully ponders the questions concerning the shape-shifting assassin. Takeru tells him that he did not witness the transformation with his own eyes. "I heard a nightingale singing on a branch just above where I was hidden. When the empress fell, I noticed that a branch overhead was quivering as though something much larger than a bird had taken flight. It was then I began my pursuit of the killer. It would seem to me, the assassin approached using the disguise of a innocent bird, and then used the confusion created by the attack to escape. But, why not simply turn back into a bird & fly away? I would've had no hope to catch him if he'd done that."

    Such details are curious indeed. As these matters (and others) are considered, Kaeda Minoru, the high priest of Shizuru, approaches slowly from the direction of the great temple. He seems to have aged ten years over the last night. His steps are very weak.

    When he reaches the assembled group, he laboriously raises his head and says, "there is someone who wishes to speak with you on a matter most urgent within the temple." Though his words seem directed at Hojo & Megumi, he then turns to the others and says, "Sēji Kyosho, Takeru... your presence is requested, as well." There is no need to bar entrance to Tetsu. The young man says, "I'll just stay here in case your other friend shows up."

    With that, the venerable priest turns and shuffles slowly back towards the enormous double doors of the temple. Megumi walks next to him & takes his arm.

  88. His thoughts interrupted, and upon being addressed, Gakusei awakes from his deep inward expression and looks up to see Kaeda.
    Noting the seriousness of his expression, he forgoes an obvious epithet for him and just nods, smiles, and follows behind with his 'quarterstaff' as a walking stick.
    Meanwhile his mind is racing. An assassin who shape-shifted into a bird, waited for the moment to strike, and then rather than fly away, retreated on foot? Something is missing from this story which will reveal the culprit.
    Boundless theories race through his head. Perhaps the shapeshift was cast by another upon the assassin to grant him access and he was unable to perform the magic himself to retreat. Perhaps it was not a shapeshift at all, but the child's toy of invisibility in the form of a potion or ring.
    (OOC, based upon the timeline, have I had time to rest and regain my spells? I think this is the proverbial morning after drinking, right?)

  89. Gakusei, Hojo, Takeru, and Megumi are led into the inner temple. Sohei and imperial guards line the avenue leading up to the double doors, flank the entrance, and are stationed at intervals throughout the great vaulted interior. It is a small army of elite soldiers. Looming high above in the center of the main shrine area an enormous golden statue of a beautiful woman with her face raised to the sky. A glittering katana is held aloft in her right hand.

    Such a force of military strength seems out of place on holy ground. This seems particularly odd to the old wizard... though perhaps the task of deciding who the successor to the Jade Throne requires some additional security. Such a responsibility would bear many sensitive deliberations, no doubt. But still, the sohei have always been more than enough to keep the priests safe. Odd.

    It is slow going, but eventually Minoru leads the companions into a side chamber (again heavily guarded). Within are several priests & priestesses, a few naginata-wielding elite sohei, and the captain of the imperial guard, Kondo Tsubame.

    When everyone is assembled within the room, and the doors are shut & locked behind, a priestess emerges from the gathering. She slowly moves to the middle of the chamber and throws back her hood. Though rarely seen by anyone without elaborate finery and regal garments, the woman is clearly the last Amatatsu, Empress Ameiko.

    Her face is weary, but she is able to stand under her own strength (unlike the last time Hojo & Megumi saw her). Everyone in the room -- save for Kondo, who remains alert with his hand on his katana -- averts their eyes when the empress reveals herself and bows respectfully. Ameiko says, "I know it has only been a few hours, but I must know what you have learned. The city is crumbling out there, and we have little time to carry on this masquerade for long."

    She is addressing the newcomers.

  90. Gakusei takes in the strangeness of the scene until being ushered into the side chamber when the reasons are made clear.

    Upon taking in the sight of Ameiko, a wave of releif and joy washes over him. Having seen so many of his friends in years past die and fade, having one returned to him is a rare treat indeed. Especially one so kind and generous to him.

    He maintains his bow a bit longer before resuming his posture. "My Empress Ameiko, it is good to see your face again." Gakusei says, using her name as a sign of respect normally uncommon to Gakusei.

    Fear suddenly grips him. Perhaps this is a trick, one by the same shapeshifter mentioned before. His eyes rapidly dart to and fro attempting to catch the face of one of his previous students in the room. Such a student would have taking magical precautions to detect such obvious illusion and enchantment.

    (OOC Perception 11 + 3 = 14
    If I do not notice a former student of mine, or someone else magically inclined, I will grow more agitated and request to cast Detect Magic for the room, searching for traces of illusion, scrying, or enchantment)

  91. Hojo bows in respect the the Empress with the others, then smiles at Gakusei's response. "It is indeed good to see you again, especially standing so strong after these few short hours. I'm afraid I have little to report, aside from confirming that things are getting a little out of hand in the city. We headed toward The Reeds in search of your assasin, who reportedly was in the shape of a nightingale before taking his shot and running off. Upon entering The Reeds, we spotted some trouble in a tea house that I wished to investigate. There we found three members of the Hitsugi Gumi, one of which has returned to the temple with us. One of them was quickly overcome by an Oni, which we have slain, causing the third and highest ranking member to flee. The remaining member, Tetsu, spoke of one Tanaka Mitsuya as being their best assassin, before disappearing months ago. However, Tetsu did not know of the Hitsugi Gumi's involvement in this evenings events, and is only speculating that Tanaka Mitsuya would be one the Hitsugi Gumi might turn to. Our return to the temple was for the purpose of healing our wounds from the battle with the Oni."

  92. "It is good to see you, old teacher," Ameiko says with the tiniest of nods. Her face betrays no emotion, but, in light of the events of this past evening, she must show more control than ever or risk seeming weak. It is understandable for one in her position. "I pray your counsel will avail Minkai during this desperate hour as it has for myself in the past."

    Gaukusei sees nothing unusual, other than the priests in the chamber appear under slept. Upon suggestion of casting a spell (which is the polite thing to do), Kondo interupts and says flatly that no sorcery is permitted in the empress' presence. Ameiko assures the old man that she could not be in a safer place. "Unfortunately, my proper place is not here, despite how safe it might be. Kasai teeters on the brink of chaos. Minkai is sure to follow if I stay holed up here much longer."

    Minoru assures the empress that Governor Osawa is doing all he can to maintain the peace, but it is too soon to reveal herself. "It has only been half a day, your Divine Majesty... give us time to learn more about who threatens you."

