Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scene 6: The Iron Regent

Age of Succession, 7217 IC 
Month of The Cherry Blossom
First Day of Spring
Early evening, just after sundown
Clear skies with a biting wind out of the northwest

Morimoto joins Takeru down on the dock and sees their strange new companions making their way down the gangplank. Krylok still seems rather weak and he leans on his spear like an an old man's walking stick. His 'associate,' clad in plain brown robes provided by the tengu, slithers up behind him, however, looking lithe & deadly as a viper. Takeru raises an eyebrow at the subtle feminine features barely concealed beneath the robe, but then he notices the stinger-tipped tail waving about just below the hem. 

As Krylok walks by, he says, "follow Krylok," and motions to the others with one curled finger. He leads the minstrel and the ninja back towards the right foot of the colossal statue and the great stone pedestal on which it rests. Once the group is standing together before the leering demonic face, the tengu raises his spear into the air held horizontally in both hands. Then he lowers it and sinks to his knees (with some effort & discomfort). With the spear held out in front of him now, he bows down on the worn patch of ground and says, "bid your humble servant Krylok enter, great Iron Emperor and lord of the Jade Throne..."

As before nothing at all seems to happen.

The tengu rises and says in a low voice, "follow close behind Krylok. It won't stay open very long. And be ready... we will be expected."

With that, Krylok turns and walks straight towards the blank stone wall, his bizarre 'pet' close on his heels. Just when the tengu's beak should smack right into solid stone, he passes right through the wall as though it weren't even there. The strange robed creature follows him and disappears into the pedestal in a similar way. 

Then all is quiet.


  1. Morimoto hesitates. Charging headfirst into enemy strongholds is really not his thing. He watches the old bird step through bravely, as if tengu know they will be reincarnated to a greater form befitting their fate. The young kitsune does not share such convictions.

    But he remembers that his life - all the time he has had since the demise of the regent - is owed to the Empress. And so if it must be forfeit it will at least be in her honorable service.

    He withdraws the whip of the regent, holding it gently in his hand, with the coil looped in his forefinger, ready to lash out at the first sign of trouble. In the other hand he grips tightly the small buckler. Then he takes a couple deep breaths, looks over to Takeru and nods.

    Then he jumps forward, following Krylok.

  2. Takeru is anxious. To jump in blindly into the next of the viper or the cave of the bear is the worst tactical situation. Necessary, oh of course, but not good.
    He decides it's time to drop pretenses. He brings his scarf over his nose, draws duty from his right shoulder, and advances on the heals of the bard, balancing on the balls of his feet, crouched in a tactical walk.

  3. Blackness and cold. Those are the only sensations that are experienced upon passing through the stone wall. Nothing can be seen, or felt, or heard. The utter detachment from one's senses is extremely unnerving. Morimoto & Takeru feel so completely alone and distant from anything they have ever known... though this impression lasts only a brief moment. They both rush ahead with a desperate haste. They only stop when they feel air on their faces again.

    It is a cramped, damp, and oppressive air, but it is better than being in the wall. It is still very dark. Only a faint reddish glow emanates from their right, like dying embers. It smells earthy and stale. Breathing is a labor in this place. Even the slightest noise echoes for a moment, but then dies as if sound is swallowed up.

    Morimoto can bear the dismal surroundings no longer. He uses a simple charm to summon up a white glow which he casts upon the first thing he plucks from his pouch -- a tiny marble. The illumination fills up the space within the stone pedestal. What the light reveals is somewhat less charming than the darkness.

    The chamber -- which is roughly fifteen feet deep and thirty feet wide -- can be described at first glance as a sepulcher. Almost every square foot of the walls are cramped shelves carved into the stone that are littered with mouldering bones wrapped in rotting rags. Here and there, dusty urns are collected amongst the bodies. There are no honorable burials here. The corpses are arranged along the walls with economy in mind. As many bodies as possible were interred here, without any consideration for the dead.

    Turning to the right, the explorers can see the source of the red glow. Filling most of the far end of the chamber is a crouching idol of a grinning demon. Squatting before it is a black stone altar carved to appear as though a dozen skeletons are holding up a funerary sarcophagus. The skeletons are vaguely human-sized, but are squashed nearly flat under the weight of the massive block above. Rusty-brown streaks cascade down the sides of the altar. There are iron rings riveted to the sides of the block.

