Thursday, October 8, 2015

Scene 5: Shadow Harbor

Age of Succession, 7217 IC 
Month of The Cherry Blossom
First Day of Spring
Fourth hour of the afternoon
Clear & mild, but with a chill west wind on the rise

Once the preparations are made, Morimoto, Takeru, Hojo, and Gakusei are provided horses and accompanied out of the temple gates by a pair of sohei. Megumi -- though eager to explore more of the city outside the compound -- is directed to continue her research, particularly on the subject of kitsune shapeshifting magic. She returns to the archives as the others thunder out of the west gate and towards the harbor on the Xidao Gulf. 

Fortunately, the area that Morimoto suggests the group focus on is not far from the temple. With the sohei leading the way and clearing a path, the journey covers lots of ground very rapidly. This is a good thing indeed for there are only about three hours until the sun will set. Already the Empress of Heaven is beginning her descent towards the western horizon. The adventurers must work quickly, but at least they will arrive at the docks within mere minutes. When the riders are within several blocks of the slummy district that is huddled on the lapping shore of the Xidao Gulf, Morimoto calls for the group to stop. He would prefer the investigators approach on foot and without temple guards with them. The better to blend in, one would suppose.

The four companions make any final preparations, and then watch the sohei gallop off to return to the temple. In a few minutes, they are traveling northwest along a poorly patrolled & maintained road. To their right is a thickly overgrown wooded border that surrounds the Kourin Pagoda grounds (a place that is strictly avoided by the locals due to its haunted reputation). To their left are various storehouses, shops, and residences that grow more ramshackle and dingy as they continue down the road. People they pass traveling the same way are moving slowly and looking about with furtive glances. Those heading the opposite way are hurrying along. 

Beyond the row of buildings on the right rises the enormous Iron Regent. It is a monument depicting a fearsome armored figure with a frightful learing mask and raised sword. The monstrosity rises over one-hundred feet high, its legs straddling the narrow channel between Inu Island to the south and the mainland to the north. Black birds appear to circle about its head squawking noisily. Rumor has it, the statue was to be plated in sheets of pure jade, but the evil despot was overthrown before the work could be completed. So it has been left in its dark gray state, which if anything, seems more menacing.

Before long, the group arrives at a crossroads. A long, busy street leads straight north & south. The docks themselves to the west of it and a shadowy overgrown wood on the east. Several larger boats are tied up currently with uncountable smaller craft scattered about. The long, wooden piers are interspersed with wooden buidlings, canvas tents, booths, and wagons. The larger structures are further north.

OOC: If anyone is trying to appear as something they are not, please describe what you are attempting and how you are attempting it. I will need Disguise checks for those individuals.

Unless you cause trouble immediately, this will be a skill-heavy endeavor. Some pertinent skills might include Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (various), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth. In fact, each of you might as well give me Perception checks right away.


  1. Not being terribly perceptive (6+0=6), I concentrate on trying to keep us out of conflict so we can go about without much trouble. I will be playing the role of bodyguard, and will use my presence to indicate we are not to be bothered with small matters (intimidate: 10+5=15).

  2. OOC: Perception role of 1. I might as well be blind.

    Morimoto has made no attempts to disguise himself, instead attempting to affect an air of grim confidence. He wears the two short swords that he picked from the armory on either hip, though he has no intention of using either. The ketros sling, kukri, and trusty leather whip hang from loops on his belt, with the darts in his bag, and the daggers are strapped to both thighs. The short bow is slung about him and the quiver is prepped at his back. The jeweled whip is kept against his breast under his shirt. Indeed, the kitsune appears almost ridiculous draped with so many weapons. The idea is to draw a specific kind of attention. The only weapons Morimoto hopes to need is his silver tongue.

    OOC: I recommend a party order of Hojo in the lead and Morimoto and Gakusei side by side, and Takeru, trailing at some distance. My guess is that the ninja would prefer to not be seen as part of the group, hiding and shadowing us, to emerge if necessary. That would be my preference as well.

  3. At Moto's suggestion, Hojo leads the group. He just sort of pushes forward at a reasonable pace, not quite sure where he is going, waiting for something to happen.

  4. OOC: Perception 2+3 = 5 yuck!

    Once we are close to the docks, as was pre-arranged with the group, Gakusei walks into a door, hides briefly, casts Disguise Self, and walks back out to greet the group as his new persona Tsuyoi Damu as the head of their clan of smugglers.

    He fills out his form into a taller 6'4" who appears heavy and far more muscular. He reduces his apparent age to the youthful 42, adds in a distinctive scar across his left eye and cheek, and changes the appearance of his quarterstaff to be that of a Greatsword. His clothes a combination of high quality leathers with patchwork repairs, tough rugged boots, and a bag at his hip (containing spell components but disguised as a coinpurse).

    (OOC: These effects are all magical, duration 20 minutes, if someone interacts physically with the glamor they have a will DC 16 to disbelieve. Disguise check is 19+3+10(spell)= 32)

    Gakusei, who is now Tsuyoi Damu, introduces his new persona as the head of their smuggling clan and then falls in next to Moto and behind Hojo projecting an air of confidence and leadership.

  5. Once the companions begin to merge with the seedy crowds that mill about, it becomes clear that this is an environment that would take some getting used to. The area is a confusing tangle of different sights, sounds, and smells. Nobody notices anything unusual -- that is to say, everything is unusual, so it is impossible to differentiate one strange sight from another.

    While The Reeds had its own strangeness to it, it was still clearly Minkai. The people, buildings, and clothing was all obviously Minkaian. Here, there are easily a dozen languages being spoken, and many folk from all over Tian Xia gather to conduct business (or pleasure). At one point, creatures with orange, scaly skin, huge glassy eyes, and fins tinged with green & yellow walk across the party's path. Though none of the companions have ever seen one, they assume these are the locathah of the Xidao Gulf.

    A quick glance to the rear reveals that Takeru has either blended in exceptionally well, or he has disappeared. The crowd seems to have swallowed him up. Perhaps he is simply carrying out the plan and doing a great job of it. But it is unnerving nonetheless to have seemingly lost a party member already.

    It could take hours to explore this entire area. There must be some way to speed the process up somehow.

    OOC: I'd still like a Disguise check, Hojo. You're a bodyguard, but people are going to observe what sort of bodyguard you are -- one that belongs here, or one who might not.

  6. OK, Disguise. Holy Crap! 17+0=17 (far better than I expected!)

  7. Following Ameiko's instructions, we proceed to the area of the harbor closest to the shadow of the statue of the Regent. Since we seem to be completely incapable of parsing out the elements we are trying to work with, one of us needs to take some action. Having no other reference, Morimoto scans the nearby crowd for small groups with similarly elaborate tattoo patterns. Though the Empress specifically said the Hitsugi Gumi are likely not involved in the murder plot, we have a connection to them we may be able to exploit, with some cleverness, and they may at least point us in the right direction.

    Moto expresses this idea quietly to Hojo and Gakusei, so we can all help look. Unless someone has a better idea...

    Also, Mormioto is trying to remember if he knows any songs particular to smugglers or black market activity. The lyrics would certainly have hidden meaning, disguising truth like the profession itself. It may be a long shot, but it may also catch the attention we're after.

    OOC: Local knowledge roll: 11+6 = 17

  8. Gakusei also racks his brain for a clue to where we should make contacts when looking for rare poisons. If I were an assassin, where would I buy quality poison or rare poison? Likely a skilled but corrupt apothecary or herbalist? Poisons of this rarity might be sought with someone who actively provides weapons and unique equipment for the more expensive and discerning crowd. Which of these booths fit that description? Perhaps one of the Kitsune is among the crowds would be a good lead?

    He shares these ideas quietly with the rest as they walk slowly.

    (OOC: Knowledge: Nature 19 + 10 = 29
    Knowledge: Local 7 + 10 = 17
    Perception 12 + 10 = 22)

  9. Hojo manages to adopt a rather slummy swagger of confidence that seems to play a bit better than his typical posture which speaks of his noble birth & samurai training. Passersby barely give him half a second look. If they do, it is at his weaponry, which is a bit higher quality than usually seen around the docks.

    Morimoto wracks his brain for any shanties that happened to stick in his mind... he seems to recall a few Minatan pirate songs. Quite catchy, too, if he remembers. Most are about the sea or women or cautionary tales of some sort. Nothing that reminds him of illicit activity necessarily (unless it's illicit activities with women). One happens to find its way to his lips as he whistles the tune quietly.

    Gakusei knows there are herbalists in The Reeds and other darker parts of town that sometimes deal in poison, but he is less familiar with this district of Kasai. Besides, this Black Talon is most likely smuggled into the city. There is little chance it is brewed here. The old wizard -- now appearing to be a tall, battle-scarred smuggler -- looks about for kitsune, but then he realizes that even if there were one right next to him, he likely wouldn't know it.

    His ears perk up, however, when he hears Morimoto's song echoed somewhere in the distance. It is the same tune, no doubt, but it is sung in a croaking, gravely voice. Noticably less pleasant than his companion's whistling. It seems to come from somewhere further down the southernmost dock. There is quite a crowd gathered in the vicinity, so it is difficult to see very far.

  10. Since he does not pickup on these clues himself, Morimoto follows Gakusei's lead.

  11. Gakusei, attempting to play up his new persona bellows out in a deep guttural voice, "Hey, that same song is coming from down there on the south dock. Lets go. Keep your eyes and ears at the ready."

  12. The group stays together through the chaos & confusion (at least three of them do -- Takeru could be anywhere). Pushing past some Minatan sailors & Ulfen tradesmen from Avistan who are arguing over something in a unrecognizable language, the companions begin to clomp over the salt-stained boards leading out over the water.