    With that, the empress turns to Hojo and listens to his report. Upon conclusion of his findings, Ameiko says, "you are far too modest, young Tokugawa. Hamada has for years suspected that the Five Storms were not annihilated as at first believed. News of oni freely wandering the capital is alarming, but may shed some light on who we're dealing with.

    "As far as the Hitsugi Gumi are concerned, we have an arragement with them that they would not risk betraying. That they would be involved makes no sense. I have heard of this Tanaka... not one to be trifled with. But, if he has been out of circulation that long, we could be dealing with a rogue member of the syndicate. I will see to it that this matter is investigated through our contacts within the Hitsugi Gumi."

    Then Ameiko turns to Megumi to learn what she has found during her labors in the archives. The weary priestess bows and says, "my lady, the only toxin that I was able to find any reference to that approximates the effects you were subject to is a rare substance manufactured only in Kwanlai. And the method of its fabrication is a very closely guarded secret. I only learned this by piecing together the vaguest references in the archives. It is known as kuroi tsume, or as it is sometimes called, black talon. Its effects -- as we've seen -- are deadly. From my research, you are the first to have survived exposure to it."

  93. The empress is quiet for several moments. When she does speak, it is so quiet, that one cannot be sure she does not speak to herself. "A shape-shifting assassin, tengu poisons, the yakuza, and an oni revealing itself in The Reeds..." She turns to Kondo and then continues more loudly, "what does this point to, captain?"

    The mammoth samurai rarely utters a word, and when he does, he cuts straight to the point. "Dispersing our resources to the four winds, empress."

    "Exactly so, captain," replies Ameiko. "Which means the answer likely lies with none of these suspicious events. They are each of them a distraction, intended to waste time & effort."

    "Your majesty," says aged Minoru in a quavering voice, "with all respect... it was not wasted effort for our enemies to poison you with one of the most deadly of known toxins. The attempt nearly succeeded. They might even yet believe it has."

    "We cannot assume that," the empress says immediately. "We can reach out to the syndicate and seek intelligence about Tanaka, but I do not believe the Hitsugi Gumi to be a threat. This obvious attack by an oni in a public place worries me most of all, but we have nothing else to go on... that trail went cold almost as soon as we found it. I'm sure our enemies know this. That leaves..."

    She turns her attention back to Hojo, Takeru, Megumi, and Gakusei, "...the matter of this black talon. I want the four of you -- and Morimoto, if he ever shows up -- to visit the harbor. Tengu trade vessels from Kwanlai drop anchor there from time to time. Smugglers, for the most part. Try poking around to see if there is a market there for illicit goods. Tanaka had to get his hands on the poison somehow. See if you can retrace his steps."

  94. Having been denied the casting of a simple children's spell for obvious precautions only exaggerates Gakusei's fear. Perhaps the subterfuge remains and it lies within this very room. He shifts uneasily upon his staff.

    He studies carefully the words of Ameiko as they discuss the situation, searching for anything out of character or out of place.
    (Sense motive 8+3=11, I presume I see nothing out of the ordinary... If I do you can retract the next part)

    Upon hearing of the Black Talon, he searches his memory for mention of this poison. 'Rare knowledge is a bit of a speciality of mine', he thinks to himself upon launching the mental challenge eagerly.

    Knowledge: Nature 11+10=21 for the nature of the poison, natural components that comprise it, locations where its constituents grow,
    Knowledge: Arcana 18+11=29, to determine if this poison has a magical quality associated with it, if there is mention of it in arcane tomes or as components of powerful spells
    Knowledge: History nat20!+10 = 30, to see if there is mention of use of this poison in history both local history and that from my travels, to see if there is mention of it in the history of poisons or by other historians abroad.
    I'll wait for the results of my knowledge checks before replying to the Empress's request)

  95. Gakusei does not detect anything unusual that could not be explained by the harrowing experience Ameiko recently endured. She is clearly exhausted, but masks her feelings expertly (as every monarch must).

    The old wizard has never heard of this black talon before, but the nation of Kwanlai is full of mysteries. Most people in Minkai believe the native tengu to be a race of honorless thieves. In many cases, this reputation is well-deserved. Kwanlai long suffered under the harsh rule of imperial Lung Wa (unlike Minkai, which has remained independent on its isolated peninsula). Only over the last century have they begun to try building a true nation of their own.

    The poor & under-equipped tengu armies of Kwanlai were somehow able to throw off the oppressive yoke of Lord Som Heu Wa despite the despot's soldiers' superior numbers, training, and weaponry. Perhaps this virulent toxin helped to shift the struggle into the favor of the natives (by strategically eliminating certain members of the leadership of the Lung Wa regime). One cannot be sure, but it would explain much.

    When he learns of the poison's effects, Gakusei can only assume there is some element of magic in the recipe. Rumors abound that the Vale of Green Spears is a dense forest of colossal bamboo that was the result of an experiment performed by a Kwanlai wizard over 1,000 years ago. Such things can often produce substances that neither nature nor sorcery could create alone. The vale is still believed to be the home of a great forest dragon.

  96. Gakusei will let his anxiety subside in trust with Ameiko. Upon recollection, Gakusei straights up his back a bit, smiles and turns to address the party before the empress.

    Speaking as in lecture Gakusei recounts his knowledge of the Kwanlai, the magical nature of the Black Talon, the Kwanlai wizard, and his tale.
    (Finally an excuse to use Profession: Teacher! OMG nat20! 20 + 7 = 27)

    After this lecture Gakusei turns to address Ameiko directly and respectfully.
    "My Empress, I will gladly accompany these youths to share my knowledge and spellcraft to assist you. It has been a long evening however, and my old bones would like some rest before venturing out again if I may."

  97. Ameiko nods. "By all means, find your rest here under the protection of the temple. But time is short. I will need your report by nightfall. I fear we may not be able to wait much longer than that to devise a course of action. Unrest spreads throughout the city, our enemies grow in courage, and soon the neighboring provinces will learn what has happened. Be back here before the sun crosses the sky."

    OOC: Priests can show the group to the guest quarters (which are under the watchful eye of sohei monks). Feel free to take nine hours to do what you need, but that will only leave roughly 2-3 hours to accomplish your mission.

    Morimoto can arrive in the meantime, speak with Ameiko, and get an update of what is planned.

  98. Morimoto does indeed meet with Ameiko. He considers his contacts in that area of the city and tries to recall likely market stalls for Tengu merchants.