    The head of the great statue is apparently hollow, for there is a hellish red light weakly flickering behind its eyes and widely smiling mouth. Its face is reminiscent of some of the ghoulish figures carved on the outside of the pedestal. It also chillingly reminds Takeru and Morimoto of the terrible mache mask from the teahouse.

    The wall behind the statue is curved. A set of stone steps curls upward to the left of the statue and disappears somewhere above its head. To the right, there is a black, empty well with curving steps spiraling downward beneath the leering demon. Krylok stands before the altar, leaning heavily on his spear. His companion tosses off her cloak and stretches her limbs a bit before she (it?) leaps up atop the block of stone and perches there near the tengu's shoulder.

    The bird-man says in a whisper, "Krylok is very weak... you are better fighters than you look, yes?" The vaguely feminine creature crouched above him grins then spits to the side.

  4. Morimoto shivers. His senses are keen, but clearly he is out of his element.

    "Krylok," whispers the bard, "now would be a good time for you to quickly tell us everything you know about this place. Have you been upstairs, down, or both, and what did you find?"

    He keeps his head on a swivel, expecting death at any moment.

  5. Takeru continues to look around, clearly wondering what the bird-man will say to the inquiry.

  6. The tengu taps gently on the stone flagstone floor with the butt of his spear and says, "down there is where the degenerates came from... distant cousins of the tengu who never became civilized. When our kind lost the ability to fly, long ago, they forever cursed the sky and retreated deep below the ground. The catacombs below must connect to their ancient tunnels & caverns. Krylok went down there once... never will Krylok go back."

    His ashen-skinned companion hisses as her tail whips back and forth. Then Kryok continues. "Up there," he points with the tip of his spear toward the ceiling, "is where we must go. The statue is hollow, but there are gates that lead from place to place. Magical gates. Krylok does not know all the ways, but he can get to the top. That is where Yamabushi will be."

    He sighs impatiently, "now are we done talking? Waiting is not wise... if he does not know we are here already, he will soon. The more time Yamabushi has, the less of a chance we have to leave this place alive."

  7. Takeru nods. "Then let us head up. We waste time here."

    He silently mounts the stairs, Duty held before him.

    ((Stealth roll: 14 + 10 = 24))

  8. Morimoto follows closely, but not too closely, and attempts to emulate the ninja's stealth, with limited success.

    OOC: Stealth Roll 10 + 6 = 16.

  9. Krylok carefully follows Morimoto up the steps, all the while leaning on his spear and glancing back furtively towards the shrine on the ground floor. His companion brings up the rear, her/its tail swishing behind.

    The stairs curve upwards, and seem to (just from the echo) lead into a larger space above. The steps emerge in a surprisingly cramped chamber -- though it is cramped only for those who must remain standing on the ground. It is roughly circular, or perhaps cylindrical is more appropriate, and about 15 ft. in diameter. By raising his marble overhead, Morimoto can see that the ceiling is well over 25 ft. in height. There does not appear to be any visible exits.

    The only furnishing in the chamber is a raised dais in the room's center. It is circular in shape with two steps leading up to the top which is nearly three feet above the floor. The surface of this platform is flat, but carved with many intricate shapes of dizzying complexity.

    Along each wall (except the section given to the stairwell), there are carved bas-relief figures of various sizes and bizarre appearances. There appear to be five in all: the largest (at least 20 ft. high) taking up the entire northeast wall, a 10 ft. sculpture opposite the stairs to the east, a roughly human-sized figure each to the south and west, and another giant (over 15 ft. tall) on the southwest wall. Some flickering flames lit in the open palms of the latter carving give off some dim light.

    OOC: Since Stealth is going to be one of the more commonly used skills, I'd like to point all of you towards the rules that we'll be using. The existing rules are a little unclear regarding certain uses of Stealth, so we'll be utilizing a set of rules that are currently being playtested. Check this out: .

    So, it is important that when stating you're using Stealth, to make me aware of what your movement rate is.