    There are several boats lashed to the pier and they sway atop the heaving waves below. The investigators weave past porters lugging cargo towards shore. In the distance, they see a larger trade vessel tied up at nearly the end of the dock. It has black sails that are wrapped tightly around the masts with rope. A few loose folds flap noisily in the breeze.

    At the end of a boarding plank, there is a pyramid of crates stacked up. Perched atop the pile is a humanoid figure with sparkling eyes and a long, pointed beak poking out from underneath his wide-brimmed hat. He is singing -- not at all very well in his both piercing & gravely voice -- and sorting through a crate that he has pried open at the apex of the stack. A large group of folk -- Hwan merchants in flowery robes, Minatan buccaneers in black lamellar, slave-traders from Wanshou with bulging eyes -- are all gathered in a semi-circle around the base of the pyramid.

    Tossing handfuls of moldy straw aside as he continues to sing, the bird-man eventually rummages around long enough through the crate and pulls out an oddly-shaped earthenware vessel or sculpture. From this distance, it appears to be assymetrical and primitive in design. He holds it up briefly as shouts ring up from the crowd assembled around him.

    He clambers down the steps of the boxes and motions for people to step back. "Make way! Make way!" he calls out in a croaking voice. "Dissipate, disperse, disseminate! This is a place of legitimate business, not an assemblage of obstreperous wikkawak! Now, clear a space... all of your inquiries will be assuaged momentarily! I daresay, they will be palliated... satiated, even! "

    At that, the figure disappears behind the wall of people surrounding him.

  13. Giving a nod to his companions, Morimoto squeezes his slight kitsune frame through the gathered mass toward the very front, leveraging his exceptional strength and dexterity when needed. As he does so, he looks for the aforementioned tattoo patterns among those gathered. He's also attempting to stay aware of the possibility that someone may try to pickpocket him, for whatever meager weapon could be pilfered. Moto keeps one hand on his whip and another on his kukri. The jeweled whip should be safe unless someone reaches down the neck of his lamellar.

    OOC: With all the commotion he is surely not alone in trying to work his way closer to the auctioneer. I don't really know what to roll - stealth maybe? Roll: 16+6 = 22. Here's an Intimidate for good measure - Roll: 5 + 4 = 9.

  14. Morimoto rushes ahead of the others and tries to slip through the jostling masses before him. As he attempts to wedge himself between two black armored men that stand between him and the front row, one of them spins about furiously and barks at Morimoto in a tongue he doesn't quite understand. It sounds similar to Minkaian, but he can't quite decipher what is said. Whatever it is, it's not complimentary.

    People nearby scatter as the man grabs Morimoto's arm and throws him back. The minstrel sprawls across the dock (partially because he tripped over somebody else's leg trying to get out of the way). Looking up, Morimoto can see the man standing some distance away, still shouting and with one hand on his (as yet undrawn) weapon.

    Suddenly there is a shrill whistle, and the mob falls quiet. The bird-nosed humanoid says loudly, "excuse me! We are all here to do business, are we not? Brutality, brutishness, and barbarity is further down the dock. If you're not here for business, then I'll have no dealings with you." At this he draws his own blade and points it at the black armored buccaneer. "I am addressing you, he-who-had-his-ass-and-face-switched-at-birth."

    As if nothing had occured at all, he returns his weapon to its sheath, and continues speaking about the strange object he holds in his other hand. "Behold, gentlemen!" Due to the brief interruption, there is now a narrow but clear view of what transpires on the other side of the human wall. He holds the grotesque sculpture overhead then proceeds to throw it down & smash it on the pier.

    Brown shards of clay spread in all directions and a greenish hunk of a crystalline substance is revealed inside. The assembly grows quickly silent after an awed gasp. The peddler reaches down with his long, spidery fingers and lifts the object up. "What we have here is pure, unmitigated, undiluted, unadulterated, and absolutely uncontaminated noqual ore. It is one of the rarest and most unique metal on all of Golarion. In fact, if the stories I've heard are true -- and I have it on good authority that they are -- this substance does not even originate from this world. It is believed that it fell from the stars themselves roughly 9,000 years ago. Despite its crystalline appearance, it can be worked like iron -- though it weighs half as much without losing any strength -- and what makes it so utterly remarkable is it has the completely singular and distinctive quality of neutralizing magical energies of all sorts! All I am asking for this amazing wonder of miraculous mineral is five-hundred gold phoenixes per pound, and I... wait! Where are you going? Trust me, gentlemen, not only will you not find this for a better price anywhere, but you WON'T FIND IT AT ALL! This is the only noqual in Tian Xia, you can bet your lives on that! Okay, fine! Walk away. Go ahead. You'll be coming back. It won't be such a bargain next time!"

    As the area clears, the salesman sighs deeply and sweeps the clay shards into the water with his foot. Shortly, only the investigators are remaining in the immediate vicinity. The beaked tradesman climbs nimbly back up the stepped stack of crates. He seems ready to pack his treasure back into the crate he fished it from.

    He peers over his shoulder, and says to the adventurers, "if you don't have five-hundred phoenixes on you, you might as well impersonate, emulate, and simulate to emigrate like the rest of those know-it-all know-nothings back there."

    OOC: Nobody sees any tattoos, but then again, nobody who might have them is exactly showing them off. It's chilly (the equivalent of mid-March) so there are sleeves all around.

  15. OOC: Have I come across anything like this before in my weaponsmithing career? Perhaps I could talk with him and discuss the prospect of forging it into a weapon and selling it as something that stabs instead of something that is rare. During this discussion I'll bring in the non-magical bit and bring up how it reacts with poisons, perhaps working in questions about how to get it poisoned with an equally rare poison.

    But these are just initial thoughts, I need to get to work irl

  16. During this display, Gakusei gestures up a Detect Magic and pays close attention, peering through the veil to observe the ebb and flow.

    Spellcraft = 7 + 11 = 18, incase someone is trying to be clever and conceal their spell.
    There is a good chance Gakusei does understand some of the foreign languages and what is being said, so if there's any relevance to the plot unfolding I'd like to try Lingiustics or see if it matches one of his languages or dialects.
    Lingustics: 18 + 6 = 24)

    After the glorious display and showmanship of the salesman, Gakusei eyes the green stone with interest, even at the obviousness of the distraction for pickpockets nearby. I have indeed walked among the stars and planes in my youth, and seen much with strange minerals. Such a small object of such value in plain sight is ripe for the taking with Mage Hand, but perhaps it is best not to 'tip ones hand' just yet.

    Knowledge: History 10 + 10 = 20 Does this in fact appear in any historical texts from "9000 years ago"?
    Knowledge: Arcana 19 + 11 = 30 Does this mineral have any magical qualties I know of, has it been spoken of in spells or in the company of wizards or magical texts?
    Knowledge: Nobility 17 + 10 = 27 If this is indeed a real metal, it is possible that noble and wealthy houses would have had weapons fashioned from it for sport and for show.)

  17. Moto rejoins his group as they approach the salesman. Along with Hojo's questions, he adds this inquiry in a low, focused voice, so as not to be overheard.

    "Sir, while I cannot fully comprehend the complexity of your eloquent speech, your simpler words have made an impression on our group. In truth, my elder lord here is in need of such materials which may help to protect his family in these chaotic times. Should your heavenly material be craftable as you say, and be able to be wielded deftly with certainly of edge and strike, then we may yet barter with you, whereas all other potential customers have foolishly walked away.

    "Pray Sir, will you allow my associate here to handle this precious material, in order to validate your claims to it's weight, hardness, and other-wordly origins? He is a competent smith in addition to being a deadly sellsword. As this ore surely represents your livelihood, I will offer collateral in the form of this jeweled whip, a present from the Jade Regent himself to my lord, passed down to me for my loyal service."

    Morimoto reaches into his breast and produces the jeweled whip, careful to shield it from the site of those retreating from the dock behind them.

    OOC: that concludes Morimoto's interest in the ore. Obviously, he wants the whip back, and will watch it carefully lest the salesman attempt some slight of hand.

    ""You are a traveler, familiar with other lands - even my limited knowledge of the world can see that. Sir, my Lord is further interested in acquiring exotic weapons, not excluding certain alchemical substances which can be put to the use I have just described. We are indeed prepared to pay at this very hour in gold phoenixes, should you have access or knowledge of such items. In lieu of actual arms, we are willing to barter for information which can lead us in that direction."

    OOC: Let me know if I need a roll here. Since Moto is being honest about their intentions if not their identities, he's not really bluffing.

    BIC: It is not lost on Morimoto that the sculpture was formed with the ore inside, leading him to the reasoning that the salesman is in fact a smuggler, using deception to move illicit goods. He beams quietly for this realization, though he's the last to come to it.

    OOC: This reminds me of a scene from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: "Observe this simple salt cellar..."

  18. The fellow busies himself up on top of the crate stack as Hojo engages him in a discussion of the prospects of crafting such an exotic material into a weapon. The samurai has never seen such a substance before. He has a difficult time believing that anything in a crystal form could be forged like a metal.

    As the trader works up on his perch, he replies without looking back at Hojo, "its application as an alloy in a weapon is very specialized... against creatures created using magic, mostly. But in my honest opinion, its effectuality is maximized when used in the fabrication of armor. A noqual alloy is extremely light, and helps to avert the effects of sorcerous energies."

    Gakusei could not understand what was being said by the black armored buccaneer, but he would be willing to guess it was Minatan, judging from its similarities to Minkaian. The two tongues have a common root. In regards to the origins of the pale green mineral, Gakusei has heard of an ancient cosmic incident of legendary proportions that supposedly occured several millenia ago in Avistan on the other side of the world. It is known in that land as "Starfall," and if the tales be true, many strange materials fell to the earth during this event. They are known collectively as "skymetals." They are rare in Avistan, and virtually unheard of in Tian-Xia.