    OOC: Local Knowledge check: 7 + 6 = 13

    Obviously, he is too tired to think much. Before Moto retires for a few hours of needed rest, he presents the jeweled whip to Ameiko. "I found this in the Palace armory, hidden in an old box behind the general stores. Have you ever seen anything like it?"

  99. When Morimoto presents the whip to Ameiko, her face betrays a hint shock for a brief moment before resuming its regal stoicism. She grasps the object out the box and looks it over for a moment before returning it to its resting place.

    "I had asked this object be destroyed years ago... but clearly even the request of an empress does not carry as much weight as it once did." She sighs deeply. "If anyone has the right to carry it, however, it would be you. This was the same instrument that nearly took your life five years ago. One of the Jade Regent's lieutenants carried it and used it to extract pain from those who displeased him -- or, in your case, purely for entertainment. Take it if you will. Perhaps in your hands, it can finally be put to some good use. But beware... I have always thought it a queer object."

    Morimoto has spent most of his time over the last few years in the service of the empress. His knowledge of the city's fringes is not as sharp as it once might have been. However, he would guess that the slummier the area of the docks he finds, the more likely he is to find the type of shady characters who might deal in rare poisons.

    The tengu (smugglers & thieves mostly) have been known to congregate in the section of the harbor closest to the Iron Regent's shadow. The hideous monument is an eyesore to most citizens of Kasai. In rebuilding the empire, however, Empress Ameiko could not spare the funds necessary to tear it down. So the massive metal statue remains, stradling the narrow strait between Inu Island and the the mainland of Kasai. It was another project dedicated to the Regent's hubris and hundreds died during its construction. It does provide a very intimidating figure to look upon for those who arrive in the capital from across the Xidao Gulf. But mostly, it is a reminder of a terrible despot's rule.

    Ameiko tells Morimoto, "get some rest, but then go with the others to locate the source of this poison. Time is critical, so no gallivanting. I want all of you back here by sunset." She whispers to him with a severity in her eyes, "Morimoto... you are the only one I can completely trust. The sanity of Kasai is bleeding out like an open wound. We must find some answers, and quickly."

  100. Moto holds the whip tightly, wincing at the memory of that awful night. Anger builds, but so does resolve. The allies of the Regent will indeed be cut by this same lash.

    He bows low to the Empress. "I will not fail you," he states firmly. Having received her words of encouragement and her command, he withdraws to find some place to sleep. AFter a few hours he rejoins the others.

    OOC: Need to update inventory, but waiting to speak with the others to see if they need any of the weapons he collected from the Armory.

  101. Gakusei will gladly take the offer for rest. He smiles, nods, and follows an aide to a room to rest. Placing down his staff, spellbook, and removing his shoes he sleep soundly. Upon the next morning, he spends an hour reviewing his spellbook to refresh his spells.

  102. Hojo takes some interest in the weapon, being a weaponsmith by trade. Is there anything I might notice by sight?

    Craft (weapons) = 9+8+17;
    Knowldege (Nobility) = 5+5=10

  103. Hojo has no experience with such instruments. However, even someone with no training or exposure with whips can tell it is of remarkable craftsmanship. Its coils are bright to deep green (depending on the light) and seem to be pliable like leather but shiny & hard as if they were covered with some kind of laquer.

    The day passes uneventfully within the sequestered interior of the temple. By the time Gakusei is prepared to leave, it is late afternoon or early evening. The companions have only a few hours before they must return with their report, but Morimoto at least seems to have some ideas where the search can begin.

    OOC: Feel free to let me know what 'morning' preparations the group is making (even though it is in the middle of the day). I expect spell lists to be updated and everyone can heal 2 hp from getting sufficient rest (if needed).

    Once everyone is ready, we'll begin a new adventure thread. You can narrate what happens in the blog, or you can just summarize in an e-mail. Whatever you prefer.

  104. Morimoto takes a fox nap and gets something to eat and drink, with the others, if they are well-disposed. He relays what little he knows about the tengu and recommends they proceed to the shadow of the bastard regent down at the harbor.

    After cleaning up, Moto presents the group with 2 short swords, 2 daggers, a short bow and a quiver full of arrows. They are welcome to any of these weapons.

    Lastly, Moto meets with those in the Temple who would constitute the Empress' close counsel. If the group is going to the warrens under the shadow of the statue of the Regent, the best way to penetrate a ring of smugglers is to pose as those looking to purchase smuggled goods. That should be relatively easy, even without an inside contact or knowledge of anyone in that area, given the chaotic state of affairs. Half the Empire will be looking to garrison themselves.

    But we'll need coin to pull off the ruse. Understanding we're in a Temple, are we able to borrow from the tithings, in the name of the Empress? Moto reasons with the others that the more coin they flash the more dangerous the situation becomes, but so does the likelihood that they can penetrate the inner sanctum of the tengu.

    Moto asks for 300 gold pieces (or Minkai bucks or whatever the local currency - assuming that's a lot of cash but not quite a princely sum).

    1. (OOC: I have some pretty cool ideas in this regard, but I'll wait for my character's 9 hours before re-joining and telling my ideas in-game. Maybe an OOC email would be better?)

  105. I am happy to offer up my own wealth to this most honorable cause. This should be about 300 gold.

    Hojo presents a few bags of coins containing 312.7 gp worth.

  106. Morimoto bows to the samurai. "Thank you, Hojo-san." Then he looks over the imposing warrior clad in steel armor. "I wonder if you would be willing to travel in disguise? We may have better luck with our ruse--" Moto stops mid sentence as another plan slowly assembles in his less-than-nimble mind.

    "Or you could play the bodyguard. It will be easier to tell a half-truth than to lie outright. Gakusei could take on the role of the head of our clan, looking to secure safe passage out of Minkai until stability is restored. Of course we couldn't just come out and say that, so we would need to buy access to the tengu leader at the harbor, agree to purchase smuggled goods, and then make a harmless inquiry about access to additional black market supplies, include the point of origin - driving at the location of the tengu base of operations. Then if we are clever we may even be able to arrange for transport to that stronghold."

    Morimoto's face tightens as he pushes his limited intellect. "Now I think another 500 gold would be useful." He appeals to the Temple elders, "No greater good can be done right now than to help our plan succeed. Will the Temple contribute to our efforts?"

    Out of earshot from Temple regulars, Moto asks the group for help with the plan - does it make sense given what everyone else knows about smugglers and the situation as a whole.

