Thursday, October 8, 2015

Scene 5: Shadow Harbor

Age of Succession, 7217 IC 
Month of The Cherry Blossom
First Day of Spring
Fourth hour of the afternoon
Clear & mild, but with a chill west wind on the rise

Once the preparations are made, Morimoto, Takeru, Hojo, and Gakusei are provided horses and accompanied out of the temple gates by a pair of sohei. Megumi -- though eager to explore more of the city outside the compound -- is directed to continue her research, particularly on the subject of kitsune shapeshifting magic. She returns to the archives as the others thunder out of the west gate and towards the harbor on the Xidao Gulf. 

Fortunately, the area that Morimoto suggests the group focus on is not far from the temple. With the sohei leading the way and clearing a path, the journey covers lots of ground very rapidly. This is a good thing indeed for there are only about three hours until the sun will set. Already the Empress of Heaven is beginning her descent towards the western horizon. The adventurers must work quickly, but at least they will arrive at the docks within mere minutes. When the riders are within several blocks of the slummy district that is huddled on the lapping shore of the Xidao Gulf, Morimoto calls for the group to stop. He would prefer the investigators approach on foot and without temple guards with them. The better to blend in, one would suppose.

The four companions make any final preparations, and then watch the sohei gallop off to return to the temple. In a few minutes, they are traveling northwest along a poorly patrolled & maintained road. To their right is a thickly overgrown wooded border that surrounds the Kourin Pagoda grounds (a place that is strictly avoided by the locals due to its haunted reputation). To their left are various storehouses, shops, and residences that grow more ramshackle and dingy as they continue down the road. People they pass traveling the same way are moving slowly and looking about with furtive glances. Those heading the opposite way are hurrying along. 

Beyond the row of buildings on the right rises the enormous Iron Regent. It is a monument depicting a fearsome armored figure with a frightful learing mask and raised sword. The monstrosity rises over one-hundred feet high, its legs straddling the narrow channel between Inu Island to the south and the mainland to the north. Black birds appear to circle about its head squawking noisily. Rumor has it, the statue was to be plated in sheets of pure jade, but the evil despot was overthrown before the work could be completed. So it has been left in its dark gray state, which if anything, seems more menacing.

Before long, the group arrives at a crossroads. A long, busy street leads straight north & south. The docks themselves to the west of it and a shadowy overgrown wood on the east. Several larger boats are tied up currently with uncountable smaller craft scattered about. The long, wooden piers are interspersed with wooden buidlings, canvas tents, booths, and wagons. The larger structures are further north.

OOC: If anyone is trying to appear as something they are not, please describe what you are attempting and how you are attempting it. I will need Disguise checks for those individuals.

Unless you cause trouble immediately, this will be a skill-heavy endeavor. Some pertinent skills might include Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (various), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth. In fact, each of you might as well give me Perception checks right away.