    Morimoto approaches the pyramid of boxes and inquires whether Hojo may be able to investigate the noqual sample more closely. When the offer to view the whip is made, the feathered fellow turns about and sits down on the edge of one of the crates."I was no friend to the Jade Regent, I can tell you that. His reign was absolutely horrible for business. He had no appreciation for the importance of commerce. But, I will have a closer look at this whip, if you'll toss it up. And while you do that, you can also show me the monetary compensation that you proport to offer."

    He lounges on his makeshift seat with one spidery hand held outward. "If you don't feel comfortable doing business here, we can go aboard my ship."

  19. Morimoto tosses up the whip, and starts to follow the salesman below deck, but then, remembering his station in this ruse, stops himself to wait for Gakusei to lead.

    OOC: Did we decide that Hojo is carrying the loot or Gakusei?

  20. (OOC: I think Hojo has it)
    Gakusei, ahem, Tsuyoi walks confidently forward, grimaces at the salesman and looks him up and down as if sizing up an opponent.

    "This whip is but one item we have available for trade, it has been brought to show our legitmate interest."

    Gakusei pauses, as if deeply considering his next statement.

    "Perhaps we can arrange a supplementary business deal my friend. I have a very lucrative contract that is only one piece away from completion. Lets talk in private"

    Nervous to enter his boat due to possible abduction or theft, Gakusei tries changing languages briefly to see if our verbose salesman speaks of a more foriegn tounge than those around. He tries a few short statements and greetings in Taldane, Draconic, and Minkaian.

    (OOC: If these statements are not well recieved, i'm ok with going aboard the boat to talk in private. My plan here is to use the metal and whip as a lead-in for a 'buisness deal' in acquiring the rare poison we need.)

  21. Hojo takes in the immediate proximity. His goal is to create something of a separation between our little conversation and the people still in the area. Without drawing sword (unless absolutely necessary), Hojo works to position himself between our group and anybody very nearby, hopefully making them uncomfortable and shift a bit further away. With a reasonable separation, Hojo stands nearby with his back to the water and keeps an eye out for people approaching or being overly-interested in what is going on.

    OOC: Intimidate (subtly): 12+5=17; Perception: 2+0=2 (nice roll...I need more perception *sigh*)

  22. With Hojo providing an unwelcome wall between the business dealings and anyone else on the dock who might want to stick their noses where they don't belong, Morimoto, Gakusei, and the black-plumed trader march up the gangplank to the deck of the ship. There are a few more of the bird-like humanoids milling about. All are dressed in black & wear wide-brimmed kasa which obscure their entire faces except for the tips of their beaks. They hardly appear to notice the visitors at all.

    The adventurers' host says a few words to the workers in a strange tongue, and then says, "my name is Nobuyoki, by the way... well, it's not my true name, but it's what I use when doing business in Minkai. It just so happens that since the Regent was dispatched by the lovely Amatatsu empress, Minkai suddenly became to be the best place to do business. My cabin is up ahead here... please watch your step. The boards over this way are rather lubricious."

    When Gakusei tries to converse in Draconic with Nobuyoki, their host immediately becomes animated. "Most excellent! I do enjoy colloquialisms in the occasional exotic vernacular... a bit of a hobby of mine, one could say. I do believe you are proficient in the tongue of dragons, am I correct? That is actually spoken with some regularity in Xa Hoi, believe it or not. I have not yet mastered it, but I can certainly pick up its distinctive characteristics when I hear them. A majestic language, don't you think?"

    He invites his guests to sit in his rather cramped, but well-appointed quarters. He offers tea and seed cakes and hops up on his cluttered desk while Morimoto and Gakusei sit in padded wicker chairs. He looks over the whip and marvels at its construction. "It appears to be heavily lacquered, yet it retains an incredible amount of pliability... remarkable."

    He leans forward and hands the whip back to Morimoto, then says, "so, master Tsuyoi... what are the particulars of this lucrative contract that you mentioned? I would engage in further trivial pleasantries, but you both seem to be in a bit of a hurry."

  23. After suppressing some excitement to talk to another intellectual about linguistics which would be out of character, Gakusei continues as Tsuyoi briefly in Draconic saying, "Indeed this is the tongue of dragons, I've picked up some in my trades." Then reverting back to a more common tongue once safely in his quarters.

    "Nobuyoki, I have a very well connected and, _motivated_, customer who is quite interested in rare and potent poisons. Have you heard of the Black Talon?"

    Gakusei pauses and carefully reads his reaction to the mention of this poison by name.
    (OOC Perception: 4 + 3 = 7 yuck! Depending on Nobuyoki's reaction, Tsuyoi (Gakusei) will continue speaking. If he's surprised by the mention of the Black Talon, Gakusei will listen intently to Nobuyoki and see what he eagerly blathers about and not speak immediately. If confused or not surprised by the mention of black talon then read below...)

    "There is an element of magic within this toxin, possibly originating from the Vale of Green Spears or from the Kwanlai. I'm tracking down now the final pieces of this complex trade between my customer and various intermediaries. I would be willing to cut you into this transaction's profits in exchange for your services and contacts in completing this puzzle.

    My customer has grown impatient, which I have capitalized on by offering a 'rush' service fee. This will only increase our collective profits if we can move quickly. Does this transaction interest you?"

  24. Morimoto thinks to look for reactions too:

    OOC: Perception roll = 2+5= 7

    But then he is distracted by everything else in the room.

  25. Nobuyoki leans back a bit and chuckles a bit before continuing. "The transaction would interest me greatly -- especially in light of the travesty you witnessed out on the docks earlier -- however, I am afraid you have been inveigled by some supposititious information... this Black Talon you speak of, it doesn't exist. It is nothing more than an apocryphal tale concocted to create fear in the Lung Wa oppressors of the tengu in Kwanlai. My apologies to you and your employer, but you are chasing a faerie tale..."

    OOC: If he is lying, you certainly cannot tell. He answers immediately and doesn't change the inflection in his voice.

  26. Hojo wispers loudly to Gakusei, loud enough to be overheard: "This man is ignorant to the kuroi tsume, we should not waste our time, and especially not all this gold, on him!"

  27. Initially Takeru had felt no great need to keep up with the group. They were trying their amateur best to blend in and that was probably best, considering their mission and environ. Still dressed with his rough wool brown jerkin loosely covering his equipment, he ambled along, appearing as the lowest of the low, an average porter good for nothing but breaking their back and certainly No One Special, and was thus all but invisible in the crush of people, every one thinking themselves important.

    ((Disguise 16 + 5 = 21))

    He watches dispassionately as the bird-man-hawker-merchant made his speech and dispersed a crowd more quickly than he'd ever previously seen (mental note to keep that technique in mind!).

    For too long he gazes in the direction of the city, anticipating some attack almost by habit. Too late he realizes the group has traversed the gangplank and is already heading for the ship. With the hurry of one caught displeasing an employer, he scuttles up the gangplank, making great deep bows to the obstructing samurai as he passes, and Takeru scurries to a place to the right and rear of the great lord Tsuyoi, head still bent low as if in anticipation of orders.

    Takeru catches the last part of the discussion, staying silent and clearly conceding the floor to the silver tongues that own such an arena. Though, as the bird-man-hawker retorts ignorance with a perfect dead-pan, Takeru lets his eyes slide across his face like a whetstone against smooth steel, coming to rest on the merchant who seems a bit to ignorant of a poison of great worth.

    ((Sense Motive 8 + 4 = 12))

    His right hand tenses and he makes a mental Tactical map of the ship. If this merchant is lying, the need for a little violence shall not guard the path that puts the whole realm in peril.

    ((OOC: How many are on the ship?))

  28. Takeru passed at least a dozen tengu on his way to Nobuyoki's cabin. This is not taking into account below decks, the hold, or the quarters at the rear of the ship (which have not been explored).

    The ninja definitely senses something off about the obsequious avian's words, however. Perhaps it is just Takeru's innately suspicious nature, but it seems there is something not being said. It might not be a lie necessarily, but a piece of the puzzle is missing.

    In response to Hojo's whispers, Nobuyoki chuckles a throaty chuckle and replies, "be content I'm not cheating you! I could easily take your coin in exchange for countless substances that actually do exist, but do not live up to the stories of Black Talon. You'll not find any other merchants in Shadow Harbor who would be so kind."

    He hops off the desk and knocks back his cup before proceeding to the door to his cabin. "I could arrange for your employer several doses of deathblade, if you are interested in virulent toxins, but otherwise, I think our transaction has concluded." He opens the door and stands waiting by the exit.

  29. Morimoto, having sensed nothing and not wanting to waste time with a merchant who plainly cannot help, gets up to leave.

  30. (OOC: Darn! I missed my chance to respond before he got up.)
    Gakusei, startled at this sudden conclusion, quickly tries to keep the conversation going.

    "Let's not be too hasty my friend. Perhaps the black talon is a faerie tale, but I cannot return to my employer empty handed. This idea of a surrogate poison which may fool him might be interesting. Perhaps there is a way to mimic the effects, or find suitable contacts from Kwanlai who have likely pawned off false Black Talon before to such high profile buyers."

  31. Takeru shuffles to the bard, head always kept bent in respect of his betters. He places his hand lightly on the bard's arm and says, respectfully, "Master, please do not make to leave until Tsuyoi-sama has given us permission. Perhaps the honorable merchant is simply bartering well to get more gold from us, as is his sacred duty. Or perhaps the merchant wishes to be paid for even hints of whispers of the myth of that which Tsuyoi-sama seeks. Either way, we must wait for our lord to grant his leave."