  107. This lamellar works far better than the ceremonial armor anyway. This gold is all I have claim to right now, but I could also appeal to my family. As for the plan, it appears to be a good one. Just beware, I am well known in the weaponsmithing community. What that translates to in the docks I cannot say, but I'm not terribly capable in the art of disguise. However, I may be able to convince others of my intentions, as even weaponsmiths need a way to make more money. And, let's face it, this group needs a little muscle.

  108. After preparing his spells, Gakusei leaves his quarters in search of some tea before the night. While having a cup, he joins Morimoto and Hojo in their scheming.

    "I can help with this rouse my friends. There are spells I teach children for amusement which can help in this. I know a powerful spell which can greatly alter my appearance to be as anyone you desire. I can also weave spells which convince lesser minds to find us favorably, as well as some parlor tricks with light and sound for added effect when the time is right. I can even summon ghostly servants to move objects, carry things, speak over great distances without being overheard, and more. These games can be very effective on lesser minds and especially those unfamiliar with magic."

    As he speaks, he lifts his tea cup in the air a short distance while gesturing with a simple Mage Hand for effect. A long smile writes itself over his wrinkled face. Showmanship is perhaps one of his larger flaws.

  109. Having some small affinity for the mystical arts, Morimoto is thrilled to learn of Gakusei's abilities. The tea cup trick captures his adolescent imagination and he looks about the room for bigger objects for the old sage to lift with only his mind.

    "Combined with Takeru's stealth, Hojo's might, and Megumi's healing magic, we make a formidable group."

    OOC: Seems like we're ready to move out.

  110. --
    Gakusei watches the two young mean leave quickly, his warnings unheeded. An expression crosses his face as of a parent watching his children brashly making the same mistakes they once did in their youth. Remembering with both pain and fondness the encounters they may be finding of similarity.

    He turns, and heads back to the temple as quickly as his old bones will allow, with a Polypurpose Panacea cast on himself to ease some lingering arthritis from the quick return. He hopes to arrive before sundown.

  111. With money on the mind, Hojo looks toward the menacing face on the foot of the monument. He briefly considers making an offering, checking the mouth for an opening large enough to insert a coin. If the opening exists, he inserts the coin that seems to fit the best within to see what happens.

    Upon failure, he will join Gakusei, trusting that the other two can manage on their own.

  112. Hojo fidgets with some of the carvings on the pedestal that seem to have niches roughly the right size & shape as a coin... but, alas, none of them actually allow the coin to slide in. The niche's slot-like appearance seemed only to be coincidental. Depositing the money back into his pouch (after sliding the metal disk back onto the coin string), Hojo turns to see Gakusei shuffling off quite rapidly. The samurai is able to catch up with him with little difficulty, however.

    By the time the two companions -- or perhaps three... it is so hard to keep track of a ninja -- have passed through the outer gates of the temple compound and have scaled the steps leading up to the central sanctuary, both of them are puffing quite hard. The old wizard used some of his magic to aid in his journey, but it was still quite exhausting to hurry back the entire way. Hojo had his weapons, armor, and sack of money (which Gakusei was kind enough to return) to lug around. Both men are spent.

    Hojo looks up just in time to see the last of the pinkish-orange clouds fade to gray in the distance over the compound walls. They made it just in time. As if anticipating their arrival, Megumi hurries towards them from the main temple. Her milky-white eyes have a look of concern in them.

    "My friends," she seems out of breath, too. "The empress has decided to reveal herself to the people of Kasai! Her plan is to ride forth from the temple gates when the sun rises and make her way to the imperial palace where she will resume her place on the Jade Throne. Many of her advisors are against it, but she says she cannot wait. Apparently, word of her 'death' has already reached Uddo and the Dragon Shogun... word is, he is mustering 4,000 ronin to march up the Kamiteki River to stake his claim upon the throne. The empress wants to announce herself before any other potential usurpers get the same idea. Her plan is very dangerous, but she does not think she can wait any longer.

    "Gakusei, she values your wisdom... could you try to speak with her? I know the city is tearing itself apart without a ruler, but most of Kasai is in chaos right now. I just have a terrible feeling about what might happen. We don't even know who it is yet that tried to kill her. Unless..."

    It suddenly dawns on her where Hojo, Gakusei, and the others have been over the past three hours. She whispers, "you didn't find out who it was did you? Where are the others? Are they unharmed? What did you learn?" She can't seem to get enough questions out in a single breath.

  113. "Megumi, you have many questions and we have a tale to tell. But you are not the only one who should hear our tale. We should seek an audience with the one of importance, so that we do not wast breath repeating ourselves."

    Hojo makes to gain audience with the empress, as well as send someone to prepare Taiki. If the empress wishes to ride, Hojo wants to be ready.

  114. Gakusei feebly climbs the steps and leans heavily on his spent staff. Seeing Megumi run towards him, he collapses to the nearest chair or the ground and rests.

    Upon hearing of the Empress's plan, he says, "Delicate flower, certainly I will speak with her. The Empress's own wisdom seems as pointed as a rose thorn on this, but I would be glad to lend my counsel over a cup of green tea. Please take me and large sword here to her and we will speak. We return only with full minds and empty hands."

  115. Megumi bows and helps Gakusei to his feet. Then the priestess escorts the old wizard and young samurai into the main temple and into a heavily-guarded side chamber. Kondo is immediately on the other side of the door. He carries a huge, double-headed naginata over one shoulder. He steps aside to allow the visitors to enter.

    Ameiko is inside trying to pile her hair atop her head using various pins and adornments. Deprived of her throng of handmaidens, she is forced to style her own hair. Priests have no experience with such things. She sees the adventurers enter in the reflection of a hand mirror held up by a young priestess. Her face is pale. One cannot tell if this is from her recent harrowing experience, or from the caked-on make-up nobility such as herself wears in public that is designed to make her complexion appear ghostly white.

    "Let me guess," she says, "Morimoto isn't with you. I don't want to know why. Did you happen to learn anything of the source of the Black Talon? I know that I gave you very little time, but every hour I am hearing new reports of how the empire is slipping into chaos. Every moment is precious."

    She seems to be dressed in not in the robes of a priestess (as she was earlier), but instead the garb of a sohei. Her resplendent funerary clothing from the previous night is hung nearby. It has been washed following her terrible experience in the cemetery. Ameiko looks rather startling in the clothes of a warrior-monk. But, from the look on her face, she seems more comfortable than you have ever seen her.