    Also, as a general heads-up, for the last month I've been putting in lots of OT, so I'm getting home later and hitting the sack earlier. Plus, I have significantly less energy than usual. Don't be surprised if my posting rate is affected.

  10. Morimoto scratches the scruff on his chin. "Krylok, what is this place, exactly." The bard gives up trying to be stealthy, as he is clearly only hurting the ninja's chances. Better to draw attention away from the more lethal member of the team. He places the marble atop the pedestal so both hands are again free for other actions.

    OOC: I dunno. Perception, maybe? 10+5 =15.

  11. Takeru listens to the birdman's answer to the bard's question while he silently moves around the perimeter of the room, looking for a way out, or maybe a secret set of doors.

    [Perception = 3+ 5 = 8]

    ((OOC: moving at half-speed. Since there is no immediate danger, I'll just be taking 10 in the stealth checks for the now.))

  12. Morimoto places the glowing sphere gently into one of the many grooves carved into the top of the dais, where it can rest without rolling away. Meanwhile, Takeru begins to circumnavigate the outer edge of the chamber. The frightful sculptures encircling them are fashioned with elaborate detail... meaning there are many places a hidden mechanism could be disguised.

    To Morimoto's inquiry, Kryok replies in a low voice, "this is the gate chamber... or one of several. From this place, one can travel to many different areas of the statue. But only if you know the proper keys." The tengu walks over to the gigantic carving built into the north wall. His long, spidery fingers gently touching the stone designs that comprise the mountainous figure. "Krylok knows some of them."

    Takeru has not explored far and Morimoto has barely the time to turn away from the central pedestal when the platform begins to crackle with bluish energy. There is a strange sound and bright light flashes throught the room as lines of electricity dance across the stone surface.

    Morimoto instinctively jumps away as he feels the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Takeru & Krylok both spin around in alarm at this startling development. The tengu's "pet" hisses menacingly at the display.

    Krylok looks at each of his companions, "Krylok did not do that... someone else has activated the gate from the other side!"

  13. OOC: Morimoto positions himself to take an attack of opportunity on anything that comes through the portal.

    Why does using a whip provoke an attack of opportunity? I see the rules for AOO qualification:

    Provoking an Attack of Opportunity: Two kinds of actions can provoke attacks of opportunity: moving out of a threatened square and performing certain actions within a threatened square.

    "Moving: Moving out of a threatened square usually provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents. There are two common methods of avoiding such an attack—the 5-foot step and the withdraw action.

    Performing a Distracting Act: Some actions, when performed in a threatened square, provoke attacks of opportunity as you divert your attention from the battle. Table: Actions in Combat notes many of the actions that provoke attacks of opportunity."

    Clearly, using a whip does not meet either threshold, but I get there are also exceptions for ranged weapons used in melee. A whip is not the same as a bow or a sling - it is a one-handed weapon that can be quickly re-targeted. Not doing any damage seems penalty enough. In my opinion, equipping a whip in melee combat is the same as being unarmed, and using it no different than throwing a punch, which does not provoke AOO.

    1. I am mistaken. An unarmed attack does provoke an AOO, which is stupid. Try telling that to an actual ninja and see if your clumsy dagger will save you from having your larynx crushed by his heel.

      Ugh, there's an exhausting chart of AOO provocations. Talk about sucking the fun out of a combat system.

      Delivering a coup de grace provokes AOO? Really? What, form the corpse whose head just just severed?

      Opening a door does not provoke AOO, but running through it does.

      Mounting your horse does not provoke AOO, but retrieving an item from its side bag does, unless it is a weapon from a fastened sheath, which does not, unless you are also moving with the fidgety horse, in which case you might as well slit your own throat, which would not.


  14. Takeru sprints next to the platform and crouches down, ready to take on whoever should appear.

    ((Stealth check 10 + 10 = 20. I'll field Mike's question in email.))

  15. Several long, breathless moments go by, and finally, Krylok says, "this is not an attack... Krylok know Yamabushi very well. This is an invitation..."

  16. Takeru looks around, his blade unwavering, but he awkwardly says, "Who...who is Yamabushi? This is an ally of yours?"