    Takeru stops talking and takes a place next to Gakusei, such as can be had, ever the picture of patience, waiting for an order.

  32. Moto shoots Takeru a look as if to say, "Everyone knows the best way to force a salesman's hand is to threaten to walk out. We're giving this birdman all the leverage." Yes, a look can say all of that.

    Moto turns back toward the table. "My lord, time is of the essence. If this merchant is interested less about our gold than in not offending our sensibilities, and will not share what he knows, we must move on."

    OOC: Bluff roll: 18 + 8 = 26

  33. Takeru gives the briefest of nods at the bard's communicative look. Inwardly, he corrects the saying, 'Well, the -best- way to force a salesman's hand is to follow him out of the shop and see what he does, maybe even ransack the store after dark...,' but outwardly he remains silent and obedient.

  34. Nobuyoki swings the door closed after Morimoto turns back into the cramped quarters. "You could find some alternate purveyors of deleterious poisons in Minkai, I do not doubt. But anyone claiming to possess Black Talon would just as soon exhibit the effects of their wares on one of you as they would sell them. The rest would likely take all your coin in exchange for promises of old folk tales made real... and a vial of cold yak piss. But none of them are as reputable as I."

    He returns to his desk, sits, and leans back on the back legs of his chair. He props his three-toed clawed feet up on top of the desk and continues. "Reputable might not be what you're looking for, though, is it? I'm afraid that most of the stories you might have heard about my countrymen have steered you wrong. We are not all liars, thieves & cutthroats. We've simply had to take necessary measures to win for ourselves a land of our own, and a bit of dignity. Making money under false pretenses is not something I -- nor anyone I associate with -- would do."

    He takes out a long-stemmed pipe from inside his tunic and begins to fill it. "If you wish to mimic the effects of Black Talon, I recommend finding a sorcerer. Or a kitsune. They are the masters of trickery, not honorable tengu, such as myself."

  35. Takeru lets his gaze fall on 'Tsuyoi-sama' in expectation of leaving. It seems like this merchant really has no intention of providing either product or information, through either a lack of it or an unwillingness. It seems they'll either need to apply a different kind of persuasion to this one, perhaps late at night after shadowed observation, or, more simply, wander around a bit and try more leads. It would've been lucky to strike gold in first loud hawker that they've come across, but such seems not to be.

  36. "Honorable my tail," spits Morimoto. He's also puzzled that the tengu would close the door behind us and then tell us to go elsewhere.

    Then he considers that the Kitsune have been invoked by others recently in the same context. Hmm...

    OOC: Here's a bunch of Knowledge rolls to see if Moto can remember anything relating his Kitsune culture and Black Talon.

    Arcana: 20 + 1 = 21
    History: 8 + 5 = 13
    Local: 8 + 6 = 14
    Nature: 3 + 5 = 8

    Where is Hojo right now?

  37. Taking various queues from his trusted compatriots, Gakusei slowly rises to hit feet and fixes a strong and penetrating gaze upon Nobuyoki and moves slowly towards the door. As he moves his turns and nods to the party indicating that they flank and follow him to the door.

    Upon arriving at the door, he turns to face Nobuyoki and again lingers with a meditative and sour look. After an uncomfortable delay he says,
    "Perhaps you underestimate me, and that is your mistake. If a fool were to cross us in such buisness dealings as you describe, they would be made example of. You do not cross Tsuyoi Damu and his men.
    I have seen much in my trades. Kings that grovel as peasents and peasents who rise to the crown. Not all Tengu may be untrustworthy, but nearly all are destitute. Desparation can make many turn to forbidden alternatives. Balance of probability my friend."

    Gakeusei looks around at the party appraisingly and then states,
    "My trusted men here believe we are wasting our time. I agree. Good day."

    He turns towards the door and goes to leave.

  38. Hojo is in the room with the party, and follows the lead of Gakusei, preparing for trouble while moving toward the recently closed door.

  39. As he leaves Takeru keeps his head bent but allows his eyes to circle the room, creating a mental tactical map, focusing on places that the objects of actual importance might be kept. The odds are at least 30% that he'll be back here again, and remembering what the interior looks like would prove helpful.

  40. Nobuyoki lights his pipe using a nearby oil lamp as the party members begin to file out through the door. He watches Takeru slowly make his way to the exit, and the ninja hears a muffled snort. A moment later, the tengu bursts out in cackling laughter. The fit of amusement doesn't last long as he begins to cough violently on the pipe smoke.

    When he recovers, Nobuyoki shouts after his departed guests, "that, my friends, was most excellent! Kings and peasants? That was good! You and I should switch chairs, because you would make a great salesman! I like you Tsuyoi Damu, I do. And, despite the fact you did not toss one copper coin my way, I won't let you leave completely empty-handed."

    He clears his throat and leans forward over his desk. Looking up at anyone who bothers to look back, he says, "if you're truly interested in chasing faerie tales... go ask the Iron Regent. But be warned," he leans back in his chair with his arms behind his head, "he doesn't always take too kindly to visitors. I'd mind my manners if I were you."

    With that he puffs on his long-stemmed pipe and several tengu in wide-brimmed hats arrive to escort the party members off the ship.

    OOC: While Morimoto has not been immersed in kitsune culture for much of his life, he knows enough to realize that while his kind are tricksters, they are not killers. In fact, he remembers Ameiko speaking of a kitsune who helped her survive the perils of the Forest of Spirits on her journey to Minkai. Her name was Miyaro, and though she died, Ameiko has said she wouldn't have made to the throne if not for the kitsune's aid.

    If any kind of magic were used in creating Black Talon, most likely it would be necromancy.

  41. Once the group is off the ship Morimoto wonders aloud, "Would it be wise to have Takeru scout the Iron Regent statue? While he does that we can mill around the market area and try to watch for patterns of activity in the vicinity of the statue."

  42. 'Tsuyoi Damu', turns to Nobuyoki and lets a suble smile and nod show before turning back to the gangplank and exiting the ship.

  43. Considering what the Empress would do in this situation, Morimoto can no longer stand by and let others take all the risk of this operation. He ventures toward the right foot of the Regent statue, watching it from a distance of ten paces for a few minutes to see if anyone else is milling about it purposefully. He tries to look casual, and his small stature should help him be disregarded. If he cannot determine whether the right foot has some sort of secret entrance, or stationed guard, he repeats the process with the left foot. Again, if there is no traffic into or out of the statue, Moto will go up to the big foot and check it for doors, and if he finds one, he will knock with a dagger.

    Perception: 7 + 5 = 12.

  44. After the group exited the ship and began clandestinely discussing the implications of 'asking' a huge iron statue anything, Takeru silently pondered the next step. As the bard bravely began inspecting the statue for secret doors, Takeru stepped to the side and traded a copper for a rice ball from one of the ubiquitous merchants that sell such life-sustaining handfuls to day laborers.

    As he munched the tasteless thing, Takeru keeps a side-long watch on the bard, keeping his eyes out for anyone else who might be taking an interest in him or his activities.

    ((Perception: 2 + 5 = 7. Takeru notices that, yes, this is indeed a really good rice ball.))

    If, after such time that it takes to choke down a rice ball, either no one has any overt interest in a bard sniffing at a statue, or he bard has had no success, Takeru will wander over, ask the bard what he'd doing with the air of one stranger to another, and then assist with the investigation.

    This way he appears to be just another bystander, if such plausible deniability is needed.

    ((Perception check 10 + 5 = 15.))

  45. As the glamour of his Disguise spell nears its close, Gakusei ducks through the crowds into a shopping stall, breaks eye contact of passers by, and then re-emerges as himself once again by letting the spell fade willingly.

    He turns to and approaches the giant statute and contemplates the Iron Regent. What did he mean "go ask the Iron Regent"? As he contemplates a familiar gesture appears on his fingers in Detect Magic. He allows the weave to ebb and flow around him, concentrating his mind on the statute itself.

    Knowledge: History 19+10=29
    Knowledge: Local 7+10=17
    Knowledge: Nobility 2+10=12, ouch
    And for detect magic:
    Knowledge: Arcana 17+11=28)

  46. The enormous iron statue is built upon twin stone pedestals, each rectangular in shape and about forty feet long, twenty feet wide, and twenty feet high. The Regent's right foot rests upon the pedestal on the mainland side of the channel. His left is across the water on Inu Island. The great blocks of stone are reinforced with the same dark iron that the statue is fashioned from. Elaborate designs are carved into every side. Most of them depict ghoulish-faced humanoids in outlandish armor holding strange weapons. Other normal-looking people are gathered before them in supplicant poses. Some kneel fearfully, while others actually seem to be tormented by the monstrous figures.

    It is immediately noticeable that there is a complete lack of traffic within at least one-hundred feet of the pedestal. Locals appear to avoid it. Takeru happens to notice that the ground is churned up a bit along one wall, however. The recent rainy weather has caused some of the grass to be worn way and muddy ground to be revealed in one area.

    Gakusei (back in his natural shape) surveys the pedestal for magical emanations. As he wanders the perimeter, he comes to a certain section that radiates powerful conjuration energies. This spot corresponds to the place on the ground where the ground is torn up slightly. Roughly fifteen feet up on the side of the pedestal there is a carved face gazing downward. It bears a wide, mirthless grin and curving tusk-like fangs jutting up out of its mouth. Its eyes are huge and frightful. The overall visage is fearsome & menacing.

  47. ((OOC: Is the mirthless face a normal carving? i.e. One of many along a row that appears as gargoyles might? Or is it wholly out of place, and might come alive, ala the thing that we fought in the restaurant?))