    She turns to face her guests, her hair now coiffed in a breathtaking swirl that forms a sort of glossy black crown atop her head. Jeweled pins stick out here and there. "Please tell me you've found some clue as to who our enemy is."

  116. Seeing the empress in this state warms Gakusei's heart. He knows all too well the private and public face that leaders and especially Empresses must show for affairs of state. Adorning the clothes of a warrior-monk reminds him of his own past with this young lady as she grew into the wise leader he sees before him. He stifles a look of reflection and returns his mind to the present.

    "My Empress Ameiko," Gakusei begins with a short bow, making a point to address her by her name suppressing this old man's common quirk to avoid proper nouns, and instead give this personal sign of respect from the old wizard, knowing Ameiko will understand. "As time is brief, I will forgo the exciting tale of our excursion and instead get to the points. Perhaps when the need for brevity is past we can enjoy this story over tea."

    "We arrived at the docs and impersonated a band of smugglers. Using some minor magic I posed as a younger man and approached a whimsical salesman calling himself Nobuyoki who was selling an allegedly magical ore named Noqual. While this ore had no magical aura of its own, we decided to press this vendor for information on the Black Talon. He claims that this poison is only a legend and not a true toxin. We may have briefly earned his respect (or ire) and hinted that the Iron Reagent statue may be the key we seek for underground trades of such poisons.

    "We left his company and approached the statue. The statue is given a wide berth in which no one approaches, despite the crowded area. Fierce carvings which adorned it begged for investigation. I had detected a strong magical aura of Transmutation nearby suggesting a variety of possible magical spells at work, such as teleportation, or dimension door. My instincts suggest it is a gateway to another place, however we lack the trigger for the spell to take us there. We tried a series of command words and gestures with no effect. Further futile efforts revealed nothing of the statue and it seemed none of the townsfolk were helpful.

    "I had suggested posting a hidden sentry here to look for the next illicit traveler by the statue, and I expect that the shadow man, or others of our group stayed behind to this end. Our silver-tongued friend begin an impetuous plan to... ah, but now I have spoken too long as it is."

    "We have now returned to you to share our learnings, and are eager to identify the method for gaining entry through the Iron Regent statue. Have you heard of such magics there?"

  117. Ameiko's eyes narrow, and she mumbles half to herself, "how I wish I'd had that monstrosity torn down the moment I came to the throne... it matters little now."

    She turns her full attention back to Gakusei, "the statue was virtually completed by the time I came to Minkai. I have no first-hand knowledge of its construction, but my advisors have told me that Takahiro Soto, my predecessor, was obsessed with the project. He threw extraordinary resources into building it. The commonly accepted assumption was that it was simply a monument to his hubris, but I suspect there was something more to it. Thousands of laborers died erecting it in the Regent's haste to see it completed. Among them were its architects... men of great magical knowledge and arcane power. It was a blessing in disguise, Gakusei, that you were cast out of your order during this period, or you might've been buried beneath that blasphemous thing!

    "In any case, it will require deeper investigation. However, I had hoped to assign you and your companions to another task outside the city. More information has come to light, and there are matters of critical importance that need attending to. Megumi has learned much during her tireless research in the temple archives. She can fill you both in, but this mission I have in mind cannot succeed without the services of our minstrel and the ninja.

    "But perhaps you did not speak long enough earlier, old friend... what is this impetuous plan you began telling me about?" She raises an eyebrow as if expecting unpleasant news regarding Morimoto's activities.

  118. "Morimoto was not interested in returning until he had something positive to report. He is very eager to impress you. He returned to Nobuyoki to try and make a deal for this Noqual. He has little money, but his whip and wits to act with. I think Morimoto hopes the Noqual will open the door to the statue, but I believe he is acting out of desperation and fear his chances of success are very low.

    "I barely know the ninja, or his intent. Last I saw he was headed with Morimoto, likely to keep an eye out for trouble."

  119. Ameiko nods at Hojo's estimation of the situation, her brow knotted in deep thought. "Well, whether he is successful or not, he will not be joining us anytime soon, I would guess. He is loyal to a fault, but once he gets a notion in his head, nothing will deter him from it. If that bodes good or ill, we will have to see. At least he has the ninja with him. Takeru is but a novice, but he dealt with Tanaka most resourcefully. The two of them may still find a few answers. Or at least some better questions."

    She breathes in deeply and addresses the samurai and wizard with firmer resolve in her voice. "You have both done well. I did not expect this Black Talon to be a simple puzzle to solve, but there are other problems that we face. The ronin, Kaga Shigeo, was a daimyo under the Jade Regent who fled the capital disgraced about ten years ago. He and the regent did not see eye to eye on many things, it would seem. While this would appear to make him our ally, he also happens to believe that he is a blood heir to the Teikoku Shogunate, the rulers of Minkai prior to the ascension of the four imperial families. With my supposed death, no doubt he feels that the time has come for a return of the Teikoku to the throne.

    "Kaga is not our enemy, but neither has he sworn fealty to my rule. The Teikoku are all dead -- as the rest of the imperial families -- and he has no proof of his lineage. But one thing about him is certain... he is a formidable general, and he has gathered many warriors to his banner. Uddo was the capital of Minaki during the shogunate, but has lay in ruins for centuries. Kaga and his men dwell amidst the ruins and in the surrounding lands. Much like tearing that accursed statue down, I have not had the resources to spare to bring Kaga in line. Now we all may suffer for my inaction. We have recieved reports that he is preparing to march downriver from Uddo for the purpose of claiming the Jade Throne for his own. I don't know how he got word of my demise so quickly. I can only imagine that he has agents or spies in the city. But, I can no longer afford to be dead.

    "I will ride forth from the temple gates at dawn on the morrow. The priests have told me that this will be a powerful symbol to the people of Kasai that my return is ordained by The Empress of Heaven herself. I would prefer not to wait, but I suppose a certain amount of theatrics is warranted considering how chaotic it is out there at the moment.

    "I would once again call upon your aid... though I leave it up to you how you would provide it. You may stay here, and ride forth with me at sunrise for the imperial palace. Every possible precaution is being taken, but one can never have too many people you can trust by your side during such times as these. Once my rule is again established, I will send envoys out to meet with Kaga to assure him that Minkai needs only one ruler, and she is alive & well.