  17. "Let's go find out."

    As he is want to do, Morimoto throws caution to the wind, steps onto the pedestal, and jumps through the portal.

  18. "Krylok had a friend named Yamabushi once," he grips his spear in both hands and heads towards the the platform. "But that friend is dead."

    In three successive flashes, Morimoto, Krylok, and his alien companion disappear.

  19. As soon as the explorers step upon the stone dais, they are overwhelmed with a strange tingling sensation that envelopes their whole body for an instant. Their vision goes blindingly white for an instant and then black as the feeling of spinning in mid-air rapidly makes them wildly dizzy & disoriented.

    A moment later -- just as the whole experience becomes terribly unpleasant -- Takeru & Morimoto find themselves spilled out onto a cold stone floor. They have both lost their equilibrium and feel quite nauseous. Krylok, however, is standing nearby, leaning on his spear. "Krylok got used to that after a while." Crouching next to him is his eidolon, licking her lips hungrily.

    As soon as their senses return, Takeru & Morimoto uneasily get to their feet and look around. They are within a vaulted space, the domed ceiling perhaps forty feet or more overhead. The floor where they stand is not spacious, and is lit with a baleful green light that comes from a broad, oddly-shaped window cut into one wall. Against the walls flanking the window are two ramps that spiral upwards towards a balcony that rings the perimeter of the chamber about fifteen feet above. There is apparently another balcony above the first one, but that is not what catches one's attention...

    Almost directly above the group is a semi-circular stone platform that juts out of the balcony overhead. Standing (or perched?) atop this platform is a humanoid dressed in beautiful black lacquered armor. It carries a strange sickle-like weapon in one hand that has a long length of chain trailing from its handle. Most distinctive is the figure's mask that depicts a frightful grinning face. The nose sticking out of the center of it is obscenely long and curved.

    Behind and to either side of the figure are two more dimly glowing green windows that -- along with the larger window at the adventurers' level -- provide just barely enough light to see by. It does not take long to realize that these windows are in fact the eyes and mouth of the Iron Regent gazing out over the Xidao Gulf.

    The humanoid -- presumably Yamabushi -- looks down imperiously and says in a voice that is clear but both screeching & throaty, "Krylok, my old friend... even in death you do not cease to amaze me. But I cannot help but wonder why you would return here. Certainly when I tossed you from the top of this statue you understood I did not want to see you alive ever again? And you bring outsiders, as well? I must find a more severe punishment for you this time! But before you die, I'll have to ask how you survived the fall. Did you finally, after all this time..."

    Yamabushi pauses for dramatic effect and unfurls a pair a large, black feathered wings from behind his back, "grow wings?"

  20. Morimoto had half a mind to try to talk to this devil spawn, but it proved its intentions by inviting the group upstairs and then immediately threatening to kill everyone.

    Taking advantage of the space created while the two fools banter, Moto takes a shot at Yamabushi with his kestros.

    OOC: Roll to hit, 19+3 = 22. Damage, 4+2 = 6.

    1. Moto assumes at this point that they can get whatever they need to know about this place and Yamabushi out of Krylok, if he will ever just tell the group what he knows. Helping to kill his rival Yamabushi should be payment in advance for that info.

  21. Takeru shook with rage as the masked-and-winged visage so openly insulted them. To nakedly extend an invitation and then go on and...gloat...about attempted murder of one of the members present was the height of bad manners. Were this to happen in the dojo he would have shouted to demand satisfaction. Alas, he must needs silently absorb the dishonor as the bard will probably want to talk to the man---whoops, well, guess not.

    Takeru charges up the stairs, weapon held out.

  22. OOC: Unfortunately, there is still a little thing called initiative...

    Here is the combat order:

    Yamabushi = 27
    Takeru = 22
    Morimoto = 9
    Krylok (and pet) = 7

    Yamabushi uses his action to spin the chain on his kusarigama in front of him. The chain becomes a blur as it whistles through the air. Suddenly, he himself appears to become a blur, as well. His body becomes indistinct, almost as if he were a charcoal drawing that has become smeared.

    Takeru heads for one of the curving ramps leading up to the second tier. There are two to choose from. See the map above and let me know which one you choose. You have your wakizashi drawn from earlier.