  48. Takeru licks the last of the sticky rice-based resin that held the ball together from his fingers and notices Gakusei pausing over the patch of bare ground. Takeru had dismissed the spot as just a bit of worn ground, but if the wise-one has given it some pause, perhaps this is a lead to be followed?
    Takeru walks over to the bare spot. It bothers him not a whit that the locals give this place a space of caution. Such superstitious fears are their coin, but he has long learned that fear must be earned.
    Speaking of which, Takeru likes not the grinning fang-face that glares like an angry kami. It reminds him too much of Laughing-man and a recent fire. Shizuru save us from any further such spirits!

    As Takeru reaches the bare spot he surveys the ground. He aches to ask what Gakusei sees in the spot, but whatever answer was given would mean little--such wisdom found in the Aether is for others to ken. That there is one clue in the tumult is enough. Still, 'twould be rude to work in silence....
    "See you aught of interest, Learned One?" Takeru asks in a voice both low and calm.
    Then he bends down, gazing about the spot. As if by magic, one moment his hand is empty, and the next Rising Spring is in his fist. With quick, efficient strokes he stabs into the ground using the dagger as a spade, digging up chunks of dirt. He knows not what he's looking for, but is confident that Gakuseo will help to let him know if he finds it.

    ((Perception: 10+5 = 15))

  49. Hojo works himself into the crowd nearby as best he can, with the intention of being available should muscle be required.

  50. With a big smile across his wrinkled face Gakusei clasps his hands together in amusement.
    "Oh ho my friend!" addressing the fearsome carving, "You seem to be scaring the locals with this leaking essence."

    He looks over to Takeru who begins to dig at the spot emanating conjuration. An expression of panic on his face.
    "Careful! Wait! We do not know yet the shape of this weave!" he places a soft paternal hand on his shoulder. "It will be difficult to save our empress if we are transported to Avistan against our will." He then relates all that he has seen to Takeru and the party.

    (OOC: I assume this is the most powerful aura around me, do I know its strength and is it fading? (Faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming) I'd like to cross its possible spell level against possibilities of spells that could be lingering here and then share it with the party. It might also be a magical trap or contingent spell/wondrous item. Here's some likely candidates that come to my mind:

    Faint: Summon Monster, Obscuring Mist, Stinking Cloud
    Moderate: Dimension door, Secret Chest, Teleport
    Strong: Mage's Magnificent Mansion, Phase Door, Plane Shift, Gate
    Overwhelming: If I notice this level, I will turn, run, and yell for everyone else to follow me to a safe distance.

  51. Gakusei focuses more intently upon the emanations. They are clearly strong, far beyond his ability to cast (at least these days). They are localized on the stone wall beneath the leering stone face, which -- now that Takeru thinks about it -- is not terribly dissimilar to the monstrous visage of the gold-skinned creature in the teahouse. While there are many bas-relief carvings about, this is the only such face that is visible.

    Nothing is revealed by digging in the mud besides more mud.

    Hojo does not notice anyone snooping around the base of the right foot. The investigators seem to have the place to themselves for the moment.

  52. After studying the aura for a bit, Gakusei turns to the party and says, "A persistent conjuration of that level could very well be a teleport or dimension door. This is but the gateway to somewhere else. Perhaps there is a key phrase, object, or person that must trigger it."

  53. Takeru ceases his impromptu excavation and sighs slightly. He takes care to wipe the blade clean on his garments before seeming to apparate it back to its unseen resting place. He wipes his brow with the back of his muddy hand, but makes no attempt to clean either his hands or his now mud-smeared face. Such things only serve to enhance his disguise anyway.

    Rising, he looks to Gakusei, then to the bard, and finally to the face of pedestal that was adjacent to the spot of earth. "A key phrase, eh?" he questions to the learned one. Bah, such things would be difficult to track down, and would only mean more delay, more trudging, more chasing down dead ends.
    Perhaps a more mundane theory should be pursued first?

    Takeru faces the wall that has the aura that so interests Gakusei. Between the magical oddity and the place of churned earth this must surely hid a door or somesuch.

    Takeru leans close and gives the spot a thorough examination with an eye for pressure plates or other such secret ways of opening. (Indeed, even just a hint of there being a door would narrow down the puzzle they now face.)

    ((Perception check: 20 +5 = 5. Oh great jabba the hutt that was timely. Wasted, true, but still nice to see.))

  54. Takeru does not find any seams, mechanisms, or moveable parts on the surface in question. It seems to be fashioned out of one solid piece of stone.

    Morimoto's utterance seems to have no apparent effect.

  55. Morimoto has zero patience for puzzles. "We could guess at this all day long, but I bet the magic word just transports you to the island foot where the door is." Moto secures passage on a small boat with a few copper to ferry him and anyone else from the party that wants to investigate that possibility.

  56. Hojo looks to the sun to judge how much time remains.

  57. Takeru nods as the bard secures passage. "Aye. Were this the only foot, I'd try my hand at climbing the thing and asking that frowning face what troubles him so. But such an act might draw more attention than we'd care, and I've no trust that we'd glean anything from it. Let us dance about at the other foot. If it has less about it than this one, we can always come back here and I'll try climbing all over it then."

  58. The sun is descending towards the horizon over the Xidao Gulf. It is approximately two hours before sundown.

    There are plenty of small boats back in Shadow Harbor that can be purchased to deliver the party to Inu Island.

  59. Noting the time of day as well Gakusei turns to the silver-tongued friend and says, "Perhaps you are right. We have no leads on what triggers this spell. Perhaps it is only triggered by blood and we cannot open it ourselves. We would need to do much research to have a better chance at opening this gate, And we must return to the Empress quickly, as she warned.

    Let's secure passage on the boat, but I would like this spot watched at some point. There is a good chance we can catch a traveler attempting to use this gate, if it is a gate, in the next day. Perhaps a well-placed coin for a beggar here to watch it?"

  60. Takeru wanders near Gakusei, and nods briefly, noting the wisdom of the plan. He drifts near the bard saying, softly, "Your tongue might be better at convincing a beggar to a loyal watch than mine. I'd take the stand, but I think the heavier work is still to come, and I'd not miss it."

  61. Morimoto pays for a boat to take the party to the island. He tosses in an extra gold piece for the boatman to wait so they are not stranded.

  62. Without too much trouble, the group finds a fisherman willing to ferry them across the narrow channel to the shore of Inu Island. The current is quite powerful (and being the first day of Spring, quite frigid), so swimming would've been impossible.

    The party disembarks and the fisherman ties up the craft to the pier that juts off the island. The investigators have not ventured far up the muddy bank before several dogs come sniffing out from the trees to the south. They are all various sizes & breeds and appear to be rather wild, but thus far, non-threatening. They seem to be expecting food. A few of them venture over to where the boatman waits. He digs into the pockets of his coat and pulls something out that he hands to the beasts. He scratches one behind the ear. It seems he came prepared.

    The great stone pedestal on this side of the channel overlaps with the water slightly and the southernmost end of the structure is mostly buried in the slope of land. Only about five feet sticks out from the ground. In most other respects, it appears similar to the other pedestal on the mainland.

    Some of the dogs follow the adventurers around, occasionally barking & jumping up on them. As the perimeter of the stone block is examined, more disturbing carvings are found but no signs of traffic in the dirt or magical emanations.

  63. "Ferryman," begins Morimoto, his head clearing inexplicably, an otherworldly pall only now lifting from his eyes. He feels emboldened to speak more freely now that they are somewhat removed from the throb of the market and out of earshot from anyone tracking their movements.

    "These dogs, you care for them. I admire your compassion." Moto playfully tussles the scruff of a couple of the animals. He feels a deep-seeded kinship for the beasts.

    "You are no stranger to this isle. And so you must also know how it is that men move in and out of this statue. Will you reveal what you know of that?" The bard then produces his gold pouch, weighing it in his hand and appealing to the ferryman with an upturned brow.

    OOC: Diplomacy: 10 + 8 = 18

    At some point, he will try to get a better look at the area of the statue base in the water. Depending on what the Ferryman says, that seems like it's worth looking at more closely. If we've come here for nothing, I'll feel pretty dumb.

  64. As the dogs approach, Takeru barely contains a sneer. Dogs are the penultimate in security and the greatest problem to overcome when trying recon or assassination. Any operative would rather have to overcome a full squad of lazy, human guards than a single ever-vigilant four-paw! Too many wargames spent trying to find ways to neutralize this kind prevents any appreciation of their cute wittle noses, fuzzy wuzzy ears, and soft rub-able tummies.

    Instead, Takeru spends the time patrolling around the area, looking up and down. The infinite paw-tracks would surely have disguised most of the useable data, but perhaps the rising shaft will contain something? Perhaps the demonic faces will prove themselves worth climbing?

    ((Perception check 20 + 5 = 25. Seeing how J already said there wasn't anything here, probably another waste of a good roll. ))

    As the bard strikes up a conversation, Takeru wanders over. This source of human intelligence might be the most useful source they have, so Takeru tries to raise the chances of success. He walks over to where the pair converse and mumbles something appropriate yet bland. "Aye, we have reason to think that forces of the greatest evil have been seen around the Regent. Any information you could offer would be of great...value."

    ((Aid Diplomacy check: 11 + 1 = 12. W00t!))

  65. OOC: I notice on the map there's a road that leads to a building on the island. Can we see that, or is it too densely wooded?

  66. The fisherman says that he prefers not to go near the Iron Regent, so he would know little about anyone who does. "These are strays that the priests bring here so they are not wandering the streets. It was a tradition that started long ago... some emperor had a fondness for the beasts, I guess. I think they are happier here."

    Takeru can easy clamber up the short side of the pedestal and reach the platform on which rests the Regent's iron left boot. He finds nothing of interest that stands out to him, however.