    "Or, if you choose, you may return to the Iron Regent immediately. If you can track down Morimoto and Takeru, and aid them in their task, then so be it. Megumi can accompany you. Her abilities would no doubt be of great use to you." At this last statement, Megumi's milky white eyes grow large with apprehension. Apparently, she had left the temple for the first time only last night. She steels herself and bows obediently.

    "Decide now, and you will have my blessing whatever you choose. When we are finished here, Megumi can fill you in about what she has learned and the next mission I have planned for you once your wayward companions are found."

  120. "My skills on horseback far exceed my skills at detective work, I would be honored to ride in your company. As for our companions, they are capable in their own ways. Either they are at a loss and may eventually give up and return, or they have found a way in which, likely, we would not be able to follow. In either case, perhaps it is best to give them an hours time while we meet with Megumi before we decide to go looking for them. If I do depart, I will be sure to return before sunrise to ride with you in what ever capacity you deem useful."

    Hojo can't help be feel his exhaustion after the last days efforts, and how quickly his life has changed. He reflects on the hysteria of his mother and feels the worry in his stomach. Perhaps it is time for a hearty meal and ale to calm the nerves.

  121. Gakusei smiles upon hearing that his misfortune and disgrace may have saved his life. Serendipity, wits and a whim seems has been his guiding forces.
    Asking about Morimoto's activities gives him some pause as he searches the floor for the words to say, luckily Hojo speaks up and he relaxes.

    Gakusei listens intently on the Empress's story of the possible usurper, Kaga. Upon hearing the empress call upon his help, he straightens his posture and brings his head high... until a pain shoots through his back and he leans forward again on his spent staff.

    Eager to help, but unsure of which direction to go, Gakusei ponders briefly. His limited selection of spells is nearly expended as is, and returning overland to the Iron Regent makes his bones ache just thinking of it. Perhaps my knowledge of the arcane would be enough to aid them, however, and leave the fighting to the younger men.
    Otherwise, accompanying the Empress tomorrow would allow some much needed rest and replenishment of his simple spells. Maybe even an hour or two to learn some new ones from the Archives here, perhaps that would help the Empress more.

    (OOC: It looks like the other thread is already progressing without us in the Iron Regeant. With some metagaming, if you don't want to split the party again, I can return to the statue with Hojo and we can move together again. Otherwise, Gakusei would likely take some tea, 8 hours of rest to replenish spells, and maybe a few hours to try Spellcraft on learning new spells from the archive of Megumi (is she a divine caster? or does the court have any arcane ones?))

  122. Ameiko offers as much of a smile to Hojo as her station will allow. "It will be good to have a Tokugawa by my side in the morning. Most of your family has left to secure the surrounding countryside in the wake of the unrest that grips Minkai. Your father and his retainers are attending to your household and your mother's care.

    "However, as you say, in an hour or two, we may learn much more. Until we have more information to rely on, take your rest and see to Taiki. Megumi can escort you to a place where you can replenish your strength. She can share her tale with you, as well. I found it rather fascinating." The empress bows, and returns to her own preparations for her sunrise ride on the morrow.

    Megumi says, "follow me, my lords." The young priestess has a very unnerving appearance, but carries an unearthly beauty, as well. As she leads the way past Kondo and out into the main sanctuary, it can be easily seen that her movements betray her exhaustion. She has been researching in the archives even since she returned from the cemetery. But, clearly, she has great strength within her, also. Her devotion to Shizuru and the empress are admirable.

    She guides the samurai and wizard into the very spartan dining hall reserved for the priests to take their daily meals. They sit in a remote corner -- despite the fact that no other priests are about -- and Megumi excuses herself to fetch the food. Shortly, she returns with a platter (which nearly spills when the priestess loses her balance briefly). Hojo's sharply-trained warrior reflexes enable him to leap up and steady the platter before there is an accident, however. He sets the food on the low table while Megumi apologizes and takes her place at the table. There is tea (which Gakusei happily indulges in), akashiyaki dumplings, and warm fish broth. The priestess blesses the meal and everyone tucks in.

    1. "Thank you, Empress. And thank your for the news of my family, I worry for my dear mother."

  123. Little is spoken for quite some time. The warm, hearty food rejuvenates the three companions, and there is little desire to distract from eating. As Megumi dips her third dumpling into the broth, she stops herself and says, "forgive me, my lords... surely you are both anxious to hear about the discovery I have made in the archives. It is in regards to the shape-shifting sorcery that the assassin used to approach the empress without being noticed. Such trickery is an art mastered by a race of fox-folk, known to have dwelled in the depths of the Forest of Spirits for centuries.

    "What I learned is that the Forest of Spirits was not always simply in the distant north of our country... there was a time, long ago, when the forest covered the entire Minkaian peninsula. Almost all of this land -- at least everything west of the mountains -- was a part of the great woodland realm. It is said, the kitsune -- as these fox people are known -- were very numerous then. Their magic was so powerful, that they could take almost any shape they wished or even disappear from sight at will.

    "Understandably, our ancestors feared them greatly for their powers. As the empire grew in strength, the forest diminished. And as their homeland began to disappear, the kitsune became much weaker in their mastery of shaping magic. They could not withstand the might of the Teikoku Shogun when his influence spread from the old capital of Uddo. Little has been heard from the fox-folk in modern times.

    "But, there is a wood to the south of Kasai, just beyond the river, that is actually a remnant of the furthest extension of the Forest of Spirits. It is a valuable resource for the empire, providing wood which is so important for Minkai's livelihood. Generations of nobles have used it as a hunting ground. It is said that the Teikoku Shogun spared it so that the ancient kami spirits within would favor his rule."

  124. Megumi gently sips her tea and then continues. "In any case, the forest survived. Apparently, some of trees that grow there are direct descendants of those ancient giants that can still be found in the Forest of Spirits far to the north. I was reading about Empress Sugimatu Kumi, whose death 300 years ago has yet to be explained. She loved the woods to the south of Kasai, and rode there frequently. She did not hunt in the forest, but simply enjoyed the natural beauty of the place, it is said. There were vague rumors during her rule that she began to spend more and more time in the forest. An account written by an obscure retainer of the empress seemed to suggest that she had an illicit affair with a kitsune she met on one of her excursions to the woods. One day, the empress simply disappeared, never to be heard from again.

    "Following up on the account written about this kitsune, I found that there was -- and may still be -- a hidden enclave of the fox-spirits in these woods. Imagine it... kitsune, not hundreds of miles away, but practically on Kasai's doorstep. When I brought this to Ameiko's attention, she told me that reports had reached her ears from some of her agents in the Black Lotus of a kitsune in Kasai only weeks ago. The empress had dismissed the reports prior to the assassination attempts, but now the pieces seem to be fitting together.