    Morimoto did not have a weapon out, but draws his kestros (move action). Then he loads the weapon (basically a double move since your desired standard action -- attacking -- would require you to draw & load first). You can fire next round. Keep in mind, a kestros is an exotic weapon with which you are not proficient.

    Krylok backs up a few steps with his spear held before him. His eyes are filled with rage, but his body language betrays a certain amount of fear. His companion hisses at the creature up on the balcony and races towards one of the ascending ramps (whichever one Takeru chooses, she/it chooses the other in the hopes to flank the enemy).

    We'll resolve this round once I hear from Brian.

  23. Takeru, trusting to his speed, will take the further of the two choices. Knowing that this will let Krylok's odd companion get to the foe first, that may set up a flanking opportunity.

  24. Takeru sprints up the right-hand ramp and makes it mid-way around the second tier. He can see the hazy, shadowy shape of the feathered fiend on the opposite side of the chamber. Just ahead, he sees that the balcony will lead up to another ramp and the third tier. He is faced with a choice... continue heading upwards, or try to swing & leap from the next ramp down to the balcony below it (and thus, get closer to Yamabushi).

    Meanwhile, Morimoto has his kestros in hand and he places a feathered missile within it. His target's location is somewhat foggy, but he thinks he can still strike the target.

    Krylok's lithe pet sprints up the ramp to the left and is rapidly five feet from the swirling murk upon the platform. The thing takes a vicious swipe at the bird-man with a talon, and while the attack appears to pass through the blurry outline of her prey, one cannot tell if any harm was done (attack roll = 22, miss chance roll = 14, miss!).

    The tengu spell-caster conjures a greenish sphere of bubbling energy in his hand, and he flings it up towards the balcony. There is a faint smack and a hiss. Suddenly Yamabushi can be heard shrieking, "you will die, die, DIE!"

    OOC: Morimoto -- we can certainly use your attack roll from your previous post when round 2 begins.

    Takeru -- let me know which way you choose to go. Either further up, or to try to get back to the second level. The latter would require an Acrobatics check.

    Krylok seems to have hurt (or at least pissed off) Yamabushi. Round 2 coming up!

  25. Having badly lost initiative, Morimoto will hold the projectile until the next round. This round he begins to inspire the courage of his allies.

    Perform skill roll: 5 + 10 + 15.

  26. The masked villain makes one violent motion downwards with his wings and quickly flies upward and away from his assailant. He rises up to the ceiling, circles around a crosswalk that spans the chamber on the third tier, and then swoops toward the floor.

    OOC: Everybody (except the villain) gets +1 bonus to attack & weapon damage rolls, plus saves vs. fear/charm. 1 of 10 rounds of bardic performance used for the day.

    Yamabushi uses a full-round action to withdraw from melee. Takeru is up next.

    1. What day is it? According to my reckoning it should be just after sundown in the Statue, but the other thread is almost to sunrise.

  27. As the fiend takes to flight, Takeru wastes no words on cries or taunts. He simply extracts a shuriken and throws the steel barb at the fleeing form.

    [to hit: 16 + 6 = 22]
    [damage: 1 +2 = 3]

  28. Rethinking it, Takeru feels that some words might be fitting. "Dishonorable knave! Come down and fight properly! If you have not the heart to stand before us, at least have the decency to meet your ancestors with honor!"

    'Hmmphp! Master assassins and dire spirits and flying bird-men! What I wouldn't give to just slaughter a mass of henchmen!'

  29. As Yamabushi loops around the upper walkway, Takeru lets fly a star-shaped knife at the blurry, dark shape. The ninja cannot see the target clearly, but it slows as the difficult turn is made in these cramped quarters. Takeru aims at the middle, and does not see the shuriken clattering against the far wall -- he thinks he hits!

    Meanwhile, Krylok begins casting another spell (full-round cast, will go off next round). His ravenous pet perches on the edge of the balcony, waiting for her prey to come withnin range (readies an action).

    The winged foe fires a red beam out of its indistinct form which narrowly passes just over Takeru's left shoulder. It alights on the second level balcony, roughly mid-way between the ninja and Krylok's companion. "We shall see how much honor means to you when you are a splatter of red at the foor of this statue!"