    When the suggestion that evil forces might gravitate to the immense statue, the fisherman shrugs. "Doesn't surprise me. That's why folk avoid it so. The man was a demon in human skin, if you ask me. His statue isn't much better, but the real thing was the foulest curse ever to befall Minkai. He still expected everyone to bow down to him, though." He spits on the dock.

    Up the slope of the island the investigators can barely see the roof of a pagoda rising above the treetops. From what they know, it is a simply a shrine dedicated to some past emperor. The submerged portion of the pedestal goes down only a few feet, by the looks of it. The swiftly flowing icy water obscures vision somewhat, but examination seems to show the base buried in the muddy riverbank.

  67. Morimoto curses. "I refuse to bow down to this monster; I don't care if that's the way to get in." He finds a stick and tosses it up the embankment for the dogs to fetch.

  68. Takeru overhears the last little snippet of conversation from the friendly fisherman. He smiles. It all makes sense now. The dirt, the aura, the demon head. Apparently even a statue can have an ego.
    His face splits into a smile as he says, robustly, "Ah, truly a place graced by so many dogs and such a foul curse can have nothing more to tell us. Let us go back to the other shore and carry on with the rest of our...pursuits."

    Takeru, still smiling, lines up near the fisherman, waiting for the rest of the party.

  69. Gakusei is pensive during the boat ride and arrival on the island. His mind is racing about the Iron Regeant statue's magical aura and the data available to him. While a great saga is unfolding in his mind he seems quiet and distant to those around him.

    Upon arrival, he will contemplatively walk over to the shrine's partially submerged base, shudder at the cold water and arthritic pain, and inspect it carefully of signs of magical or mechanical use.

    (OOC: You guessed it, detect magic again.
    Assuming I find nothing interesting, Gakusei will rejoin Takeru by the fisherman and cast Prestidigitation to warm up his feet and hands to relieve the pain.)

  70. Morimoto wonders how many men with ropes it would take to pull this ugly thing down. For now, he will follow Takeru's lead.

  71. After they make it to the other side, Takeru goes over to the spot that he dug up--the spot that had been worn smooth, the spot in front of the glaring demon head.

    And kneels.

    To ensure the thing does not fail for lack of effort, he'll go full on and bring his head to the ground, adding, for effect and in a low mumble, "Oh most pious lord, give us unto this day the opening the door and things most goodliest for passage."
    He heard it in a play once. Seemed appropriate now.

  72. The others look on as Takeru has his face prostrate to the muddy ground.

    They watch the leering stone face and the stone facet of the pedestal, but nothing unusual seems to occur.

  73. After a few minutes (just to be sure!) Takeru gets to his feet, thoroughly confused.
    He looks to the others to suggest the next step.

    ((OOC: Man, thought I had it there.))

  74. Hojo nervously glances towards the falling sun and begins to think of more long term strategies. He considers the actions of the various nobility during the past few years, trying to narrow down the list of people who could be followed or interrogated.

    OOC: My web admin has blocked myth-weavers, so for the moment I'm without a character sheet. Wizards is also blocked, so no dice rolling...

  75. Morimoto spits on the rutted ground, climbs the pedestal base, raising the sack of precious jewelry in the air. Then, with his clearest, loudest voice, he announces to the entire market square,

    "1 Gold Phoenix to every man with a rope and a strong back if we can tear down this statue by sunset!" He proclaims this several times with great vigor, then jumps down and turns toward Takeru.

    "The gods apparently have no opinion in this matter. I say we make our own luck." The bard then runs toward the area of greatest activity.

    "The pedestal is anchored in mud! 300 strong backs can tear it down! Surely the regent kept secrets inside, and there is no garrison to stop us! Tear down the regent! A gold Phoenix to every man if we take it down today!"

    In clear, strong voice, Moto improvises a song to a popular drinking tune.

    "For a coin I may drink,
    young beauty, try my luck.
    Tall tales of my exploits,
    so lady let's, um, dance.
    Did I tell you 'bout the Regent,
    rusting bones at the sky?
    He's drowned in the ocean,
    now freely birds fly.
    I was there with my rope,
    me and 300 friends.
    We brought down that statue,
    Now we drink to his end!"

    It's not a very good song, but the performance is the most important part.

    OOC: Performance (Sing): 14 + 10 = 24

  76. At first, any folk within earshot of the minstrel do their best to ignore him or, at most, give him annoyed looks. As he merges with the throngs milling about the harbor area, however, and begins to sing his rousing tune, people take notice.

    Some folk gather around, entertained by the impromptu performance, but they seem to interpret it in a light-hearted manner. After some applause & laughter (and even a few coins tossed his way), most of them move along to attend their own business. The few that stick around seem to be expecting more entertainment. They don't look like their ready to work.

    A middle-aged man sees Morimoto's serious demeanor and steps forward. "You aren't serious, are you? Don't you think such a thing has been attempted before? It won't budge. Most think it's held there by fell sorcery... and I'm prone to agree." Shortly thereafter, the crowd dissipates completely.

    Back at the pedestal, the leering visage of the face carved into the stone gazes down, seeming to mock the heroes. The setting sun shines into the faces of the three investigators, as if reminding them that time grows short. In an hour, Empress Ameiko will expect a report of their progress in locating the source of the Black Talon.

  77. Takeru draws closes and mutters low, "We've no more work to be done here now. Let us return and weigh out what meager fruit our labors have born. Tomorrow is another day."

  78. "Ah, the impetuous youth. Perhaps with some more research into this aura and this statue I could un-weave the spells that bind it and learn more of the mechanism here. But for now, we will not have time before sundown my silver tongued friend."

    Upon hearing from the ninja, Gakusei turns and says,
    "Fret not, shadow man. Some of the most delicious fruit has an ugly tasteless skin."

    Turning back to the group. "It might still be wise to place a pair of eyes here to see who triggers this spell in the next day. A well paid informant perhaps?"

  79. "We can trust no one but ourselves," Morimoto responds, frustrated with the superstitious cowardice of the people in the marketplace.

    "I don't know what we have learned here, or what we have to report. I vote we stay as group and observe the area from different perspectives. We can report back to the Empress when we have something to report. I won't go back to her with nothing. If the group disagrees I will follow, but I believe we have thus far failed in our mission."

  80. Ameiko's other subjects were exploring other avenures of investigation while the companions searched for the elusive purveyor of the virulent poison. While on the verge of a break-through, the answers are for the moment out of reach. There are arguements to be made for staying or going. Morimoto is more comfortable with the company of the empress and knew her before she took the Jade Throne. The others might have a more difficult time imagining going against the request of the monarch.

    The group may have to vote without an appointed leader.

  81. Takeru is uneasy about staying. "Did we have a concrete reason for staying, then, aye, we could keep a post all night, but we've no idea that staying will bring any more fruit than going. Let us return and see if other birds have planted fruit-bearing seeds."

  82. Recalling the birdman from earlier, Morimoto curses his slow mind.

    "Wait - there's one thing we can still try! Here we stand before this cursed monstrosity which the locals claim is magicked, and our own Gakusei has determined it to be so. What if we go back to the dock, make a deal for that chunk of noqual ore, and bring it back here. We may rend the magic door ajar through even more mystical forces."

    Morimoto looks on the group hopefully. He does not want to go back to the Empress empty-handed.

  83. Morimoto takes silent disengagement as tacit approval and heads back to the dock and the birdman to purchase the noqual ore with the jewelry and money we have, then bring it back to the statue to see if that affects their ability to get inside.

  84. Frustrated and aware of the waning hour, Morimoto turns away from the others to hurry back to the docks. Nobuyoki's ship is still at anchor near the terminus of the southernmost pier. Several tengu in plain brown robes and wide-brimmed kasa that obscure their entire face (except for the tip of their black beaks) are milling about the gangplank. Some are carrying crates aboard the ship, others stand alert with their long-fingered hands resting on the pommel of sheathed blades.

    Hojo, Takeru, and Gakusei watch their comrade rush off to the harbor. High above them, wheeling around the great shoulders of the iron statue, they can see a murder of crows that seem to be laughing in their croaking voices. The companions are weary and befuddled with this conundrum. Morimoto might have an idea that's crazy enough to work, but how much time to they have to execute it?

    OOC: Who is following, who is staying put, and who is heading back to the temple?

    Kaster -- are you still having blog issues?

  85. Gakusei is deep in thought. Conjuration. Based on the cryptic message from the salesman and the presense of this statute, it must be some form of gateway or teleport. Most such spells are activated by word, by blood, or by item. Which is it in this case? How would smugglers utilize such a spell? Hmm, likely would be through a keyword or by an item. By blood yields too much risk in betrayl and makes it difficult to 'replace' consipiritors.

    Something of this magnitude is then one of two things: Either a well known keyword is used by an inner circle of smugglers, or a small group all posses an activation item like a lodestone, key, or figurine of power. Such an item would have been found on those using the portal, but may also be stolen. But if stolen, they would not know what it is for, making it worthless to the theif.

    As he ponders these thoughts he hears Morimoto vaguly in the background. Something about spending our money. His eyes widen as he recounts what was said.

    "Wait my friend!" Gakusei quickly turns to Morimoto as he turns to depart. "We leave empty-handed, but with full minds my shadow-walker. Come, let us return and share counsil with the Empress."

    (OOC: Gakusei will return to the Empress and likely request hot tea and a seat to rest his old bones)

  86. Takeru tries once more. "Morimoto-san, head the words of the old man. Surely his scholarly-knowledge has broader base than they own furious thought. Let us at least retreat for the now. If the morning brings no greater clarity, we can always return. Money never spoils."
    That said, Takeru stays by Morimoto's side, since a man with cash should never be alone by the docks.

  87. Hojo is rather amused by the brashness of his new companion. "That is a desperate man, but the money isn't his to spend. Gakusei, I think it might be time you return the 300 gold to it's original owner."