    "While she is not convined that this avenue of investigation will bear any fruit, she was hoping to have Morimoto and Takeru to be part of a group that would travel to the forest and look into it. Along with the both of you, of course. She seems to think Morimoto would have the diplomatic skills to negotiate any sensitive interactions with the fox-folk. She wants Takeru there because, according to the Black Lotus, the kitsune suspected to have been in the city was well-versed in the arts of ninjutsu. And that's not even the strangest thing..."

    Megumi finally takes a bite outof the dumpling that has been tormenting her. "It is said in the legends that as kitsune grow in age and magical power, they actually sprout more tails. Every kitsune has one, but the stronger ones have two or three. With each tail, they gain greater power and mastery over their shape-shifting arts. The Lotus claims this kitsune that paid Kasai a visit... had nine."

  125. "There was talk of a tattooed man. Could a kitsune shift into the appearance of a human? If the reports of nine tails is true, perhaps this one can?"

  126. Gakusei enjoys the meal deeply after the much physical exertion. The warm tea is much welcomed and greedily devoured.

    He listens intently to the story from Megumi, hoping to glean new information or add to her knowledge with his own.

    (OOC: Have I had many interactions in my many years with the Kitsune? If so, I'll share it as another lecture :)

    Knowledge checks to see if I can add anything from my readings:

    Knowledge: Local 19 + 10 = 29
    Hoping to remember about local Kitsune, practices, tribes, interactions, mythos, and other related data

    Knowledge: Arcana 16 + 10 = 26
    Hoping to understand more of their shapeshifting powers, its limitations, power requirements, effective caster level, etc.

    Knowledge: History 4 + 10 = 14
    Do I know much of the history of the scattering of the Kitsune to the north? What about their recent history or recent interactions? Social structure?

    Knowledge: Geography 3 + 10 = 13
    Do I know of logical places for them to resettle or hide based on the local terrain? What areas to they prefer which are assessible around here?

  127. Megumi nods to Hojo. "Most certainly. Some kitsune have spent years masquerading as a human. They can shift from their natural shape to human form as easily as you or I could don a hat."

    The priestess has given Gakusei much to ponder. He is somewhat surprised to know that there could be a community of the fox-folk so close to Kasai. The Tian-Min are notoriously intolerant of other races -- even other human ethnicities -- particularly in the capital. The rule of Amatatsu Ameiko has served to loosen some of these attitudes, but still, it would be difficult to imagine that such an enclave could survive for long. Then again, the kitsune are tricksters without peer. Perhaps it is possible, even after all this time.

    Most of the wizard's knowledge of the forest spirits is from second-hand study. He has never -- to his knowledge -- met one face-to-face. Most of their abilities come from illusion, enchantment, and transmutation. Some of it is innate, but no doubt many of the more powerful kitsune are potent practitioners of sorcery, as well. Some of Gakusei's former colleagues at the Jade Eye Academy sought to possess kitsune tails in the hopes they would aid in shape-shifting magic.

    The common people throughout Minkai worship Daikitsu, the goddess of agriculture and craftsmanship. She is not much revered in the cities, but is more of a rural diety. Her symbol is that of a nine-tailed silver fox... but Gakusei is unsure whether the kitsune hold any special significance for the goddess. Like the kami, kitsune are spirits of natural places (though they are considered a bit more mischievous than the wise kami) and Gakusei assumes that such creatures would practice some form of Tamashigo -- the belief that all things have a spirit, and that spirit should be honored.

    In any case, the idea that the fox-folk are a nearly-extinct race that dwelled only in the deepest shadows of the Forest of Spirits is one that -- until now -- Gakusei shared. The task of trying to root them out in thei rown territory seems to be a formidable challenge indeed.

  128. "Upon taking form of a human, do they always take the same human form? Or can they alter their appearance further? This tattooed man in particular, who could really be a kitsune in disguise, could he also take the figure of a woman, or an old man, or even the same man without paint?"

  129. Turning to Hojo, "No my young friend. A Kitsune's 'other self' is not chosen by them, but is another mask they can don at will. However, as you've already seen from me in the guise of Tsuyoi, a simple first-year student's spell is to alter your form into any creature of similar size and shape. One practiced in such magic or with innate talent could do so."

    "Do you think that the Oni who attacked my favorite tea-house may be related to the Kitsune and the attempted assassination?"

  130. Megumi gets a grave look on her face. After a pause to put down her chopsticks, she says, "I think, ultimately, that is what all of our investigations hopes to find out. Before claiming the Jade Throne, the empress had to defeat the Five Storms, a cabal of powerful oni who had for many years hunted down the four noble families -- five if you include the Teikoku -- with the intent of installing a ruler of their own choosing. For a while, they actually succeeded, but her Divine Majesty upset their plans. No doubt, the empress has been keeping careful watch for their possible return, however.

    "The oni are the servants of the Lord of Envy, and like their master, the oni are jealous of what living things possess... physical bodies, sensation, feelings other than hunger & hatred, and, yes, the rulership over other living creatures. However, part of their curse -- decreed by the gods themselves -- is that they can never rule, at least not directly. That is why they used the Jade Regent, the Five Storms' puppet who could rule in their stead."

    The intense conversation seems to have drained the priestess of what little strength she had left. Her forehead drops into the palm of her hand, which, in turn, is propped up on her elbow that rests upon the tabletop.

    "Forgive me, my friends..." she says wearily. "If there is nothing else you require of me, I would depart to take my rest. Certainly if Morimoto returns to the temple, do not hesitate to have me awakened. But, otherwise, I hope to sleep until it is time for the empress' ride in the morning."

    If the Gakusei & Hojo have no other questions for the priestess, she stands, bows, and then shuffles off to her quarters elsewhere in the compound.

  131. "Oh of course my lady. Sorry to keep you so late." Gakusei smiles and slowly rises from his chair, leaning on his spent staff as old chivalrous habits endure.

    "One last request and I shall leave you to your sleep. Are there any old spellbooks, or scrolls from first-year students that I could study before bed? I'd like to try and remember some of my lost spells in preparation for assisting the Empress tomorrow."