    OOC: The other half of the party is on the next day. You guys are in the early evening.

    Takeru is next, followed by Morimoto again.

  30. Takeru ignores the jab. Such 'survival-at-all-costs' if the weakness of such petty thugs. Without honor they are nothing. He continues to toss sharp metal.

    ((OOC: I didn't include my Confidence bonuses last time))
    [To hit: 13 + 7 = 20]
    [damage: 2+3 = 5]

  31. Morimoto maintains Inspire Courage as a free action (unless it interferes with his next action). Taking a pinch of the fine worn stone sand from the floor, he casts a Sleep spell at Yamabushi.

    OOC: Concentration Roll: 16 + 2 + 4 = 22. (If I have to drop the Inspire Courage to make this work for the verbal component, I do so)

  32. Takeru flings another shuriken (which, again, appears to strike the target), and Morimoto casts a spell (which appears to have no effect). With a shriek, an eagle suddenly materializes out of nothingness and dives with talons outstretched at Yamabushi's cloudy form.

    The winged demon and the avian wheel about each other in mid-air (the eagle gouges him a bit with a claw), while Kryok hurls another greenish globe at his hated former comrade. A fiery blast streaks out of the haze surrounding the enemy, but the sudden assault from the summoned creature provides a welcome distraction. The flames scorch the wall just behind Takeru.

    OOC: Round 4 actions, please. As you guessed, Mike, the inspiration effect ceases from your turn on while you're casting the spell. You can resume on your turn in round 4, however (a standard action to start again).

  33. Morimoto recognizes that there is something about Yamabushi that makes him more difficult to keep track of and target. He suspects this is a work of illusion magic, and so he attempts a song of Distraction.

    Perform Skill roll: 13 + 10 = 23.

  34. Takeru uses the eagle's distraction to get out his sling.

  35. While Morimoto switches to a more System of a Down-esque rythym, Takeru switches to a different ranged weapon.

    Krylok's pet is helpless to reach her prey at the moment, but his summoned eagle continues to clash with the winged tengu.

    Counting on his magical protections to hold up, Yamabushi suddenly plummets towards his former comrade, lands next to him, and slashes once with the sickle end of his kusarigama. Krylok squawks as blood splatters on the rear wall of the chamber. The conjurer crumples to the floor, and an instant later, the eagle and Krylok's eidolon wink out existance.

    OOC: Yamabushi is grounded for the moment (just on the other side of the teleporter platform from Morimoto), but three-fifths of the party is now eliminated from the battle.

  36. Rubber biscuit.

    Morimoto gets the regent's whip out from under his shirt and prepares to make a trip attack.

  37. Takeru grits his teeth, re-draws his Wakizashi, and leaps off the platform, trying to get next to Yamabushi.

    ((Acrobatics: 7 + 10 = 17.))

  38. Takeru lets his sling fall to the balcony (free), then he draws Duty and leaps from the ledge (move), trying to land adjacent to his quarry. It is quite a drop, particularly when trying to retain one's balance upon landing, but his ninjutsu training serves him well. With a grunt, he lands immediately south of the magical portal. His body nearly pitches forward from the momentum, but Takeru manages to stick one foot out in front of himself and push himself upright.

    Morimoto lets his kestros fall (free) and then pulls out the green serpentine whip (move). He is northwest of the platform. Yamabushi is directly across from him, to the southeast of the teleporter.

    OOC: Did you subtract 2 shuriken from your sheet, Takeru?

    You both have standard actions yet.

  39. ((OOC:How far am I from Yamabushi?))

  40. OOC: Can Takeru hold his standard action until after mine?

    Morimoto uses his whip to attempt to ensnare and trip Yamabushi.

    OOC: Deferred attack roll: 19 + 3 = 22.

  41. ((Sry, thought I did this already))

    Taerku lashes out with his blade.

    ((to hit: 16 + 6 = 22))
    ((damage: 5 + 2 = 7))

  42. Takeru's sword slashes through the shadowy haze in front of him. Though he cannot see the weapon connect, he can feel the tension in his grip on the handle as Duty bites into flesh.