    OOC: I am here, been reading along this entire segment I haven't had much of anything to contribute. Guess I just got in the habit of reading the story...

    Also, I did kind of lose track of the gold (shame on me!), but last I remember it was in Gakesei's care, as he was taking the role of our leader during this adventure.

  88. "Those impetuous Kitsune tricksters..." Morimoto recalls a snippet of conversation overheard at Kazakukiya. He hadn't fully understood, and in pure human form it could not have been a direct accusation, but Motot threw a punch nonetheless, and got his tail kicked pretty hard for lowering himself to expectations.

    The lesson was not learned then, however, and so must be repeated.

    Moto is off too quickly for his companions to muster him. He carries only the gold in his pockets, a meager sum, but also the bag of the Empress jewelry and the bejeweled whip. Certainly he must be able to barter these for that hunk of rock no one else wanted.

    With greatest haste he returns to the boarding plank, then slows to compose himself, catch his breath, and request entrance. "I would speak again with Nobuyoki on the matter of the noqual ore."

    1. OOC: while I'm thinking about it, I'll need to know the effective proximity of the ore. Ideally, I could get the ore to try on the statue, in exchange for the whip or jewelry as collateral, with the success of this effort determining the outcome of the transaction with Nobuyoki. If these make for acceptable currency, he can have both if this leads to a successful outcome. But of course there will be dialog and dice rolls.

  89. Takeru simply shrugs and follows, his lithe form having no trouble following the bard.
    He'd ease his blades in their sheathes, but he doesn't need to. They'll come when called.

    The matter of the money affects him not. His ideas came to naught, so who is he to tell another anything? He clears his head, leaving strategy to others, and again regains his demeanor of the loyal porter.

  90. Takeru hustles off to follow Morimoto, leaving Hojo & Gakusei at the Regent's right foot.

    The minstrel is so determined, Takeru has a tough time catching up before his companion addresses two tengu flanking the bustling gangplank. The bird-folk bow respectfully, but keep a hand resting on their weapons. When Morimoto requests to meet with Nobuyoki, the guards briefly glance at each other. Then the one on the right nods once.

    Takeru then arrives, but one of the tengu holds out his hand and shakes his head "no" in the ninja's direction. Morimoto alone, or not at all, it would seem.

    OOC: If the others wish to head back to the temple, that is fine. It is not too far away, but there is little time to get back before sunset (especially on foot). Post back in the temple thread if you wish. I'll play both halves of the party as needed.

    Morimoto, if you agree to step aboard on your own, let me know and we'll probably resolve the interaction through e-mail.

  91. Morimoto is committed to this course of action. He boards the ship and goes to meet with Nobuyoki. Certainly a ninja will not be subdued by two standing guards if there is a call to action.

  92. Takeru bows and nods dumbly. "Yes master, yes master." He'll do as he's told stay where he is...right in the middle of the gangplank.
    Immature? Perhaps. But that's what guards are there for.

  93. With Takeru waiting back on the dock under the watchful care of the tengu sentries, another crew member motions for Morimoto to follow and leads him on board. The minstrel must weave carefully between other sailors that continue to move here and there on various duties.

    The guide does not take Morimoto to the rear cabin, as expected, but rather below decks towards the hold. There are more tengu down there, and again, they all seem busy, and even though they all have their faces obscured by their kasa, Morimoto still feels he's being watched.

    They pass down a narrow corridor that is dimly lit by small lanterns. Finally they come to a door, and the tengu raps on it with the back of his hand. A moment later, a small panel slides open and a glittering black eye appears followed by a voice, "Yǒu shé me wèntí?" The guide steps aside to allow Morimoto to be viewed behind him. The voice beyond the door says, "Yǒu yīgè wèntí..." This is tengu for "Is there a problem? There's a problem..." Morimoto knows a smattering. The panel smacks shut.

    Locks are undone and bolts slide open. Nobuyoki is there in a dimly lit room cluttered with cargo. "Back so soon? Was the Regent not a sufficiently amatory host? How truly startling! Well, by all means, come in. Be seated. Clearly you have not yet satiated your appetence for my refulgent company." He motions for Morimoto to enter, then closes the door.

    There is a hanging hammock suspended from two sturdy wooden columns where another tengu is seemingly sleeping. There is a barrel nearby that serves as a night table. Atop it is an oil lamp, a pitcher, a cup, and a shallow bowl. There is also a stool close to the slumbering figure where Nobuyoki sits. "Pull up a box," he says. "My unfortunate friend here seems to be coming around."

    Once Morimoto has found a place to sit, Nobuyoki turns to him and says, "so, you still have business to conduct... where is your lord and master, Tsuyoi Damu, was it?"

  94. While a slow learner of most topics, Morimoto has the ability, upon hearing any song, poem, or turn of phrase, to remember it completely thereafter. It is the singular talent which made him a regular at court. This Tengu's language reminds the young bard of lyrical phrasing, though stilted, filtered through the sieve of trade-speak. As such, Moto has an undeniable fondness that defies his contempt for the profession, which he relates close to swindling. Nevertheless, Nobuyoki's craft is rubbing off through his language.

    The bard also realizes he cannot fool the master. Truth is his greatest asset here. Armed with this knowledge, Moto get's right into it.

    He bows to the master Tengu upon entering the sleeping chamber. "Thank you for seeing me again at this later hour. I regret my impertinence earlier, though at the time it was deemed necessary. Of course, the charade is also no longer useful, so I have come alone, though my able associate waits on the pier for my swift return.

    "As you have doubtless surmised, we are agents of the Empire. Our business here is official, though not specifically sanctioned. Obviously, the current political climate is volatile, and oversight non-existent.

    "You said you were no friend of the Regent, and business was better under the Empress. Only time will tell how your fortunes will change as a result of last night's events. That being said, I have first-hand information that would be invaluable to you, regarding the true state of things. Empowered with the information I know, you can manipulate the price of goods in your favor in any port connected to this sea.

    "Of course I don't simply expect you to engage in trade without proof. You remember the whip I showed you earlier? It belonged to the Regent himself. How did I come to acquire it, you would ask..."

    Morimoto turn and raises he armor and shirt, exposing the jagged lash marks on his back, which match the hideous teeth of the whip. He then resets his armor.

    "I am Kitsune. My family was abducted tortured, and executed in the Royal Court for the Regent's amusement. I was under this weapon's smite when Amatatsu Ameiko and her heroes stormed the Palace and dethroned the Regent. I was saved by the Empress, and in return, I have pledged a life debt to her. I served in her court, and as I mentioned, my business here is official." Morimoto produces the Empress' jewelry and the letter and seal of the Governor as proof.

    "I was at the cemetery last night when the assassin struck. The Empress is said to be dead, but the truth is rather more complicated. I can tell you everything I know of the fate of the Empress. Is that information valuable to you?

    "Obviously, I want something in return. The information I have to give is not only valuable, but it is potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. I would be putting my faith in you, Nobuyoki. That is a bond I will not break, so long as you honor it. Additionally, I need to know if what you say about the noqual ore is truth, and its properties are as you described.

    "You said noqual ore disrupts magical energies. How does it do that? Is there an area of effect, and what is the effectiveness of the chunk that you possess? Does merely having the rock on your person make it so that magic cannot be used against you, or must if be refined?

    "These questions are critical to my task and any transaction we make. If information as I described is of limited value, then I will offer the jewelry in trade, assuming the noqual ore is the proper tool."

    "Also, I will only tell you what I know of the Empress in private. It is that powerful. I cannot trust it to any other." Morimoto casts his eyes on the other Tengu in the room.

    "What say you?"

  95. Takeru keeps his dumb-stare on his face, and drifts back to a pile of crates...putting his back to a wall, or giving him the option to climb higher, as events warrant. He's not really worried. As long as the bard doesn't do something kingdom-shattering, like divulging the truth about the Empress, things should be just fine.

  96. "You are an interesting fellow, Morimoto," replies the tengu with a grin that curls up on his feathery cheek. "I am inclined to trust you, and to believe your story of how you acquired the whip. From my limited knowledge of the Empress, she seems to be different from most monarchs. I've even heard a tale that she once tended bar in Avistan. That's a ruler I can support!"

    Nobuyoki rises from his seat. The ceiling is low, but he doesn't need to duck to pass under the rafters safely. "I do not know how much information on the Empress would be worth to me... so long as she sits the Jade Throne, I am content enough. If her life is truly in danger, I might be predisposed to be of some help. These last five years have not only been kind to my chosen vocation, but to all tengu in Minkai.

    "As far as the noqual is concerned, I spoke true in regards to its properties. Though with the amount that I possess, it could be used to fashion a few weapons or perhaps a suit of armor -- if worked by a skilled smith. These would do greater harm to creatures born of magic, or, in the latter case, make the wearer more resistant to spells. I have heard that in a distant land called Numeria, there are golems fashioned from noqual that can drain magic away from any spell-casters nearby, and use the energy to repair themselves. What a formidable foe that would be!"

    The slumbering tengu in the hammock begins to stir. "My apologies, by the way, for my harsh words of your kind earlier. I meant nothing personal by them, I simply had a bad experience with a kitsune recently. But that shouldn't reflect poorly on your entire race. After all, not every tengu you will encounter will be as scrupulous & endearing as I."

    Nobuyoki walks back over to the hammock and looms over the resting figure with his arms crossed. "This one, for instance... his fellows have been dabbling in some dark business, indeed, if the dyspepsia in my bowels tells me true. The only reason he is here, and not washed up dead on the shore somewhere, is that his former colleagues seem to have grown exasperated with his company. Perhaps their altercation is reason enough to at least hear his side of things."