    (OOC: I probably have time for 1hour's worth of study for a spellcraft check to copy a spell into my spellbook. At level 2, I can't get much, maybe a level 1 spell. Some good targets for tomorrow would be: Alarm, Blend, Discern Next of Kin, Lock Gaze, See Alignment, Snapdragon Fireworks, Vanish)

  132. "The hour is indeed late" Hojo confirms as he rises. "I can lead Gakusei to the library, if you know which section to head for. Otherwise we may stop someone on the way, should others be out this late."

    Hojo isn't going to spend the full hour with Gakusei, just see him to the books. Then I'll pop out to the stables to check on Taiki. Finally, I'll find some sleeping arraignments for Gakusei and myself and be sure he finds it. With all this new news, and all the food/exhaustion, memory of our other new friends still at the docks begins to fade.

    OOC: Snapdragon Fireworks FTW!

  133. Megumi tiredly provides sufficient instructions to serve the old man's needs. With Hojo by his side, Gakusei heads towards the archives and begins to search through the vast volumes of scrolls.

    Hojo then makes his way to the stables in the outer compound. Taiki seems fully recovered from his heroic but taxing ride of the previous night. He is happy to see the young samurai. The young sohei who are responsible for looking after the animals have taken quite a shine to the creature.

    OOC: Give me a Knowledge (Arcana) check for each spell you wish to research, and I will let you know the result. Your best rolls might not match up with the available spells.

  134. Gakusei finds himself surrounded by tomes and spellbooks in the Library. The familiar scent of dust, worn leather, and candle wax is as comforting as a warm blanket and bed is to a child. This is his home, his mental landscape. The world begins and ends from here.

    He risks a smile across his face, and opens the first tomes at hand. As he pages through an old historical record he stops for a moment and takes stock of the time. Speaking mostly to himself he says aloud, "I'm afraid I'll have to indulge in some of these tomes later, the empress is counting on me tomorrow, and I only have this evening."

    Putting them aside, he searches for spellbooks with simple enough gestures and commands that he can still cast.

    (OOC: Each spellcraft check to learn a spell takes an hour, how much time do I have to try a few spells and still get 8 hours sleep? I'll knowledge:Arcana to search through for the spell I need to see if its even available:

    Knowledge: Arcana +11

    Alarm 12 + 11 = 23
    Blend 10 + 11 = 21
    Discern next of kin 19+11 = 30
    Lock Gaze 6 + 11 = 17
    See Alignment 8 + 11 = 19
    Snapdragon Fireworks 15 + 11 = 26
    Vanish 8 + 11 = 19

  135. With the time it takes for Gakusei to find three spells in the archives, it leaves him just barely enough time to study one before his eyes can no longer remain open.

    OOC: You found blend, discern next of kin, and snapdragon fireworks. To get 8 hours, you'd only have enough time to attempt 1 Spellcraft check.

  136. As the candle wax burns, Gakusei's eyes briefly pass from the pages to the candle and back, taking note of the time as he has done so in ages past.

    He has fond memories of Snapdragon Fireworks, and in recent memory it would have been wonderful to have them again for the new year, however tomorrow's activities will likely not require such flair nor power. Discern Next of Kin has much more powerful application to unexplained visitors.

    He opens up the single page of the spell, looking at the sigils and markings. A familiar Read Magic spell dances off his fingers and tongue giving the symbols and lines new color, vibrance, and dimention. As the glyphs dance off the page and through his mind he focuses in on each one, trying to reach back into his past and see his present to stitch together this spell, give it his own signature, and then copy it immediately into his own spellbook.

    (OOC: Spellcraft check, here we go!
    OMG natural 20! (Not lying I promise!) 20 + 11 = 31)

    Proud of a good night's work and exhausted from the effort, Gakusei slowly walks back to his room and sleeps deeply to be fresh for the next day.

  137. After tending to Taiki, Hojo ensures he and Gakusei both have made it to bed for the night.

  138. Before the sun is even up, the temple complex is abuzz with activity. Priests of Shizuru (including Megumi), the empress' personal guard (led by Kondo Tsubame), and the sohei warrior-monks are busy arraying themselves as if for a tremendous battle. Horses are brought forth from the stables and soldiers are lined up in the outer compound for inspection. Everything seems chaotic, which adds an even greater sense of risk & danger to what is to come.

    But despite the apparent disarray, everything ends up sorted out in immaculate precision as the horizon in the east begins to glow a pinkish-orange. Ameiko emerges from the temple flanked by Hamada Ichiro (in his grand ceremonial armor) and Kaeda Minoru in robes of pearly white trimmed with gold. The empress is still in her horseman's armor, but Taki has apparently convinced her to put her hair up and wear a magnificent headdress which makes her seem like a great regal queen of battle.

    She marches down the steps, adjusting her wrist guards, and approaches her white steed with single-minded purpose. Without hesitation, she mounts and rides out through the inner gate to greet her loyal subjects.

    OOC: I wrote this without any particular PC's mentioned since we don't necessarily know who might be involved or what specific actions the players may wish to take. But, this sets the stage for riding out from the temple at sunrise.

  139. Gakusei awakes sluggishly, and studies his spellbook. After preparing his spells, donning his robes, and grabbing his staff he walks out to join his empress.

    (OOC: Gakusei will join her and I've updated his spells for the day. Not sure where he would 'appropriately' fit, but he'll comply for her and buck his Chaotic side. His plan is to detect magic, provide guidance, look for spellcasting, and see how the procession goes.)

  140. Hojo and Taiki take their place in the outer compound proudly wearing their parade armor for the glorious occasion. Hojo seems to ignore the fact that he is short two companions from last nights excursion, as if he does not want to face the fact that something could have gone wrong. His focus is set entirely on the ride to the capital, trying hard to behave like a solder.

  141. Ameiko rides up and down the assembled lines of her subjects. Her voice is clear and keen like the icy morning air. Her breath smokes as she shouts, "All of you have gathered here to honor your empress and to show your infallible loyalty to the Jade Throne... but when I ride forth through those doors, I do so to honor all of you! Cowards striking from the shadows and then fleeing into the night would have us whither and lose all hope, but we will not have it! Kasai needs us, Minkai needs us, and with all of you by my side, we will not fail to show that those who dwell in shadow will never defeat our sunrise! May Shizuru illuminate our every step! Ride with me now!"

    Ameiko's horse rears up and the empress raises up her hand. A few of the younger sohei and palace guardsmen cannot help but cheer (to which Kondo visibly bristles -- emotional displays are not smiled upon in the Imperial guard). Ameiko then takes her place at the great double doors of the outer wall as her subjects fall in behind her.