    Morimoto unfurls his whip and snaps it with a violent movement of his arm...

    OCC: Just to confirm, are you attacking, Morimoto, or attempting a trip maneuver (the modifier is the same)?

  43. The length of glossy green woven leather sweeps over the raised pedestal in a wide enough arc to encompass the uncertain location of the target's legs (but not so wide that it would hit Takeru). Morimoto feels the whip snag and he immediately tugs hard. Though the pull is not enough on its own to topple a full-grown man (or a similarly-sized creature), the demonic tengu must have been shifting his weight while in melee with Takeru, for he is momentarily off-balance. The entangling whip is enough to put him on the ground.

    With a dull thud, the blurry-outlined foes falls, but he immediately squawks "sunpō doa!" With a brief flash of greenish light, the tengu disappears.

    A moment later, there is high-pitched laughter echoing from above. Gazing up, the heroes can see a shadowy shape moving about on the curving balcony high above on the third tier. "Impressive, my friends! Most admirable! While I have not been quite this entertained in far too long, you might at least tell me why you would risk yourselves for this two-time traitor here... first he betrayed his own people, then he betrayed his best --his only -- friend. I am curious, is the cause of such a pitiful creature worth your lives?"

  44. Moto coils his whip and casts cure light wounds on Krylok.

    OOC: Concentration roll = 1 (sorry Krylok)

    "Yamabushi, we know nothing of this fool's cause. In truth, his gibberish has been an annoyance my companion and I have tolerated at great personal restraint. We enlisted him to get us inside this chamber, and for no other reason. Whatever his greivance is with you, we are indifferent.

    "You must admit, all this demonic imagery would give pause to any right-minded indeividual crossing the threshold. And your rhetoric does not engender trust, nor, do I suspect, would you intend it that way. So we could continue to fight, and prolong this inconvenient encounter, or you could explain what it is you do here, and for what purpose. In return, we will share with you why it was important for us to seek you out, and why the very future of the Empire hangs on the outcome."

  45. Takeru is a creature of pragmatism. During the exchange he retrieves his sling, and add his voice to the discussion. "Indeed. We have evidence that this place is a source of grief and strife. As you appear to hold influence here, that is indication enough to make us wary. That your first words were those of threat and malice simply made it known that, even did you have no hand in the Recent Unpleasentness, then certainly the land would be no less stable after your passing in any respect.
    And since Krylok has done us favor, and you have done none, for what little way care about your woes, his ledger is still more positive than yours."

  46. "His ledger is soon to be erased," croaks the shadowy shape high above as Takeru once again climbs the ramp up to the second tier to retrieve his sling. "Heal him if you wish... I only get to experience the pleasure of killing him a third time."

    The dark haze begins to pace the walkway before continuing. The whistling of his kusarigama's chain can be heard spinning through the air. "But, as you point out, you simply utilized Krylok's hatred for me to gain entrance to my abode. Indeed, our ends do not seem obviously in conflict... but I would know, out of simple curiosity, where did you find my former friend? I expected him to be food for the crows, so you can imagine my surprise!

    "I would be pleased to answer your questions, for I have nothing to hide. But, please, first satisfy my curiosity..."

    Krylok, meanwhile, begins to stir weakly in the wake of Morimoto's spell. He will live (at least for a little while).

  47. "Nor do we. If you must know, I found him rotting in the bottom of a merchant ship at the near docks. His mates were eager to discharge him. Now that your morbid curiosity is surely slaked, my lethal companion and I are quite interested to hear your story."

  48. Takeru stays silent and listens. He doesn't know what deep game either of these masters are playing, but the longer they keep the bird-man talking, the longer he has to try and find a weakness. Surely he must have used all his chi in the combat!

  49. A throaty chuckle warbles from the tengu, "Nobuyoki, I do not doubt... he would have gladly slit Krylok's throat under different circumstances. But, he is ever the champion of the downtrodden & pathetic wretches of this world. I know him well enough. He has a role to play in my tale, as well.

    "Krylok and I were like brothers, born in Kwanlai under the oppressive yoke of Imperial Lung Wa. When our people finally shook off the rule of one cruel despot, they willingly succumbed to another... the ignorant and blind denial of our birthright. The birthright of the sky!