    He fills the cup on the makeshift nightstand from the pitcher. "Do you have reason to believe that my ore can be of service to her DIvine Majesty?"

  97. Morimoto's spirits are raised by the words of the Tengu. Here may be an ally he can trust.

    "I admit, my own familiarity with magic is limited. I know the tricks of the trade, and nothing more. I have seen first-hand some of the terrible power that is possible, and I do not wish to encounter such devilry again.

    "In this case, my companions and I have been refused entry into that monstrous iron statue, by a magical little face which confounds our attempts to bypass it. We believe we need to gain entry and confront the villains therein. Having said all this aloud, it seems like so very little to go on, but as I mentioned, this effort is not specifically sanctioned. We are releasing shot in the dark, so to speak.

    "So to answer your question, I cannot say for certain, but maybe the noqual ore will render the magic entrance impotent of its quality, permitting free entry. What will then find inside is another mystery. But yes, everything I do is in service to the Empress.

    "Anyway, that is my plan. What it lacks in practicality it makes up for by never having been tried..."

    Morimoto takes notice of the beleaguered Tengu for the first time, acknowledging Nobuyoki's repeated inclusion of the poor fellow in the conversation. The slow-drying mortar which binds together fragments in Moto's feeble mind at last sets, and he begins on a new course of thought.

    "What is this 'dark business' which torments your bowels so? A toxin of some nefarious flavor? It was a poison of unknown origin which struck down the Empress last night. Please, tell me what you know of this one's activities, and of the device and solution which has you so afflicted."

  98. "Hah! That is a clever notion, indeed!" replies Nobuyoki, now no longer attempting to be quiet. "I would not have thought to try such a thing, but I'd be interested to know if noqual could have such an effect... though perhaps not the amount I have available. I'll bet a Numerian noqual golem could walk right through that damn wall, though!

    "But, to address the other subject on your mind -- and on my troublesome duodenum -- is this curious fellow. A few of my crew members found him on the threshold of death, in the shadow of the Regent himself. The heartless scum of Shadow Harbor stepped over his body like a sack of refuse. But, my sailors, seeing one of our own countrymen in desperate straits, brought him aboard. He still breathed, but only barely.

    "We had been noticing this one and a few other unsavory tengu pecking around the statue during our previous visits. Strange, considering how the native residents of Kasai avoid the thing like its going to step on them or something. Anyway, we hadn't seen them poking about in some time. I figured they moved on to some other dark corner to roost. But then this fellow was brought onto my ship.

    "He's been in and out of consciousness, but never quite lucid. Talks in his sleep, too. We tengu talk a lot. Never shut up. We love words. Well this one was chatting in some tongues even I never heard before. Seemed to be talking to someone in particular, too. Weirdest thing I ever heard. But, from what little bits I could piece together, he and his compatriots were up to something pretty insidious inside that accursed statue. Something that scared the shit out of him. Well, my guess is, this one had second thoughts, but his former mates didn't take too kindly to it."

  99. Morimoto, having gained confirmation of what the group suspected to be true regarding the statue, and finally recognizing that the end of the lead has been reached, bows to the tengu.

    "Thank you, master tengu, for allowing me to speak with you once more. You have helped to shed light on a matter which is paramount to the future of the Empire. Should things work in our favor, you will continue to enjoy profitable trade in this port.

    "Now I must disembark and rejoin my companions. I hope we meet again."

    Assuming no last-minute revelations, Moto leaves the boat quickly and rejoins Takeru. My guess is that the two fleet-footed young men may catch the group's elder statesman and the samurai before they reach the Temple. We will try.

    1. "Just one more thing," Morimoto turns at the door, scratching his scruffy tussle atop his head.

      "This ill-tempered kitsune fellow you mentioned having a run-in with earlier. What can you tell me about him, and of that encounter?"

  100. ((OOC: By all means. Please do describe your Eidolon. Also, "Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser" heals 1d10 hp, so you'll need to post some dice rolls. (And how did it get wounded? I sense some exciting hijinks were in the mix!))

  101. Morimoto, his exit plan halted by this curious occurrence of a doll coming to life, rearranging the furniture, and then collapsing upon it, apparently to return to its prior inanimate form, turns slowly back toward Nobuyoki.

    "Sooooooo, anyway... What were you saying earlier about the Kitsune you encountered who put you off?"

  102. As Krylok enters his meditative trance, Nobuyoki shakes his head in an exasperated manner, before turning his attention back to Morimoto and his most recent question. "Oh! Pardon me, I'm not ignoring you. I was just distracted."

    He rubs his feathery fingers beneath his chin (if it could be called that), and says after a moment of thought. "Well, honestly, she came to me much the same way you did... seeking rare materials for sale. She didn't bother to hide her true nature, either. She was resplendent in reddish fur, pointed ears, fluffy tails, and everything! Something I didn't like about her right away, though. A little too prurient for my tastes -- obviously, I'm into feathers, not fur.

    "Anyway, I had some of the items she sought, but didn't let on about it. The queer thing is, I sent her away empty-handed, but the next day I noticed those materials she wanted were gone. Well, I let my crew hear about it -- letting some salacious strumpet make off with some of my cargo!

    "The thing is, to a man, they all insisted I gave her those items personally. They saw me take her below decks, unlock the storage cabinet, and hand over everything she asked for. Then I escorted her off the ship pleasant as can be! I don't remember a damn bit of any that happening, but all the evidence attests to that I did. You'll forgive me, but I got my fill of kitsune after that."

  103. Moto fears the sun may already be set, so he asks just two more questions before returning to the temple with Takeru:

    "What was the Kitsune's name, or what alias did she provide?"


    "What were the items that were missing which you do not remember giving to her?"

    Morimoto has put off his companions long enough. As it is, he will need to apologize to the Empress for missing the deadline. Alas, he cannot help himself.

    "What is to become of this fellow?" He asks, pointing to the miraculously revived tengu in the corner. "He has been inside the statue. His knowledge may be valuable to our efforts."

  104. "She told me her name was Sui -- as you suggest, a likely alias. She made off with some items I picked up in Minata, but which were acquired, I'm guessing, on some remote island much farther from here. They were not of any culture native to Tian Xia -- at least not any culture you'd find anywhere today.

    "Let's see... there was a necklace of seashells and a ceremonial knife made of obsidian. Very strange design, both of them. Primitive relics of some kind. Probably worthless. Then there was a coral coffer containing black pearl powder. That was definitely valuable. Then she took a weird glass statuette. She couldn't have just stashed it somewhere. It was very fragile and too difficult to carry except with great care. She must have had my assistance, or someone else's. I think that piece was one of those rare sculptures that sometimes gets pulled out of the beach after a storm -- sand that's been melted together from a lightning stroke. Beautiful... but can't say I'm too upset about missing it. It filled me with a tremulous trepidation. Almost looked like some bizarre winged thing."

    After pondering the question a bit more, Nobuyoki shakes his head and says, "I think that's all she took. And right from under my nose! That's not easy -- you see the size of this thing!"

    In regards to the meditating tengu, Nobuyoki says, "humph! He might be valuable, as long as he still has all his bits and pieces in place. Whatever his comrades did to him, he nearly didn't survive it. Lucky bastard. Or unlucky, depending on your point of view. You can have him, as far as I'm concerned. He was muttering about some really twisted things going on in that hollow giant.

    "In any case, as soon as the ship is loaded up, we're heading back to Kwan Lai. It's been a terribly unprofitable visit, and Kasai seems to be on the tipping point of something I'd rather not be around for. If you happen to visit Hisuikarasu, ask around for me. Chances are I won't be there, but it helps my reputation to have people talk about me around town."

  105. "A traitorous rogue, you say," Morimtoto offers toward the other tengu. While the young bard has grown quickly fond of Nobuyoki after a rough start, he shares the same first-impression of this other fellow. He reminds himself to not be so quick to judge.

    Not exactly sure how to win friends or influence people outside of taverns or teahouses, Moto goes for the direct approach.

    "Master Krylok, I am Morimoto. You brag about your exploits inside the statue, and of the dangers therein. Me and my accomplice outside have need to access the statue. We would pay well for a guide and knowledge of what to expect. If you seek vengeance, we will not prevent you from taking actions to satisfy your bloodlust. Indeed, we may share a common purpose against those inside."

    Morimoto is keen to present the various weapons dangling from his belt and armor in an effort to look more warrior and less poet.

    "Master Nobuyoki can speak to the quality of our group." The bard winks toward the first tengu.

    "Master Krylok, will fifty gold crowns secure your services in this hour? Of course, you may have a few minutes to relieve your, err, bowels, but we must go quickly. We are already late in our mission to get inside."

  106. Takeru begins fidgeting in his hiding spot. The bard has been too long away to simply do his business and be away. But there have been neither sounds nor signs of scuffle, so the time of action is not yet here.

    ((OOC: And unto this world an Eidolon is come...and hell followed with it. *evil grin*))

  107. "Fair travels, Nobuyoki." Morimoto finally takes leave of the tengu and heads above deck, expecting Krylok to follow. The goal now is clear: return to the statue, get inside, and root out the evil within.

    OOC: I'm going to skip my part of roleplaying introductions. Unless DM has some obstacle to leaving the ship, Moto will make for Takeru somewhere on the dock.

  108. Morimoto makes his way out of the hold, up to the main deck, and back to the gangplank. He must make way for tengu sailors continuing to pack up the ship and preparing to disembark. Takeru is waiting not-so-patiently back on the dock.

    Back on board, Krylok is speaking with Nobuyoki briefly as the bald tengu's bizarre companion waits nearby. The strange creature licks its lips with a long, serpentine tongue to the crewmembers who pass by, but otherwise it remains silent. Nobuyoki hands Krylok a spear and gives him a small bow before bidding him farewell.