    "All tengu once flew, long ago, and only through our corrupted and sinful ways did we lose our divine gift. But Krylok and I, we knew the truth. We saw the path to redemption. We would no longer crawl like insects as our countrymen were content to do. So, we fled the persecution in our own land and stowed away on a smuggler's vessel. I'll bet you know whose ship it was.

    "Nobuyoki brought us across the Xidao gulf to Minkai where we were able to find like-minded individuals who sought to tear the blindfolds from their eyes. And we found a haven where we could pursue our faith freely. No sooner had our Winged Lord bestowed the gift of flight back upon me, then Krylok decided to betray me and the faith we had given everything to cultivate. Everything.

    "There was a time when all we had was each other and our unwavering belief. But when the moment of truth was upon him, he wavered. That, or he became jealous that I was chosen as the first and not him. I do not know. And I no longer care.

    "Take him from here and know that if he should ever return, he will not have such a warm welcome. I will let my new brothers deal with him. He and I are done." As Yamabushi says this, Krylok weakly rises to his feet clutching the wound that no longer bleeds, but has clearly cut him deeply.

  50. "Indeed, I find a noble undercurrent in your story which belies the horrors of this place you now inhabit. But how does it happen that a tengu, among the lowest wretches in all Minkai, who saw the overthrown of his oppressor, also saw the need to leave his homeland after such a great victory? What was it in Kwanlai that drove you away? And now you embrace this demonic sect - it doesn't add up. Surely, one of your ambition and power would have made a strong candidate to lead his newly freed people.

    "And what of the particularly virulent toxin that is known to have originated from your land? Have you taken it with you to this new empire? Have you used it here? Perhaps you seek to supplant the existing human hegemony? What else could explain this vulgar and ridiculous stonghold?

    "I believe you have not been faithful to the spirit of our agreement. You have not truthfully explained why you are here. What is your intention, master tengu?

  51. Again, the throaty chuckle, "for a creature with external ears, you listen poorly. I have told you, we fled to escape the ingorance of our people and the persecution we suffered for our beliefs. They freed themselves from Lung Wa, but chose to willingly succumb to the slavery of the earth.

    "That is what my followers and I are doing here... practicing our faith freely and closer to the sky. The humans of this land fear the iron regent, I do not. It offers seclusion and serves my purposes well. You, however, have invaded my holy sanctum with the intent to slake the vengeance of this false friend and infidel here. You are no better than hired assassins -- entertaining assassins, perhaps, but assassins nontheless."

    Krylok weakly stands with the help of his spear and replies in a screeching voice, "Krylok is not fooled by your words that would seem sensible and noble, but for the dark spirit that utters them using a tongue that is not his own! Krylok's friend, whose body you inhabit, is long dead! Krylok only regrets that it took so long to face the truth!"

  52. Morimoto considers the words of the tengu. Limited by his dull wit, the kitsune bard cannot see the connection between the demonic presence here and the assassination attempt on the Empress. Krylok has given no useful information that might help him sort it out. Clearly, he mis-stepped by pursuing this course of action, and has wasted valuable time.

    In truth, he is sympathetic to Yamabushi. The tale of his people is one of woe, and to have one's wings clipped is a horror only a fellow creature of the natural world can understand. He considers his own racist persecution at the hands of the regent.

    Thus far, there has been no evidence that what is being perpetrated here is any worse than ritualistic acts. Indeed, Yamabushi's charge has merit. Morimoto is ashamed.

    "Master tengu, forgive us. We were misled, and have no quarrel with you. I regret bringing conflict into your house, however loathsome its appearance. My friend the ninja and I will take our leave of you, and find answers elsewhere."

    Morimoto coils his whip, and returns his sling to it's loop on his belt, then steps onto the dias and waits for the teleportation.

  53. Takeru shrugs in resignment. The statue had seemed obvious as the next step in the trail, but this new tengu was clearly just another ne'er'do'well. A gaze at the bard confirms his suspicious.

    He re-coils his sling, gathers up what shuriken he can find, and joins the bard.
